Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2101: Waiting for you in the fairy world!

Chapter 2101 is waiting for you in the fairy world!

Chapter 2100 Waiting for you in the fairy world!

Since the last time Ding Hao projected his will from the immortal realm into the Nine Heavens, and told everyone not to ascend, the entire Nine Heavens News has spread. Since these days, no one has tried to overcome the catastrophe and ascend.

However, everyone is also very clear in their hearts that although there is no need to fly through the catastrophe for the time being, the nine heavens have now risen, and the ban may be opened at any time!

Therefore, during this period of time, the entire Jiuzhongtian has set off a situation of hard cultivation, and everyone is immersed in hard work and hard cultivation!

Just waiting for the ban to be released, everyone can rise through the catastrophe and become immortals!

At the same time, Yuhua Zhenxian did not idle, he once promised Ding Hao to build a statue of Ding Hao in the Tianmen Mountain space!

When Ding Hao stood inside Tianmen again, he could already clearly see that tall statue standing on the highest mountain in Tianmen Mountain space. It was originally the position of Tianmen Ranking, but now it has become a statue of Ding Hao!

"I'll kill, second brother, are you finally willing to come again?"

The first person to find Ding Hao came, it turned out to be Zhang Shakill this guy.

Last time Ding Hao came and went in a hurry, when Zhang Shasha arrived, Ding Hao had already left.

This guy has always been unwilling, so he didn't leave at all, just staying in the space of Tianmen Mountain, staying outside the Tianmen, and waiting for Ding Hao!

Not to mention, he was waiting, Ding Hao appeared here again, Zhang Shasha was the first to find him!

"Kill brother!" Ding Hao was also very excited when he saw Zhang Shasha. Zhang Shasha really tried his best to help Ding Hao detect his opponent's strength. In the end, all the bones in his body were interrupted. Ding Hao's memory is still fresh. Eternal life will never forget!

When Ding Hao came last time, the passage of the Tianmen had not been rebuilt, so people from the mortal world could not enter the Tianmen!

But this time is different. This time Ding Hao has re-established the Tianmen passage. The Tianmen passage has become an independent space, and the monks of the world can naturally enter!

Zhang Shasha didn't know it at first, he ran over, stretched out his hand and touched it forward.

What shocked him was that his hand reached into the passage of Tianmen and grabbed Ding Hao's hand.

"This..." Zhang Shasha was frightened.

Ding Hao laughed, and with force in his hand, Zhang Shasha pulled into the passage of heaven!

"My God! Second brother, am I becoming an immortal? Am I entering the immortal world?" Zhang Shasha couldn't believe it after entering the passage of the Heavenly Gate, looking down at his body.

"How easy is it?" Ding Hao smiled, "It's just that the Tianmen passage has been rebuilt. You are not entering the immortal realm, but the Tianmen passage I rebuilt! If you want to become an immortal, you still have to pass the nine gates of Tianmen!"

"Isn't it! Second brother, you can build a heavenly gate?" Zhang Shasha was dumbfounded.

As far as he knows, the original Tianmen passage was created by Renzu. Ding Hao has only left the mortal realm for hundreds of years. No matter how good he is in the immortal realm, it is impossible to be so exaggerated to compare with the human ancestor, right?

Ding Hao smiled and didn't explain much. He patted Zhang Shasha's shoulder and smiled, "There have also been many twists and turns. When you go to the fairy world, you will naturally understand."

When Ding Hao and Zhang Shasha were talking, the Tianmen Mountain space outside was already cheering.

Ding Hao's reappearance was already a great joy for them; but now, Zhang Shasha was able to walk into the gate of heaven and meet and chat with Ding Hao. This is nothing short of joy, especially for those who know Ding Hao. People, at this moment, are constantly beating the Tianmen, and want to come in and talk to Ding Hao.

Because of the design of the Tianmen passage, there can only be one mortal monk in it, so Zhang Shasha is inside, and no one else can enter.

Ding Hao is here again! As the news goes on, more and more people are entering the Tianmen Mountain space!

Seeing that Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen were already outside, Zhang Shasha quickly said, "Second brother, I will go out! Let my sister-in-law come in and say something to you."

"Alright, you have also reached the third stage of true immortal, I am waiting for you in the immortal world!"

Before Zhang Shasha left, Ding Hao held his hand again. In the handshake between the two, Zhang Shasha obviously felt that there was something on the palm of his hand!

It was a space ring with some necessary pills, classics, treasures and weapons inside! These things are all celestial objects, but they don't violate the rules of Jiuzhongtian too much!

I believe that Zhang Shasha has these necessary materials, no matter which method he uses to enter the fairy world, it will be easier, and it can even be said to be absolutely successful!

Of course, what Ding Hao did might be unfair to other cultivators in the Nine Heavens.

But this kind of thing has never been broken in ancient times. It is understandable that the big family of the fairy world provides some necessary help to the geniuses of the Jiuzhongtian clan! Ding Hao is now the lord of the immortal realm, and he can do whatever he wants in the immortal realm. He didn't directly bring people from the mortal realm to the immortal realm. This is not bad!

Let him watch his relatives and friends fail to cross the robbery? That is impossible!

After Zhang Shasha went out, the people gathered outside did not rush inside in a hurry, but made a way to let Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen go in first to reunite with Ding Hao!

