Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2102: Rhubarb Breakthrough

Chapter 2102 Rhubarb Breakthrough

Chapter 2101 Rhubarb Breaks Through

Last time Ding Hao came back, Rhubarb did not see him because he was too slow.

Later, Rhubarb also waited in the Tianmen Mountain space with Zhang Shasha. It just so happened that he had to go to Seventh Heaven to deal with some things these days, so he thought that he would take a walk halfway.

Who knows that it's a coincidence that Ding Hao came again just as he slipped!

He received the news from the mad alliance, almost vomited a mouthful of blood, and hurried up from the seventh heaven, but no matter how fast he was flying, it would be a long way from the seventh heaven to the nine heavens.

"I don't know if I can catch up?"

Rhubarb hurried away anxiously, and finally rushed into the Tianmen Mountain space a few hours later!

On the way, he didn't have time to enter the crazy league, so he didn't know if Ding Hao was still there.

It wasn't until he entered, that his simple face was relieved, "What a damn! I finally caught up!"

In fact, Ding Hao had already talked alone with anyone he wanted to see. The reason why he still didn't leave is because he was waiting for rhubarb!

The closest partner he ever had was the first time he shed tears in this world, how could Ding Hao easily forget it! When he met Leng Xiaoyu, Ye Wen and others, he also inquired about Rhubarb. He knew that Rhubarb was upset because he didn't see him last time, so this time, no matter how long he waited, Ding Hao must wait until Rhubarb came!

"Huang Hao!"

"Big Brother!"

Rhubarb rushed into the Jiuguan Pass, holding Ding Hao suddenly crying, Ding Hao also reddened his eyes and couldn't speak!

The most memorable but juvenile love, when Ding Hao first came to the small world of Kyushu, he had no friends around him, and he was struggling with his steps. The only one who could be trusted to accompany him was rhubarb! Although countless years have passed, Ding Hao always remembered that the yellow-haired dog bit the hunter in the forest and he was almost killed; Ding Hao still remembered that after entering the Kyushu Academy, he bit the jasper gold wire in order to detect the secret of Xuefu Mountain. In the end, one of his teeth was broken and one of the teeth couldn’t be recovered for a long time; Ding Hao still remembers...

Too much!

The past is vivid, and now all appear before you, even after so many years, it is still in the long river of memory, shining with stars!

Everything was silent, the two embraced and shed tears, and after controlling their emotions, they didn't say any touching words.

Ding Hao just stretched out his arm to hug Rhubarb's hair and smiled, "After so many years, why are you still so earthy?"

"Hey." Rhubarb smiled honestly, "I am a native dog."


The two of them were together again and laughed loudly. Back then, Ding Hao liked to call him a terrible dog. He was unwilling to live and die. Today, they both couldn't help but laugh. They all laughed.

A short meeting, there is always a time to make a difference!

Ding Hao had achieved his goal during his trip. He informed all the cultivators of Jiuzhongtian about the ascent, and he was ready to leave.

Like everyone else, Ding Hao also prepared a space ring for Rhubarb, in which there were corresponding pill methods, heavenly materials, and handy weapons!

"Brother, if you go back and start practicing, you will be able to fly through the catastrophe and ascend! There are two ways to become immortals, one is to fly through the catastrophe, and the other is through the nine gates of Tianmen! I suggest you use the second way to become immortals, so Entering the fairy world is a recognized genius of the fairy world! With a higher reputation, it is easier to worship a famous teacher in the fairy world!"

In fact, Ding Hao's career can naturally give Rhubarb to each of them a famous teacher, but if they win it by themselves, both their confidence and reputation in the fairy world will be higher!

Da Huang thought for a while, then said again, "Big brother, in fact, you have left all these years! I have also gained a lot from my own practice. In addition to the one-shot method taught by my teacher, the true immortal, I also gained a lot. Precious fairy fate! Over the years, I feel that my strength has surpassed many old predecessors of the Nine Heavens! Now you give me these medicines and handy weapons, I want to...While you are here, I will break you The nine gates of Tianmen created!"

"What?" Ding Hao was a little shocked.

If someone else said this, Ding Hao might think that he was bragging, but Da Huang has always had a simple and honest temperament, and there is no possibility of big words, he would never say!

"You really have the confidence to attack the nine gates of Tianmen, then you will attack now, and I will be watching you by the side!"

"Good!" With Ding Hao's help, Rhubarb's confidence doubled.

But before the impact, he walked out of the Tianmen channel first.

In recent years, Rhubarb has his own family relatives in Jiuzhongtian. He wants to attack Jiuguan and fly into a fairy. He must first go back and bid farewell to his family.

"You are now attacking the nine gates of Tianmen! My God, you are the first one!!"

The news spread quickly that Rhubarb would be the first monk to hit the nine gates of Tianmen. This gave the extremely lively Jiuzhongtian another shot. Everyone became excited and wanted to see the first one to pass the new nine passes. Immortal man!

When Rhubarb was bidding farewell to his family, Kunlun Beast and Zeng Tiandi also walked in separately. The Langfengyuan seal had been broken, but the two of them had to return to the fairy world to return the task to their master.

Ding Hao had nothing to say. When he left the mortal world, he once promised Kunlun Beast to ask Kunlun Immortal Emperor when he would come and take back the Langfengyuan seal!

