Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1563: Crazy forging

Chapter 1563 Crazy Forging

Chapter 1561 Crazy Forging

At the core of Fenghai, there are a total of 999 fixed wind pillars!

The closer to the core, the stronger Feng Hai's might, Ding Hao couldn't stand firm at all by the time the Pillar of Wind 990 was fixed.

The gusty wind howls, any item must be rotated with the gusty wind!

Even Liu Nu himself was constantly spinning.

However, this does not affect Ding Hao and Liu Nu's determination to move forward!

"It doesn't matter if you follow the storm, you still have to rotate, approaching Pillar 999!"

If another person comes at this moment, he will definitely see a surprising sight, that is, two figures are spinning fast in the wind!

"It's so hard to advance a little bit here!" Ding Hao was secretly surprised.

But Liu Nu was holding his head hard, gritted his teeth and insisted, "Brother Ding Hao, my head hurts!"

"I am also a little dizzy!"

After the No. 990 fixed wind pillar, this is the limit of life, a restricted area that most people cannot reach!

The two are still insisting.

It is very difficult to advance here, even if it is a centimeter, as long as you advance, it is not a small improvement.

In this way, move forward slowly.

They even forgot about time and everything, all purpose is to move forward!

Finally one day, No. 991 fixed wind pillar appeared!

"We're at 991!" When he got here, Liu Nu couldn't bear it, and dived into the column pit to gasp.

Then, he threw a few pale yellow fruits in his mouth. These fruits were given to him by Ding Hao, which were used to relieve pain.

It's better to eat a few fruits.

While Liu Nu was resting, Ding Hao was still spinning fast. He was spinning in the wind round and round, in a big circle around the core of Fenghai.

"Brother Ding Hao, don't turn around. I was dazzled. You also hid in the pit of the pillar and we squeezed." Liu Nu began to persuade.

"Get out!" Ding Hao cursed, then followed Feng Hai in a circle.

When he turned back from the other direction, he said again, "I don't want to get involved..."

Without finishing a sentence, he was taken away by Feng Hai's power again. After he turned around and returned to the original place, he said again, "I won't use you so intimately..."

Turned around again, "Posture."

Liu Nu smiled bitterly, "Brother Ding Hao, don't say it. It's too hard to talk like you. You have to go around a few times to say a word."

Ding Hao was in the wind and sea, although he was spinning rapidly, not only did he revolve, but he also rotated, but under this bizarre situation, Ding Hao himself was slowly adjusting!

"Yi Shenbing, give me a small part of the hole!"

Yes, Ding Hao wants to use the terrifying wind and sea power to condense his body!

In the words of Yuhua Zhenxian, the monk fits together, the deity must be stronger than the body of the clone!

Several clones of Ding Hao are very strong.

His fairy clan clone Ding Qi, after many mutations, is stronger than the real fairy! His Xuangui clone is also Xuangui's body, so huge, it's very strong when you think about it! There is also his avatar of all spirits, which is the body of all spirits, and the physical body is far superior to the others!

If Ding Hao's body is weak, he will be affected when he fits together.

To make an analogy, it is very likely that part of his body will become the seven colors of the fairy clan after the body is combined; or affected by the black turtle clone, he will also have an extra turtle shell after the body is combined; it is also possible All the effects of the clones, after the final combination is successful, he becomes a four-unlike!

"This is something I absolutely don't want!"

Ding Hao is absolutely unwilling to happen to this kind of thing, although he is not very handsome, but he is at least a normal human appearance.

Therefore, he must condense his body!

True Immortal Yuhua has taught him, "Preparation period, transformation period, fusion period", and now he is in the transformation period!

But the point is that he has not yet transformed!

"I'm already at the sixth level of the Conjugation Phase, and I must transform, otherwise, I have entered the seventh level of the Conjugation Phase, and it will be very difficult to transform!"

Ding Hao had to transform quickly, so although the situation in front of him was dangerous, it happened to be the time for him to transform himself.

"Ordinary people refining their bodies, even if they are my father's true celestial being, they can only refining their bodies on the Pillar of Wind 482!"

"And I, I want to refine my flesh after setting the wind pillar on 990!"

"I have to slowly open the armor of the minds of soldiers, and let my body and the most dangerous place of Fenghai come in close contact!"

Although Ding Hao thought well, this kind of experience was terrifying.

Ding Hao first put on his arm, letting Yi Shenbing open a crack in the thickness of his hair.


When the wind from outside blew in, Ding Hao's expression became extremely frightened!

At that moment, all the spiritual power of his physical strength was drained, just from the gap of the hair!

"Is this the most terrifying wind and sea effect?"

This is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is that the wind blowing in that hair-like gap turned out to be like a knife, directly gouging away a piece of flesh and blood on his arm!