But just before Leng Xiaoyu and the others arrived at the Tianmen, when the two of them gave each other a chance to enter first, a figure flashed from the side and rushed into the Tianmen!

This man was wearing a luxurious silver-trimmed shirt with a pair of dragon horns on his head. He rushed into the gate of heaven in front of Leng Xiaoyu, quite triumphant.

Ding Hao saw this person coming in, with a scornful smile on his face, "I think someone is so impolite, it turned out to be Laosan Chai!"

Chai Laosan was Chai Gaoyang. Back then, he was bewitched by Big Brother and Demon Venerable, and he did a lot of wrong things, but Ding Hao finally forgave him, and gave him back the demon who occupied his body!

After getting the flesh, Chai Gaoyang, after so long of cultivation, finally reached the third stage of true immortality.

Chai Gaoyang saw Ding Hao's body lingering with immortality and powerful, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Oh! Immortals are good, amazing! I think I was better than your qualifications at the beginning, if my luck wasn't that bad, I would meet Big Brother and Split Sky continuously. The bad guys of the Mozu, I must be more capable than you now!"

Ding Hao laughed loudly, "When I heard you say this, I knew that you were still Chai Gaoyang back then, and I knew that I didn't have any skills! Okay, I don't want to say anything to you, so you can practice hard! Jie Feisheng and passing through the nine gates of heaven are two ways to become immortals. I am waiting for you in the immortal world.

When Chai Gaoyang saw Ding Hao trying to drive him out, he quickly changed his diligent smile and said with a smile, "Ding Hao, you have reached the immortal realm. What are the techniques and treasures of the immortal realm? Get a few of them for me! That way, I will do more. It is easy to successfully reach the fairyland..."

Ding Hao prepared a lot of gifts, but didn't prepare them for Chai Gaoyang. He sneered at the moment, "How can that work? Isn't that cheating? No, no, you give me out!"

Chai Gaoyang said uncomfortably, "Don't come here! Don't think I don't know who you are? You are an opportunist! With your personality, you will definitely help your relatives and friends get through the confusion! I tell you, you have to give them. Cheating, cheat me!"

"Laosan Chai, I didn't expect you to be so annoying after so many years!"

Ding Hao and this guy had nothing to say. With a wave of a big hand, a strong air current lifted up, and Chai Gaoyang's body was lifted out of the passage of the sky, falling far away from the crowd.

"Damn! Ding Hao, you stinky boy, you are good...When I become an immortal, I will report you in the immortal world! Use cheating methods to help the lower realm people enter the immortal world illegally! Wait, I will definitely go to the immortal world to report you Yes, when the time comes, there will naturally be stronger immortals taking care of you, you can't eat and walk around!" Chai Gaoyang laughed loudly when he said that, and he felt much better.

Ding Hao dismissed this person at all. He must wait until one day when Chai Gaoyang really came to the fairy world, and found that Ding Hao was the largest in the fairy world, and no one could care about him. By then, Chai Gaoyang should be desperate!

After Chai Gaoyang was kicked out, Leng Xiaoyu walked in. She stood in front of Ding Hao, and the two stared for a long time!

This time, the time between the two was not the longest in their lives, but it was the most desperate!

Heaven and man are separated, the two realms are separated, the chasm is the sky, and there is never a day to meet.

But I didn't expect to see each other again!

Leng Xiaoyu was originally born in magic repair, with a hard-hearted mind, killing people like a numb, smiling and killing people, but even with such a hard heart, after meeting Ding Hao, it has turned into a soft finger. After seeing Ding Hao, her beautiful pink eyes are already full. Tears...

"Xiaoyu, you have suffered! Don't worry, we will meet in the immortal world soon, and I will have a mysterious gift for you and Ye Wen!" Ding Hao said, opening his arms and hugging tightly.

In full view, there were many people waiting outside. Ding Hao didn't say too much to Leng Xiaoyu, and quietly gave her a space ring and sent her out of the sky gate.

The next person who came in was Ye Wen, his other Taoist companion, and the two also embraced and exchanged greetings and talked about what they had encountered over the years.

Next, Ding Hao's father, mother, children and grandchildren all came in to meet Ding Hao!

All of these people Ding Hao prepared a set of gifts for them. As long as they reach the Mahayana real fairyland through normal cultivation, they will be able to rise through the catastrophe. The success rate is very high. Then everyone can meet in the fairyland without separation!

Ding Hao's relatives met for a long time before Peng Guan and the others had a chance to come in and meet Ding Hao.

"Ding Hao, I really didn't expect that we could still see each other." Peng Guan sighed with emotion.

Ding Hao nodded, and said, "I went to the Mortal Realm this time, and I went to the Demon Tomb to find the True Demon King!"

In order to control Peng Guan and Black Wind, the True Demon King gave them a unique control restriction, but now Ding Hao has received the removal method given by the True Demon King, and Ding Hao immediately played the tricks to lift the restrictions for Peng Guan and Black Wind , Return to the free body!

At the same time, they quietly handed them space rings, each with a gift to help them become immortals!

After seeing these people, Ding Hao looked at the crowd again...

At the moment in Seventh Heaven, a rustic-looking man was flying at high speed, and he cursed, "What's the matter! It just happened that he will come when I'm not here, do you want to miss this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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