Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1583: Gambling arena

Chapter 1583

Chapter 1581

"What, Ding Hao is going to challenge the real fairy Kou Xiong in the Mahayana period?"

"It's true, doesn't he know the absolute difference between Taiyi and True Immortal?"

"I think he is looking for death."

"Is this news accurate, are you bragging?"

When Ding Hao followed Kou Xiong Zhenxian to the gambling arena, the monks here knew everything about it!

What's even more strange is that almost everyone is saying "Ding Hao wants to challenge Zhenxian Kou Xiong", but no one said "It's just that Zhenxian Kou Xiong wants to transfer 800 million military exploits to Ding Hao"!

"It must be Ningzhenxianhui!" Leng Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and looked around, but did not find Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zi Ning Zhenxian.

"I can guarantee that these two despicable guys must hide somewhere to peek!" Leng Xiaoyu said bitterly.

Ding Hao is also very clear about the ins and outs of this incident, "Obviously, they secretly spread the news in advance, saying that I do not know whether to live or die, and want to challenge True Immortal Kou Xiong! Even if True Immortal Kou Xiong killed me in the gambling arena, No one would blame Kou Xiong for being a real immortal, but would only scold me for killing myself!"

"Ningzhenxianhui these people are really shameless!" Leng Xiaoyu said angrily. "It's just Kou Xiong that Zhenxian owes you 800 million war merits. I lose to you this way. That's it. Now everyone knows. , It's so bad!"

Seeing the excitement in the gambling arena, Kou Xiong laughed, "Ding Hao, have you ever heard of the term absolute gap? In fact, if you are scared, you can return the 800 million IOU to me in public, and I will forgive me. You die! Of course, you can also get through my crotch, and I will transfer the 800 million military exploits to you in another way, it's all right!"

"Kou Xiong, you are really shameless!" Rhubarb cursed, "Obviously it's just a transfer, but everyone knows that if Ding Hao doesn't want it now, he will be ridiculed. You are too much."

Zhenxian Kou Xiong laughed loudly, "Who wants Ding Hao to take away 800 million exploits from me? If he wants to take away exploits from me, he must have enough skills!" After finishing speaking, Zhenxian Kou Xiong paid 800 million exploits. Then he left the life and death documents, walked into the gambling arena, and snorted coldly, "Ding Hao, if you are persuaded, you can get out immediately, the door is over there!"

After speaking, Kou Xiong Zhenxian walked into the gambling arena without turning his head back.

Now the entire gambling arena was quiet, everyone was watching Ding Hao.

In fact, at this moment, everyone has a word in their hearts, that is "absolute gap"!

What does this term mean? It means that the gap between the fit period and the Mahayana period is absolute!

For example, you can leapfrog the challenge, you can challenge the later stage of the fit at the beginning of the fit, or even directly challenge the completion of the fit. This shows that you are awesome, everyone admires you, although it is very difficult, but there is also a chance!

But with an absolute gap, it's different!

The gap between the fit period and the Mahayana period is too great, regardless of this level, it is a world of difference.

The true immortal in the Mahayana period is too powerful, even if you are in the fit period Dzogchen, it is impossible to challenge the true immortal!

Of course, this situation has been overcome in history, but very rarely! And this happened in history, usually because the true fairy was injured, or the Dzogchen in the fit period was super strong!

Today is different. Although Ding Hao is very strong, Kou Xiong is also very strong!

True Immortal Kou Xiong is not an ordinary true immortal. It is a terrifying thing that a demon cultivates to a true immortal.

It is more difficult for a demon to cultivate to a true immortal than a human being to cultivate to a true immortal!

"I think Ding Hao might give up. You see, Ding Hao himself is only on the eighth floor of the fit stage, and True Immortal Kou Xiong is another incredible demon cultivator! Ding Hao enters, and there is no chance of winning at all. If he is a wise man, he should give up. !" Someone whispered among the crowd.

This person's statement was approved by everyone, and they nodded.

However, even in this statement, Ding Hao smiled faintly, not taking it seriously, leaving his own life and death documents, and walking into the competition field.

In this gambling battle, they only bet on Kou Xiong Zhenxian's 800 million military exploits, and Ding Hao didn't need to pay military exploits.

For this transfer of military exploits, there is no commission in the gambling arena.

However, betting on the arena can open bets!

"Everyone, buy it at a speed!"

"Now buying Kou Xiong will win one and one and five; if buying Ding Haotai one win, one will lose five!"

"Buy it, buy it!"

There was a call for a bet, and the monks present were all talking.

"Buy quickly, just buy Kouxiong. Although you won't win much money, you won't be able to win too much! Even though Ding Hao seems to lose five at one time, it seems to be very high, but in the end you won't be able to use it! Buy quickly, don't buy now, wait The odds will change!"

The odds are constantly changing!

Change at any time according to the amount of merit of both parties!

In other words, the more you buy Kou Xiong Zhenxian, the bigger and more exaggerated the odds on Ding Hao's side! vice versa!

"Damn, such odds are offered, I kill them, these people are too underestimating my second brother!" Zhang Shasha said angrily.