Blood, ground meat and spiritual power vented crazily from the silver gap like hair!

"It's horrible!" In the next second, Ding Hao closed the crack on the Yishen Soldier, then opened his mouth and swallowed a healing fruit from all injuries. He took a second breath.

To say that healed from all injuries is truly a success, in a short while, all the spiritual power lost in Ding Hao's body and the gap in his arm have all recovered. He has healed from all injuries, and he is truly deserved!

"Your uncle, the wind outside is terrible."

The fat insect's voice heard in his ears, "Master, this place is too dangerous, it's really not suitable for cultivation. If you practice cultivation here, you are just looking for death!"

"Haha, isn't it?" Ding Hao smiled faintly, and said again, "Yi Shenbing, open the gap again, the same place as last time!"

If you give up after a trial, what kind of refining is needed?

The flesh that Ding Hao wants to refine must exceed the flesh of the immortal spirit tribe Ding Qi, the flesh of the immortal beast bloodline Xuangui, and the flesh of the ten thousand spirit clones made by hundreds of thousands of talented monks! Therefore, he must desperately create an extraordinary body, otherwise his deity would have no face to see his clone.

In the same place, the same gap opens!

Soon, all the spiritual power in Ding Hao's body was drained again! And the flesh and blood on his arm was suddenly swept away by the core of Fenghai! The strong wind speed makes the wind here like a knife!

But this time, Ding Hao discovered something.

"Fat insects, don't you feel it, this time my body was destroyed a little bit less than last time!"

Last time, it was the flesh and blood on the arm that was swept away, but this time, it was only the flesh and blood of twenty-nine dollars. In other words, the situation was slightly better than last time.

"Then try again for the third time!"

Ding Hao tried again for the third time. The result of this experiment made him overjoyed!

"There are even fewer flesh and blood swept away by the wind and sea this time!"

"What does this mean?"

"This shows that every time my physical body recovers, it is stronger than before!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao took another healing fruit, let his flesh and blood grow out, and then opened a crack again.

"This way of condensing the flesh..." Liu Nu felt astonished when he looked at it.

Ding Hao's behavior is like a punishment!

People say a thousand knives are slashed, which means cutting the flesh and blood with one slash, then simply healing the wound, and then slashing!

Ding Hao was like this, he damaged his body, healed his injuries, and then came back.

When a part is tough enough, he will let the opening on the Yishen Soldier become a little bigger than before!

"Pain and happiness!"

Ding Hao definitely feels this way now. He is in pain every day, and the taste of the flesh and blood on his body is not good. But he was very happy again, because he felt that his physical body became stronger, and there were more and more organs that the wind and sea could not break!

"If so, every muscle becomes stronger every day, even if the wind here can't break, my physical body will be a great achievement!"

Ding Hao laughed when he thought of this, "Well, if I practice this way, I will one day, after setting the wind pillar at 990, I don't need to wear any armor at all!"

"Brother Ding Hao, I really admire you!" Liu Nu looked at Ding Hao in admiration.

In fact, Liu Nu's life is not easy, the closer he gets to the core of Fenghai, the more painful his mind!

He had been here last time, but after that, he vowed never to come again because it was too painful.

But seeing Ding Hao's persistence, he felt that he could not fail to persist!

Ding Hao endured more pain and horror than him, but Ding Hao was still insisting, so what reason does he not insist on?

"From today onwards, even if I have a splitting headache, I will never say, I will bear it, I can't help it if I don't believe it!"

The two encouraged each other, cheered each other, and walked forward.

"No. 993 has set the wind pillar!"

"No. 994!"

As time passed day by day, surprises came one after another.

"Haha, one of my arms can already be placed completely outside the Yishenbing armor!"

"Use my arm to touch the squally wind here, intimately!"

Ding Hao had an arm, completely without the protection of the gods, and placed it in the wind.

The wind is too crazy. Under this crazy wind, Ding Hao's arm can even be seen to be blown quickly, and one arm quickly loses blood, changes color, breaks, and reveals the flesh and blood inside...

However, Ding Hao smiled faintly, and soon he could see his flesh and blood re-growth, growing in the wind, those broken flesh and skin, re-growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, recovering, and finally recovering as before!

"Haha, I once heard the teacher Yuhua Zhenxian say that in Fenghai core body training, the most powerful thing is to cultivate the immortal wind body!"

"Now I can say that this arm of mine has become an immortal body!"

Looking at the accomplished Ding Hao, Liu Nu nodded, "Brother Ding Hao, you are really a good role model. To tell you the truth, my headaches have gradually diminished with such persistence. I still have to persist. Persevere like you!"

(End of this chapter)

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