Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1584: Big change in odds

Chapter 1584 Odds change

Chapter 1582

At the beginning of the battle, everyone was in the stage of trial moves, and True Immortal Kou Xiong did not come up with his natal soldiers.

"Bone Jade Spear!"

Like Ding Hao's Slaughter Spear, Kou Xiong Zhenxian released a spear-shaped weapon.

But in terms of appearance, Ding Hao's slaughtering spear was unremarkable, while Kou Xiong's bone jade spear was much more conspicuous.

This is a long spear made of the bones of an ancient giant beast. The whole body is in the color of ivory bone jade. One end is sharpened and the other is extremely sharp. Both ends can attack, which is much longer than ordinary spears! Moreover, the bone jade spear is not straight, it has a twisted arc, these arcs are not ugly, but in the hand, you can use more bizarre marksmanship!

"Ding Hao, you like to use spear-shaped weapons, and I like it too!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian shot a cruel light in his eyes, and then pounced!

Bang bang bang!

The Immortal Slaughter Spear like a black snake fought with the ivory bone jade spear.

"It's fighting!" The monks outside, all watched intently.

The battlefield is like a shrinking transparent yurt. Although it has a radius of thousands of miles, it is only a few hundred square meters from the outside. The yurt is surrounded by monks.

But at this moment, there are still many monks, really coming in continuously.

"Ding Hao and Kou Xiong Zhenxian started fighting. I haven't seen Taiyi challenge Zhenxian for many years in the gambling arena. Let's see this one!"

For many monks, this battle is also related to their military exploits!

In the battlefield, the tall and sturdy Kou Xiong Zhenxian and the young-looking Ding Hao, the two attacked with long spears from time to time, their figures staggered, and the guns came and shot, making it difficult to distinguish.

"Unexpectedly, Ding Hao's strength was okay. He drew a tie at the beginning, it's amazing!"

"Yes, you must know that True Immortal Kou Xiong is a powerful true immortal in the Mahayana period!"

"Look again, both of them are trial moves. The key is to use their combat skills!"

Ordinary attacks are absolutely different from attacks using combat skills.

Whether it is the level of the battle or the brilliant effect of the battle, it must be after the combat skills are used.

"Ding Hao, I'm going to use combat skills!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian also pretended to be generous and actively reminded him.

"Combat skills! Phantom double spear!"

As the real fairy Kou Xiong used his combat skills, the situation in the battlefield suddenly changed!


Many people exclaimed, and the ivory-colored bone jade spear revolved like a windmill in their surprised eyes!

And in this rotation, there are clearly two pointed bone jade spears, which seem to have become two spears, one on the left and the other, and they attacked Ding Hao's left and right ribs respectively!

"Ding Hao, die!"

"Phantom illusion?" Ding Hao stepped back first, he felt the two spears that Kou Xiong had separated, one of which was just a phantom!

But Ding Hao carefully distinguished it, but he couldn't see which side was the Phantom!

"It's also possible that both sides are real! Kou Xiong is a real immortal, in the end, it is a real immortal, this combat technique is used to make people find the flaws!"

Facing the attack of Kou Xiong Zhenxian, Ding Hao first took a half step back, but the next second, he rushed forward again.

"Blood Rain Record, there is a lot of blood rain!"

Ding Hao didn't keep his hands. He shot a lot of blood when he came up. No matter which of your spears is true, I will rain a lot of blood and directly envelop everything in front of you!

Visually speaking, his attack was even more astonishing. I saw thousands of spears shot out in the void in front of Ding Hao! The so-called Blood Rain Ten Thousand Points is an ancient spear skill handed down from ancient times, which has long been lost. It was collected by the **** Shuqing and hidden in the cave, and then passed on to Ding Hao.

"Thousand points of attack, although it looks awesome, but the strength is scattered above 10,000 points, the power of each point is weak!" Obviously, Kou Xiong Zhenxian didn't take it seriously. His Phantom double spears were still advancing, and he encountered All of his guns were shattered by him!

"True immortal Kou Xiong is a true immortal!" As the monks outside sighed, the scene in the battlefield changed again.

It turned out that Kou Xiong Zhenxian insisted on attacking deeply, causing his spear to penetrate into the thousands of spears!

"The demon bear is also a bear! Idiot!" Ding Hao shot a dazzling sharp light in his eyes, his gun suddenly changed, "Delay, burst!"

How could Xueyulu's combat skills be ordinary combat skills, with many changes, and it was not comparable to the garbage combat skills of the Phantom Double Spear.

When Zhenxian Kou Xiong and his two spears were deep in the rain of blood, and he was already surrounded by the rain of blood, Ding Hao set the delay, and this began to explode!


Thousands of blood rain, burst open at the same time!

The sky of the entire battlefield was blooming everywhere, and the black gun shadows contained the red of flames, as if the sky was full of giant flowers with black petals and red cores. That scene was unforgettable for a lifetime.

"My God, Ding Hao Taiyi attacked..." The monks watching the battle outside were all shocked.

Bang bang bang! Kou Xiong Zhenxian exploded all around, and he was completely stunned, and he couldn't distinguish the north, south, east and west.

"My wiping, this kid's spear is so fierce!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian was shocked and wanted to retreat, but of course Ding Hao wouldn't let him go. The Immortal Slaughter Spear in his hand instantly became huge, and it pierced again!

