Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1562: Yishenbing, refining! (300 votes)

Chapter 1562 The God Soldier, Refining! (300 votes)

Chapter 1560 The God Soldier, Refining!

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise keeps on!

In the Youyue Tianzong, the light and shadow of various treasures burst, and the roar continued!

It can be said that Youyue Tianzong is definitely the most powerful sect in Erzhongtian, and there are many old immortals in the sect.

But it's no use!

The strength of the Xuangui clone has far surpassed the average true immortal!

The true immortal of Youyue Tianzong is not dead, in fact, it is an ordinary true immortal, and there are very few remaining lifespans!

After playing for a while, the true immortal old man knew that his life was almost exhausted!

The turtle monster in front of me is still very vigorous!

"Sorrow, sorrow! Unexpectedly, the true immortal came out of the coffin of time and space after millions of years, and the scene he saw was the moment when Youyue Heavenly Sect died!"

Speaking of it, this true fairy is really quite sad, having entered the coffin of time and space for millions of years.

When they came out, it was the time to watch Youyue Tianzong destroy the gate!

"No! As long as I live, my Youyue Heavenly Sect will never be allowed to be destroyed!"

"Even if I die desperately, I will save You Yue Tianzong!"

"I fought with you, monster turtle!"

The real immortal roared violently, and the howl rose into the sky. From his old body, the violent spiritual power surged in all directions!

Immediately, from the Youyue Heavenly Sect, an astonishing number of monks flew out like headless flies.

The Hongyiyuan Zhongzhou and others who were watching outside also paled with fright, "My God, this is a real fairy who wants to blew himself up, run away!"

The true immortal blew himself up, which had never appeared in Erzhongtian's history, but today, driven by Ding Hao's clone, Erzhongtian blew himself up for the first time.

"Die!" Zhenxian beard angered. This time he was desperate and wanted to die with the turtle monster.

His physical body and the small world exploded at the same time, just to die with the Xuangui clone!


Youyue Tianzong released a huge nuclear bomb!

However, before dying, the true immortal saw Xuangui clone sneer, and his figure moved and hid in a small stone.

Fairy soil and stone!

What about a real fairy blew up?

Even if your true fairy blew up to damage the basalt carapace, it was useless. I still have a stronger protection method, fairy earth and stone!

Xuangui hid in the celestial earth and rocks, no matter how big an explosion outside, it has nothing to do with him!

"It seems... This time Youyue Heavenly Sect is really going to end..." The moment this true fairy blew himself up, there was a sorrow in his heart!

With a bang, the entire Youyue Heavenly Sect was completely finished, the sect completely became a huge hole, and the power of the true immortal to explode was still very strong!

But it doesn't matter, at least several powerful men of the Youyue Heavenly Sect have survived, and the elders of Shenfeng have survived. Their survival is to keep the inheritance of the Youyue Heavenly Sect.

"Thanks to that true immortal elder!" The elder Kamikaze was a little bit frightened, and gathered all the elders in the body stage and said, "Don’t worry, thanks to the ancestor’s blessing, use your life , Die with that monster monster!"

One of the elders also roared, "This turtle monster was sent by Ding Hao. He destroyed our sect and killed our ancestors. We must never spare Ding Hao!"

Although he hated Ding Hao, Ding Hao was in the Nine Heavens, and their cultivation level could not do Ding Hao.

However, the elder Shenfeng had a cold expression and smiled, "Everyone, the Nine Heavens City and Xianfan City of One World are below. Since we can't find Ding Hao, we will destroy his city and take revenge on him!"

But just when these people wanted to kill and rush to the sky, from the huge pit that exploded behind, a black-clothed boy slowly walked out of the gunpowder smoke.

"Elder Kamikaze, I'm not dead yet!"

"Everyone here is going to die!"

The Xuangui clone originally wanted to spare some people, but it seemed that You Yue Tianzong was really an evil sect, and being kind to them was cruel to his own people! The avatar of Xuangui decided to kill this evil sect completely! Completely destroy the inheritance of this sect!


"What? He's not dead yet!" The elder Kamikaze and others all paled with fright.

They simply couldn't imagine, at the core of the true immortal's self-destruction, how could this turtle monster retreat all over?

"No, forgive me!"

But now it's useless to beg for mercy. The Xuangui clone no longer wants to forgive anyone, and completely flattens the Youyue Heavenly Sect. From then on, there will be no Youyue Heavenly Sect in Erzhongtian anymore, and the Eight Sect Alliance regroups!

After solving Youyue Tianzong, Xuangui clone immediately set off for Jiuzhongtian!

At the same time, Ding Hao's other clones also rushed to the Nineth Heaven!

The days of getting together are getting closer and closer!


In a blink of an eye, another few years have passed.

The sea of ​​wind is still immensely vast, just like a huge star ring is spinning, deep into the star ring, you can feel that this is a sea of ​​wind and smoke, and people here seem quite small!

In the wind and sea, several true cultivators stood still.

Dangjian Zhenxian took Ding Tianchou, Ding Wanjun, and Ding Longzi, standing in the wind.

