Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1579: Choose the principle of the road (two more)

Chapter 1579 The Law of Choosing the Great Way (two more)

Chapter 1577

"Well, for my father, I will help you issue a reward for the Ding family, offering a reward for the law of the galaxy." Ding Lang replied immediately.

"That's fine." Ding Hao still had this thing in mind.

The laws of the galaxy are so scarce that they could not have been bought by Ding Fa Cai. Now that the Ding family has issued a reward order, the chances of buying it should be greatly increased.

Ding Hao said again, "Father, to buy the military exploits required for these nine galaxy avenues, you will tell me in advance and I will pay for it myself! You have just become the head of the Ding family. If you spend a lot of money for me, I am afraid you will be criticized."

Ding Lang laughed and said, "Haoer, don't worry about this, and be free for your father! Although you will be criticized for spending money, if you shrink your hands, you will also be looked down upon! The money you should spend is just It has to be spent! In this world, you will be told about what you do and do! As long as you know it in your heart, let him make irresponsible remarks! The Ding family on the Avenue of the Galaxy pays you, this is what the Ding family owes you, so there is no need to refuse. "

Ding Hao didn't expect his father to say this, if so, he also replied, "It's time for my father."

After chatting with Ding Lang, Ding Hao finally felt like a rich second generation.

"Father is right. As long as he knows what he has in mind, let his people make irresponsible remarks? Why should Ding Hao spend only Ding Bajiu's money with Ding Hao?"

Leng Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't say, your father's style is a bit like you, dare to act."

Seeing Leng Xiaoyu, Ding Hao said with a smile, "I forgot to tell my parents about you. Then we will go to Liuchongtian to visit together."

Leng Xiaoyu tweeted, "I'm still waiting for you! I've already sent a gift first, and only when you are free, let's go to Liuzhongtian to meet you."


Ding Hao also wanted to take Leng Xiaoyu to Liuzhongtian, not only to meet his parents, but also to return home in a beautiful way.

You know, he is already the Young Patriarch of the Ding Family Business, and the little owner of the entire Sixth Heaven Exploration Camp, so it will be a beautiful place to go back.

Even though he thought so, Ding Hao still couldn't relax.

Walking out of the quiet room, Ding Facai followed.

To say that this guy really has the potential to be a dog leg, he basically stayed outside Ding Hao's room these days to prevent the Young Patriarch from needing him.

"Young Patriarch, now we have selected a total of 53 fire-based avenue rules, 95 gold-based avenue rules, and water-based..."

Listening to Ding Facai's introduction, Ding Hao said in surprise, "There are so many, I only need nine rules for each department."

Ding Facai laughed and said, "You can rest assured, Young Patriarch, these are our Ding family inventory, bring them together, and let you choose! Whichever one you choose, you can use which one you don’t use, I’ll let them take it back. , Very convenient."

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Well, it turns out that rich people buy things like this, haha, this Young Patriarch can do it!"

Ding Facai laughed and said, "Of course, you are now the young owner of the Ding family firm. You don’t care how much property the Ding’s firm has. You still have to enjoy it, such as buying a house and enrolling a female monk. Even molesting a little lady in the street is nothing."

Ding Hao almost threw himself down and cursed, "No wonder those rich second generations are so bad, they were all instigated by you rascals. Don't say this again in the future."

"Yes, yes." Ding Facai chuckled, and said, "You are a young master, knowing that you are not that kind of person, I'm joking with you. Do you choose the law of the road first, or meet your friend Ding Wanling first? It is said that outside the Seventh Heaven Camp, another of your friends is waiting for you."

"I know."

Ding Hao is still very clear about this. Although he is in the quiet room, the Wanling clone and Xuangui clone have entered the scope of his deity, and everyone can remember what happened to Ding Wanling and Ding Xuangui. He In his consciousness, it is clear.

"I will not see them anymore. You send someone to pick up Ding Xuangui, and Ding Wanling also arranges a place for them to stay first."

Ding Wanling and Ding Xuangui are both Ding Hao's clones. After the memories of Ding Hao are synchronized, they are also Ding Hao, and there is no need to meet.

Even Ding Hao felt that his fairy avatar was somewhere outside the Seventh Heaven, and could fit with him at any time.

He has four avatars in total, and they are all concentrated now, waiting for the final combination.

At the moment, people from the Jiutian Shenzong went out to help Ding Xuangui go through the naturalization procedures, and took him into the Seventh Heaven Camp.

And Ding Hao also entered a large hall and began to choose the rules of the great road.

"The fire system requires nine rules. My own fairy root is the fire system. The magic weapon of the fire system cannot be too weak. I must choose the strongest!"

To say that the Ding family's background is still very deep, Ding Facai has found a lot of the laws of the four elements of gold, water, fire and wood.