Da Huang said, "I'm going to buy a big brother now, and win all these bastards!"

Leng Xiaoyu was calm and composed, waving her long sleeves, "Bring me a chair!" Although Leng Xiaoyu was only two months old, she had already regarded herself as a pregnant woman and enjoyed the treatment of a pregnant woman.

At the moment, the disciples of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect released the soft collapse that they carried with him, and Leng Xiaoyu sat on the soft collapse, which became a scenery in the gambling arena.

Leng Xiaoyu sat down and said, "You will buy it later, I want to see what kind of odds you can offer."

The big eclipse, "Okay!"

Leng Xiaoyu was right, and waited a while, because too many people bought Kou Xiong Zhenxian to win, and almost none bought Ding Haosheng! So there is an extreme scenario where one side is "one loses 1.2" and the other side is "one loses 8.9".

But even if the odds appear to be such extreme, everyone still ran to buy Kou Xiong Zhenxian!

Some people also said that these monks are all stupid, isn't it enough to buy some from both sides? This is not the case. You can only buy one side with the tokens of the mad alliance. If you want to make a fortune, it doesn't work here.

When Ding Hao's odds reached an astonishing one to lose 9.3, Rhubarb couldn't help but ran over and took out his crazy alliance token and said, "Buy 100 million Ding Hao wins!"

"What? Buy 100 million Ding Haosheng?" Rhubarb's bet was a bit exaggerated.

Most of the gamblers here just buy and play. One hundred million is considered a large number, and they are still betting on unpopular players like Ding Hao.

"Friends of Daoist, you have too much military merit to spend, right?" Everyone laughed.

After Rhubarb's bet, Ding Hao's odds returned to "one to six", while Kou Xiong Zhenxian's odds increased to "one to eight."

So those gamblers looked at it, "Kou Xiong Zhenxian's odds have gone up, let's buy more, haha ​​earned it."

So these people went to buy Kou Xiong Zhenxiansheng again, which changed the odds again.

The odds kept changing, and the Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zi Ning Zhenxian sitting in the elegant room looked outside through the light curtain.

Seeing Kou Xiong’s odds soaring, Zhenxian Zi Ning couldn’t help it. "One loses 1.8. That is to say, if you throw in 100 million war exploits, you can immediately get 180 million war exploits. Double it! How about we go buy some too?"

Zhenxie Zhenxian coldly shook his head and said, "Women just can't keep their breath. If you want to get the most profit, you still have to wait for the opportunity!"

Speaking of this, Zhenxie Zhenxian couldn't help the corners of his mouth showing a complacent look, and said, "I believe that after a while, Kou Xiong's odds will greatly increase. Then we will enter the market and make a good profit!"

"The odds of Kou Xiong have increased?" True Immortal Zi Ning was taken aback for a moment, but then understood, "Husband, you have communicated with Kou Xiong in advance..." True Immortal Zi Ning said here. , Suddenly there was ecstasy on his face, "That's right! If Kou Xiong pretends to fail at first and Ding Hao has the upper hand, I am afraid that many people, especially those from the Nine Heavens Sect, will have to place heavy bets! At that time, Kou Xiong will compensate The rate will naturally increase. When the time comes, we will also make a big bet so that we can make a lot of money!"

The real evil and the real fairy laughed, "Miss, you finally become smart!"

At this moment, in the gambling arena, Ding Hao and Kou Xiong have stood still.

Ding Hao came to the gambling arena for the first time. Like the battlefield he used to enter, it was an independent space with a radius of thousands of miles and a series of mountains underneath. When they entered, the space was closed and only the winners Negative, the space will be opened again.

Kou Xiong saw Ding Hao coming in, and his face was full of joy, "Ding Hao, I don’t know if you paid attention, what I set up is not a battle of victory, but a battle of life and death! This means that our battle, Even if you admit defeat, you can only go out if one of you is dead!"

In fact, in the gambling arena, there are not many venues for this kind of life and death battle, and every time it goes through a very cumbersome procedure.

However, the people in the Ningzhen Fairy Club had long bought some people in the gambling arena, and almost opened the battle of life and death without Ding Hao's knowledge. Before Ding Hao entered, there was no hint!

Ding Hao came to the gambling arena for the first time and didn't quite understand this.

But Ding Hao didn't care, "The battle of life and death is the best. I don't feel embarrassed to attack you when you give up and run for your life."

"Looking for death!" Kou Xiong sneered, "Don't you really know the absolute difference?"

"Of course I know the absolute gap!"

Ding Hao also knew the absolute difference. Before he killed the real fairy Lai Yi, he felt the strength of the real fairy!

But now he is different. He refines his body into a holy body, refines into an indestructible wind body; he fully refines his mind, and can use his armor; he also refines the eight-control magic weapon, with infinite power!

With these guarantees, what else can Ding Hao fear? The absolute gap does not exist for him!

Right now, Ding Hao clasped his fists, and immediately released the Slaughter Spear, "Then I will try Kou Xiong Zhenxian's skills first!"

First chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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