Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1578: Ding's family arrangements

Chapter 1578 Ding Family Arrangements

Chapter 1576 Ding Family Arrangements

Ding Hao and Leng Xiaoyu were lingering, and it was already a few days after they were finished.

In the quiet room, there was still an aura of passion, and the two hugged each other.

Leng Xiaoyu's snow-white arms were wrapped around Ding Hao, and his voice was like weeping, and he asked in a low voice, "This way I can have a child, I hope there is a boy."

Ding Hao said, "I think it's good to kill a daughter. I hope to have a girl."

Leng Xiaoyu smiled, "I heard people say that female cultivators who have sentimental fertility avenues can cast spells, otherwise we can find her and give birth to a twin."

"No." Ding Hao shook his head quickly.

In the Seventh Heaven Camp, there are female cultivators who can cast spells, and Ding Hao has also heard of them.

However, Ding Hao felt that this kind of thing, just like the test tube baby on the earth, he still advocates the natural fertility law.

"Okay, just listen to your husband." Leng Xiaoyu took a rest for a while, waited until the blush on his face disappeared, and then said again, "I saw sister Ye Wen a few years ago, she was already fit at that time! Now, I'm afraid there will be a two-layer combination."

"Really." Ding Hao's expression moved.

When he came back this time, he also wanted to see Ye Wen.

However, Ye Wen is in the Sixth Heaven, and Jiuzhou Jiuzu is in charge, especially the Liuli of the Nine Ancestor. It is necessary to say that Ding Hao can go to pick up Ye Wen when he is a real fairy, and she wants to beat her Liuli. Really immortal.

Leng Xiaoyu said again, "Sister Ye Wen has not been easy for so many years. If you have time, you should still bring her to the Nine Heavens Divine Sect. Her aptitude is better than mine, and her cultivation strength is stronger. By the Nine Heavens Divine Sect, we can only strengthen us. Strength, I wish she came here soon."

Ding Hao sighed and touched Leng Xiaoyu's head and said, "Xiaoyu, you are so kind to me."

Originally, he and Leng Xiaoyu were getting together little and more, and the two didn't spend too much time together, but for Ding Hao, she still wanted to take Ye Wen over, which was really intentional.

Leng Xiaoyu curled up in Ding Hao’s arms and said, “It’s good to know that I am, but Ye Wen is the only one, no more, have you heard? Also, it’s not allowed on the surface, and behind the scenes. No! I heard that the true evil and true immortal is really good-looking. Although there is only one wife on the bright side, he and many of his female disciples secretly pass the song, and even the banshee repairs."

"So shameless." Ding Hao was embarrassed, and said that it was really unlucky for anyone to be the disciple of the true evil true immortal.

"Yeah, there's more." Leng Xiaoyu said again, "Last time the Kuangmeng appointed you to go to the undercover Fairy Spirit Clan, someone secretly spread a secret message, it is probably Ningzhenxianhui! Last time Yingzheng mentioned it accidentally, It is said that a person from the Ningzhen Fairy Society was found, but this person was killed the next day, and this matter cannot be investigated!"

"I guessed it was him." Ding Hao sent a clone to undercover the Fairy Spirit Race. That time was really dangerous. If it weren't for the dead ghost of Nanbian King, Ding Qi would probably die in the hands of the Spirit Sovereign.

Ding Hao has thought about this carefully, and what he might do is two factions. One group was Ding Canghai, but Ding Canghai had just been taught by Yuhua Zhenxian at that time, he should not dare to retaliate against Ding Hao in such a hurry; there is another group, Ningzhenxianhui who has always had a rift with Ding Hao, so now Leng Xiaoyu said Ding Hao is not surprised at these words.

Leng Xiaoyu said, "Ying Zheng said again, in fact, if this matter is tracked down carefully, there will still be clues. But later on, because most people in the mad alliance were unwilling to watch the mad alliance split and the human race was in chaos, so It's nothing more."

"I know." Ding Hao snorted coldly.

Now that the human race has just overwhelmed the Immortal Spirit Clan, they have also suffered a great loss. The second stage of the true immortal Ding Canghai has fallen, and many others have fallen. It feels that the human race nowadays is like a patient who has recovered from a serious illness and cannot withstand any more blows, so it is not difficult to understand that the strong people in the mad alliance choose to forbear.

"The Ningzhenxianhui two people played a bit too much last time, but since the crazy alliance is unwilling to pursue it, then I have to give it up!" Ding Hao said bitterly, "but I think the true evil true immortal and the Zining true immortal The two of them are still reluctant, and they want me to hand over the Heavenly Wind Stone this time! It seems that they will be given some color sooner or later."

Leng Xiaoyu said, "Forget it, Ningzhenxianhui's strength is still very strong, Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zining Zhenxian are two second-stage true immortals. The husband and wife are of the same heart, and the benefits are broken. Even the third-stage true immortals are not willing to be easy. Offend them."

Ding Hao asked again, "What news about Emperor Wudao recently?"

Leng Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "I haven't heard from him recently, I don't know where I went."

"This kid." Ding Hao felt that Emperor Wudao should be more careful. Although his cultivation is not as good as his godfather and godmother, the city government and his plan are very deep.