Ding Hao rummaged in it, and quickly found a satisfactory principle.

"These four lines, nine each, I will leave them all!"

The four, ninety and thirty-six laws of the Great Way, all of which are left, will be used in the future to refine magic weapons.

However, Lei Guangxing behind the three series of Dao Laws is not so happy.

There are 27 thunder system avenues found by Ding Facai, only 7 in the light system, and none in the galaxy! And even if it is the 27 laws of the Thunder System, only 5 of them are barely enough, and the other powers are not up to Ding Hao's needs.

"No way, the Thunder System still lacks 4 laws of avenues. You must know that the Thunder System is the top priority in launching attacks. The more violent the better! And the other Thunder avenues here are too weak!" Ding Hao shook his head. Take a look at the seven light system avenue laws, he can see only two, and there are still as many as seven!

"Now at least 4 Thunder System Avenue laws, 7 Light System Avenue laws, and 9 Galaxy Avenue laws are needed!"

Ding Facai was not worried, he hehe smiled, "You are a master, I will naturally take these into consideration for you. In fact, two days ago, I had already released the news that a black market auction and a Dao Law auction will be held! Whether you want to buy the Dao Law or sell it, there will be a lot of people, and then you can choose from among the young masters and decide whether to buy or not."

Ding Hao nodded and said with satisfaction, "Yes, you are a suitable dog leg, you can send a message now, the Dao Law auction will begin immediately!"

"Okay." Ding Facai asked when he was about to leave, "Young Patriarch, do you have access to the black market auction here?"

Ding Hao said, "I have a passage here, so please worry about it."

The passage in his hand is the passage in the small shop that was used in the auction of those immortal materials. It has not been used in these years. Now Ding Hao walked into a quiet room, opened the formation, and after entering, he took out the disc-shaped passage and immediately The token of his mad alliance was put up.

"VIP, you are welcome to enter." This time Ding Hao has been upgraded to the most honorable guest. As soon as he entered, Xiao Hong's voice came.

Xiaohong is not a real person, just the consciousness in the formation. Soon she received something, and then said, "VIP, your authority has been upgraded to management authority, you are equivalent to the owner of the black market auction!"

Ding Hao immediately said with joy, "Master? Then can I check the true identity of all seats?"

Xiaohong said, "Master, even if you have the administrative authority, you can't find the real traders behind each seat. This is not only to protect every customer, but also to ensure the reputation of our company."

"Okay." Ding Hao nodded. Ding Canghai couldn't find out his true identity when he auctioned off the immortal world materials.

Xiao Hong said again, "But you can visit any seat at will, and you can meet with him after you get the consent of the other party."

"It's okay."

Ding Hao nodded, and listened to Xiaohong again, "Received a request. It was a request to meet from Ding Facai."

"Let him in."

After Ding Hao agreed, Ding Facai walked in, frowning and said, "Young Patriarch, the auction has already started, but we are in a hurry this time and we are not ready. It seems that the people who came are not as enthusiastic as expected."

"Let me see the auction site." Ding Hao quickly changed the surrounding scenery and entered the auction site. He saw that in the empty auction hall, half of the people did not sit.

"Go back to the VIP room!" Ding Hao returned to the VIP room, and said again, "Show me the list of the avenue rules that apply for auction."

Soon, all the auction commissions received were brought.

"They are all **** road rules, and there are many other irrelevant items that are applying for auction!"

Ding Hao angrily dropped the list, "It's better to go to the warehouse of Ding's house to search for this kind of auction!"

Ding Facai said bitterly, "Young Patriarch, in this world, there are things that can't be done by shit, I tried my best..."

Ding Hao scolded, "Your uncle, no wonder the doggies are not successful enough to fail! Every time a critical moment, the chain is dropped!"

Ding Facai was so scolded that he had nothing to say, and he smiled, "Young Patriarch, the female auctioneers here are all good. I heard that you liked the female auctioneer named Siying last time. Would you like to call her a potential Rules?"

"Fuck, you guys like to engage in these famous halls." Ding Hao scolded, "If something really happens, I have to be a young master myself!"

Speaking of this, Ding Hao immediately ordered, "Spread the news immediately, saying that the 44898 seat that gave you the red envelopes at the last auction of the fairyland items is here again!"

Last time Ding Hao auctioned a large amount of immortal materials in order to collect 50 billion yuan, and also distributed 380 million yuan!

This incident caused a sensation in the city. Although many people finally suspected Ding Hao, more people just remembered the seat number Ding Hao was in, the 44898 seat!

Decades have passed on this matter, but there are still many people talking about it, especially those monks who got big red envelopes, wondering whether this 44898 seat will appear again?

Today, this 44898 seat is here again.

Today, five changes, two chapters will be published first.

(End of this chapter)

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