"Kou Xiong is a real fairy, take me a desperate shot!"

This desperate shot does not have any combat skills or moves, it is just a shot in a mess!

This gun has no gorgeous moves at all, and there is no dazzling light and shadow. The reason is very simple, it is to kill you when you are sick!

"Not good!" The flustered Kou Xiong Zhenxian felt that he underestimated the enemy and quickly backed away.

However, Ding Hao's Slaughter Immortal Spear became huge and long, as if it could pierce the sky and pierce it straight!


In panic, Kou Xiong Zhenxian had to parry with the bone jade spear in his hand!

As a result of this shot, Zhenxian Kou Xiong fled back in a panic, but the bone jade spear in his hand was picked up by Ding Hao!

Huh! The bone jade spear turned back into a spear, like an ivory-colored javelin from the sky, inserted diagonally into the forest below, and disappeared.


The monks watching the battle outside all calmed down. Everyone said in their hearts, Ding Hao is so fierce, he was so embarrassed to fight such a fairy!

"Unexpectedly, Ding Hao's strong skills and mind are so good!" Many monks looked down.

At this moment, the bet is "One lose 1.8", Ding Hao is back to the initial "One lose six"!

Seeing that Ding Hao had hope of winning, the monks who came in later ran over to buy Ding Haosheng.

In this way, you can see the odds of the betting point, and a huge change has taken place soon!

Kou Xiong Zhenxian "one loses 1.9", Ding Haotai "one loses five."

Kou Xiong "one loses two", Ding Haotai "one loses four points".

Seeing the constant changes in the odds, and more and more optimistic about Ding Hao, Zhenxian Zi Ning could not sit still.

"Husband, one loses two, that is, you can earn 200 million by betting 100 million, and you will be rich!" Zhenxian Zi Ning said excitedly.

"Hey, don't look like you have never seen a woman on the market." Zhenxie Zhenxian said, "Wait a minute, now it is Kou Xiong Zhenxian who deliberately let Ding Hao, he will almost let it go! You will see soon, Ding Hao is playing with Kou Xiong at all, haha, the odds will become interesting at that time! That's when we make the shot!"

"It turned out to be like this." Zhenxian Zi Ning's face flushed immediately, "Husband, you are really amazing, then I'll wait, we will make a good profit this time."

To say that the prediction of the true evil and the true immortal was really accurate, after Ding Hao gained the upper hand, Ding Hao was unreasonable, and the Immortal Slaughter Spear in his hand released a black light.

At that moment, it was as if the sky in the entire gambling arena was all black spears and shadows!

"Blood rain 30,000!"

"Delay, burst!"

When Ding Hao made this amazing blow, everyone outside was dumbfounded.

The battlefield space with a radius of thousands of miles, almost all directions, no dead ends, all of Ding Hao's spears!

After the delay, the spears exploded, and the scene was even more incredible. In everyone's field of vision, all they saw were Ding Hao spears and shadows.

As for the real immortal Kou Xiong, he was beaten into a mess, his clothes shattered, like a mouse crossing the street, scurrying with his head!

"My rub..." The monks who were shocked, all rushed to bet in the next second.

"Buy Ding Haotai one win! I buy Ding Haotai one!"

Compared with the previous scene where he fell to Kou Xiong, he started to fall to Ding Hao again. Almost all the monks bought Ding Hao too.

I saw the odds of Kou Xiong Zhenxian rushing upward.

Kou Xiong Zhenxian "one to two and five", Ding Haotai "one to four";

Kou Xiong Zhenxian "one loses three", Ding Haotai "one loses three".

With the monks betting frantically, the exploits flowed to Ding Hao frantically, forming a miracle that both of them lost three!

However, the situation has not reversed, more and more people are optimistic about Ding Hao, and the odds continue to change wildly.

Kou Xiong Zhenxian "one loses five", Ding Haotai "one loses two".

At this moment, Zhenxian Zi Ning was sitting in the VIP room, already dumbfounded.

Originally, she thought that betting 100 million to get back 180 million is already very impressive; but now, when she bet 100 million, she can get back 500 million!

This is so profitable, Zi Ning Zhenxian couldn't believe it.

"Husband, are the cultivators outside are all fools?" True Immortal Zi Ning felt incredible, "Ding Hao is just a Taiyi, Kou Xiong is already a true immortal, or a demon cultivating immortal! All these people are going crazy. Buy Ding Hao, why can't I spend too much military exploits?"

The true evil and true immortal laughed, "My wife, there is one more thing I haven't told you, because I have sent a lot of people to spread rumors among the monks. Tell them that today is the birth of a miracle, and absolute distance is no longer distance. Ding Hao will definitely create a miracle today. When those people have a hot head, they will all buy Ding Haosheng."

"Husband, you are really too cunning, haha!" Zhenxian Zi Ning looked at the frantic monk outside, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, "These are some stupid pigs, there are too many fools in this world. "

Zhenxie Zhenxian triumphantly smiled, "One loss of five is beyond my expectation, you can go to the next big bet, wife!"

Thank you for your monthly pass, which is awesome!

But there are still two changes today, because it will be Monday again soon... the mantou still has to save the next draft, and every 50 monthly passes will add one more, not less!

And everyone’s tips, I have seen them all, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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