Now, Ding Hao took them directly into his bag and brought them back to the Kunlun Immortal Emperor!


Zhenxian Nanling also walked into the passage of the Tianmen and saluted, "Ding Hao Daxian, I want to set up a small light screen outside the Tianmen to let everyone know which level the trespasser has reached, whether he succeeded in breaking through or returning from failure. "

Ding Hao has seen this small light curtain before. Ding Hao nodded in agreement and said, "This is easy, I'll help you!"

This channel was originally created by Ding Hao himself. He just waved his hands and called up the formation to send some information on the small light curtain outside!

"Thank you Ding Hao Daxian!" Nanling Zhenxian gave another gift before he walked out.

When he went out, not long after, Rhubarb walked in again, "Big Brother, I'm ready!"

"Let's go!" Ding Hao waved at the outside of Tianmen, and then flew farther and farther into the depths of Tianmen with Da Huang!

At this moment, the Tianmen Mountain space was also quiet, and everyone looked at the small light curtain.

There is Huang Hao's name on the light curtain. Everyone wants to see how many levels can this first person break through?

"To the first level!"

In order to keep the secret of the battle for each passer-by, there will be no battle images projected, only the number of passes the passer-breaker has reached!

Rhubarb stood at the first gate, and the will of the guardian immortal quickly condensed. A fairy with long golden hair and bright silver armor stood under the huge gate of the first gate.

"My God, this is a fairy, so beautiful!" Rhubarb was stunned.

Ding Hao laughed and said, "The fairies in the fairy world are all beautiful. This guardian beauty is called Donghuang, and she is my good friend! If you can beat the nine levels and become a fairy, then I can take you with your own eyes. See Donghuang himself!"

"Then I will fight it!"

Although Ding Hao and Rhubarb went through the barrier together, they did not help.

Cultivation in the fairy world is not so easy. If the strength is not enough, Ding Hao still hopes that the rhubarb can be polished in the Nine Heavens! In any case, a solid foundation is a good thing!

What Ding Hao didn't expect, Rhubarb had really made a huge breakthrough in the past few hundred years of cultivation!

Don't look at this kid's silly head, but he has a desperate energy in the fight. Although Donghuang is beautiful, Rhubarb is also doing his best. After a while, the guardian immortal who condensed Donghuang's will was beaten to dust!

"Passenger, you have passed the pass, please watch your pass report carefully."

Donghuang's figure condensed again, and a light curtain was shot, and a report of passing the barrier appeared.

This is also newly created by Ding Hao. Everyone who breaks through the barrier will get a report of the barrier regardless of whether it succeeds or fails. It records what advantages and disadvantages you have in this pass, for the passers to study on their own, Ding Hao's goal is to train more cultivators to become immortals!


The door of the first pass opened suddenly.

Rhubarb did not rush in. He stood before the report, watched carefully, and pondered his own strengths and weaknesses for a while before moving forward to the second level.

Ding Hao's figure slowly disappeared, and he felt that the rhubarb was really getting more and more calm now.

The second level, the third level, the fourth level, the fifth level...

Rhubarb all the way through the level, until the fifth level, all of them are all at once!

There was a loud voice on Tianmen Mountain. Rhubarb's behavior gave everyone a shot. I believe that starting today, Jiuzhongtian will set off a huge upsurge and rush! There will be many people who will break through in the next time and become immortals! Those who are not strong enough will also work hard to improve themselves, forming a virtuous circle!

Ding Hao also knew that in the next period of time, many cultivators would come out of the mortal world and the Nineth Heaven to become immortals!

In fact, this is also what Ding Hao and the fairy world are willing to see. The current fairy world has just experienced the catastrophe of the devil, waiting to be reborn, and many fairy world planets are now empty!

As long as he achieves sufficient strength, Ding Hao hopes that these mortal cultivators can become immortals and enter the immortal world!

Rhubarb’s challenge has finally reached the sixth level, and it is difficult to move forward! The guardian immortal in the sixth pass is the will of the Kunlun Immortal Emperor. Kunlun Immortal Emperor has always been strict with his disciples. After feeling that Rhubarb's aptitude is good, Kunlun Immortal emperor will try his best to make an assessment!

Rhubarb challenged the sixth level for the first time and failed!

But Rhubarb didn't give up, he sat cross-legged, thought for a long time, and rushed through again!

What people did not expect was that the Kunlun Immortal Emperor actually increased his strength again and defeated Rhubarb again.

"So strong!" Rhubarb had no choice but to sit cross-legged and continue thinking.

Soon after, Rhubarb rushed through the barrier again, but still failed!

Ding Hao was a little dizzy at the side, saying that the will of Kunlun Immortal Emperor you gave me doesn't need to be so strong! How can Rhubarb be able to pass the barrier every time I improve my strength?

The reason was not long after the truth became clear, and Rhubarb finally succeeded in the sixth pass.

The Kunlun Immortal Emperor's will nodded and said, "Not bad, not bad! The reason why I doubled your assessment is because I think your qualifications are good. I will give you a little light of wisdom. If you can successfully break through the nine gates and come to the fairy world , Remember to come to me! I will accept you as a disciple!"

"So that's it!" Ding Hao laughed, "Dean Kunlun has accepted a good disciple!"

Three changes today, there is a chapter in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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