While talking, Ding Hao noticed movement among the clothes he threw in the distance.

"Come here." Ding Hao raised his hand, the clothes were lifted by an invisible force, and a jade card flew over and fell into Ding Hao's palm.

This jade card is not a token of the mad alliance, but a token of the young master of the Ding family.

"It's a message from my mother."

In the past few days, Ding Lang and Su Ling sent several pieces of news to Ding Hao, but Ding Hao was busy making people with Leng Xiaoyu, and they didn't notice.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Ding Hao immediately returned the news.

"Oh, things are all right, but your father sent you a few messages and you didn't reply, so I was a little worried."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Mother, there is nothing to worry about, my son is far more powerful than his cultivation base and he is very powerful."

"What kind of madness is your kid?" Su Ling cursed, and then said, "Your father has something to do with you."

Soon, news of Ding Lang came.

"Hao'er, it's been a month since I took over as Patriarch. I want to deal with the people in the Ding family like this, can you see if it works?"

Not long after Ding Lang took over as the head of the family, he wanted to hear more about the arrangement of the entire Ding family, especially his son.

Ding Hao took a look, and Ding Lang's movements were relatively gentle, regardless of whether it was the Ding family's main lineage or external lineage, or which side of the blood line was biased, they were treated equally! As long as they are descendants of the Ding family, as long as the surname is Ding, with Ding Feiyang's blood, even if there is only a trace of blood, they can be treated equally!

Ding Hao is still acceptable to this. After all, the Ding family's external lineage has developed over the years, and the Ding family has an astonishing number of offspring. Most of these people are honest and honest, and some are even quite sympathetic to the right line, and they can't be killed or driven out of their homes.

However, for those monks outside the Ding family who have murderous crimes in their hands, they must be treated differently. The murderer pays for his life, and the accomplice must be punished accordingly! These are beyond doubt!

"Father, your plan is very good. I agree with you and implement it according to your plan." After Ding Hao read it carefully, he felt that he didn't have a place to comment. It seems that his dad is doing everything without leaking. Very capable.

Ding Lang said again, "It's just that there are a few criminals involved and they are members of the mad alliance, which is a bit troublesome."

Those sinners, if they are not members of the Crazy League, the Ding family can handle them internally, but if they are members of the Crazy League, it will be a little troublesome.

Ding Hao thought of that Cao Taiyi, and he replied, "Father, even if you are a member of the mad alliance, you have to chase it to the end! This way, no matter if it is a positive or external line, those who want to do evil can be shocked! If these people are mad League members, go to the Kuang League to propose a proposal. If it doesn’t work, vote. Don’t forget that your son has 4% of the voting rights! In addition, I also have Cao Taiyi here, a member of the Ding’s squad. This squad has done all the bad things. , Just can prove them."

Ding Lang said with joy, "Great. Those guys have tried to wash away their memories. I'm so worried that I can't find any evidence. If there is a witness, the crazy alliance should be able to handle it."

Ding Hao nodded. Regarding the Ding family's outside line, he didn't want to carry out a major purge, but he didn't want to let any of those sinners go.

Having said this, Ding Hao asked again, "Father, how about Ding Bajiu who is in Liuchongtian Prison? This person is not a fuel-efficient lamp. According to my suggestion, I should kill him sooner! Although his The qualifications are okay, but I believe that he will grow up sooner or later it will be a disaster."

Ding Hao can let others go, it is impossible to let Ding Bajiu, Ding Bajiu inherited Ding Canghai's will, is a completely bad thing.

Ding Lang said, "Ding Bajiu escaped a long time ago. Once Ding Canghai died, Ding Baidang and the others were still in power, so they released Ding Bajiu. Now I don't know where they fled."

" made this kid slip away." Ding Hao gritted his teeth and didn't expect Ding Bajiu this kid to escape fast.

"But I believe this kid will not be reconciled. He will stand in front of me one day!" Ding Hao's face was gloomy. Ding Bajiu was definitely a curse. At the moment, he entered the Heavenly Wind Stone by sound transmission, "Six slaves, help me Think of some means and ask the whereabouts of Ding Bajiu from the mouth of Dangjian Zhenxian."

Liu Slave said, "Master, the true immortal Dangjian is a second-stage true immortal. In my space, he also has a certain ability to protect himself, and my methods are not yet able to persecute him."

"Okay." Ding Hao sighed, "Then wait for me to have enough strength, I will ask Ding Baidang personally!"

At this time, the jade card in Ding Hao's hand lit up again.

It's still Ding Lang's news, "Hao'er, I heard Ding Facai say that you need a lot of great laws to refine your natal gods."

Ding Hao said, "Yes, I asked Ding Facai to buy it for me, but I feel that the law of the galaxy is not so easy to buy."

The world’s nine elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, star, Ding Hao already has the wood system and the wind system, and the others continue to be easy to buy. The rarest is the law of the galaxy! Because there were very, very few cultivators in the Star Dao in history, and even those who have cultivated to the true immortal, even the second stage and the third stage, are even more rare!

Therefore, the avenues of the galaxy are extremely precious outside, and one can reach ten or even a hundred avenues of other systems!

(End of this chapter)

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