"Damn Ding Hao, we can't move forward at all, and we still haven't found them." Ding Wanjun gritted his teeth.

It has been ten years since they entered the turmoil. They have fewer and fewer people, all of them died in Ding Hao's hands. The only ones left now are the four of them.

Ding Tianchou said, "Don't worry, even if the waste is dead, it doesn't matter, we are still fortunate!"

Speaking of this, Dang Jian Zhen Xian Ding Bai Dang's face showed complacency.

Coming into the turmoil, the biggest gain is that he Ding Baidang has achieved the Er Duan Zhenxian!

"Er Duan Zhenxian, even if I leave the storm and go out, I have stood at the pinnacle of the human race! What is so great about Uncle Ding, isn't he the Er Duan Zhenxian? I'm also Er Duan Zhenxian. I will definitely be with him when I go out. I will not accept him!"

Dangjian Zhenxian said to himself.

"Of course, what kind of thing is Uncle Ding?" Ding Long said again, "Dang Jian is a real fairy, or we will give up chasing Ding Lang and them first, but go back to Ding's house and compete with Uncle Ding! "

"No, Ding Lang is the key!" Ding Baidang said with a cold expression, "Although Uncle Ding is very strong, he is not an authentic Ding family. It is impossible to integrate the Ding family based on his prestige! It is the most important thing, Ding Lang is the most authentic Ding family lineage! Although his cultivation is not as good as that of Uncle Ding, his cohesion is unparalleled!"

"Yes, Senior Dangjian is knowledgeable." Ding Tianchou nodded, "So we don't rush out. The most important thing is to wipe out Ding Lang and his son first! Then we will go out again, even if we can't get back to Ding's house. The firm can also split the Ding's firm!"

"Yes, yes, we are waiting here to kill Ding Hao!"

Ding Baidang laughed, "Yes, we are here to guard, I don't believe that Ding Lang and his son will not come out!"


It's done!

In the star-absorbing stone, Ding Hao opened his eyes suddenly, looking at a perfectly round silver ball floating in front of him.

This sphere is perfect, absolutely round, and there is endless darkness in the silver. As long as you stare at it, you will feel the more terrifying the more you look. There is a shocking feeling, hidden under the silver light The black color seems to be a deep starry sky, and it seems to be a huge black mouth!

"This weapon... amazing!"

Ding Lang and Su Ling also watched them, and the feeling of shock made their hearts tremble.

Taiyi Shui Yi also hurriedly withdrew her eyes, she was already sweating behind her back, and she looked at Ding Hao with gratitude.

If Ding Hao's mind wasn't working just now, maybe her mental power would be injured.

"This is one of the favorite weapons of the True Demon King, the Yishen Soldier. After I got it, I have refined it for hundreds of years before it was completely refined!"

When Ding Hao said this, his expression was delighted. After hundreds of years, he finally refined his mind!

"Come and see how it works!"

With a move of Ding Hao's thoughts, he raised his hand and waved his mind into a silver spear!

A lot of blood rain! burst!

Suddenly, ten thousand silver guns flashed, and the power was shocked!

In the next second, Ding Hao changed again, shouting in his mouth, "Yi Shenbing, change again!"

This time Yi Shenbing sticks to Ding Hao's body and flows, forming a liquid silver light film. Finally, Ding Hao's whole body is wrapped, so that his body is covered with a layer of silver armor!

As a result, it becomes very weird, just like a silver human figure.

"It's ugly, make it look better!"

The silver smooth surface has changed again, this time, it has become much more beautiful!

The silver armor and silver boots have the shape of a belt on the silver, and the shape of a fence on the chest. The most handsome thing is that there are two more wing-shaped signs on the helmet, which is very handsome. .

"So handsome, this is a magic weapon, it's amazing!"

The people present all saw the splendor again and again.

Ding Hao laughed and said, "This treasure armor is stronger than the Purple Emperor armor, what else is terrible for me, go out and see!"

Right now, Ding Hao's heart moved and he flew out of the star-absorbing stone.

After flying out, Ding Hao saw a fixed wind pillar in front of him, and the huge text above indicated that this was "No. 978 fixed wind pillar!"

"We have reached the fixed wind pillar No. 978, haha, there are only ten fixed wind pillars left before the end!"

"Why, you can still come out here?" Liu Nu was also a little dumbfounded.

Although he knew that Ding Hao was very good, and admired Ding Hao, there really was no other human being in history who could reach this position!

"Impossible! Impossible! This is Pillar No. 978. Even the three-stage real immortals of humanity can't get here. How can you come out?" Liu Nu felt that he could not believe it!

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Why can't I come out? Liu Nu, don't underestimate me. If I don't have this ability, how can I be your master in the future?"

Having said this, Ding Hao shouted again, "Yi Shenbing, give me another pair of wings!"

Suddenly, from behind his silver armor, another pair of silver wings emerged. In this gust of wind, he flew like a silver butterfly.

Liu Nu was dumbfounded, "This guy is slippery than me."

Three shifts today.

(End of this chapter)

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