Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2103: What did Ding Hao do (the leader adds more)

Chapter 2103 What is Ding Hao doing (the leader adds more)

Chapter 2102 What Did Ding Hao Do?

Seventh level!

The eighth level!

Has been to the ninth level!

Afterwards, it was very time-consuming and labor-intensive for Rhubarb to pass each level, but Ding Hao was still here, accompanying him!

Even if Rhubarb has obtained a lot of fairy fate over the years, it is very, very difficult to get through the nine gates of Tianmen at one time!

Ding Hao had the heart to help him, and when it was difficult for him to get through later, Ding Hao would secretly pass on some suitable exercises and moves to teach Rhubarb, let Rhubarb increase the means to pass the level!

At the ninth level, Ding Hao personally guarded it, which is much more difficult!

The guardian immortal at this level was transformed by Ding Hao's own will, and Ding Hao's deity was present again! Ding Hao's deity is bound to have an influence on the guardian immortals!

In Ding Hao's will, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​relaxing the standard and letting Rhubarb pass easily!

Rhubarb hadn’t taken the shot for a while, he immediately retreated, and said to Ding Hao’s deity, “Brother, you don’t need to help me like this! I want to use my own ability to get through the nine levels, otherwise, I won’t be able to win! I can’t even reach the minimum standard for entering the fairy world, so I would rather go back and practice for another five hundred years!"

"Good, good." Ding Hao nodded. When he came back this time, he clearly felt that Rhubarb had become more stable and more responsible!

Ding Hao said again, "As long as I stand here, this guardian immortal will inevitably be affected by my spiritual power! So I simply leave the Tianmen passage and wait for you outside the passage! Waiting for you to win! Remember what I taught you The movement techniques, and the pill weapon in the space ring, I have seen every battle before you, you have a chance to clear the level!"

After speaking, Ding Hao left the Tianmen passage directly and waited outside!

When Ding Hao left, the strength of the guardian immortal in the ninth pass also returned to normal and his might became stronger.

But Rhubarb was calm and calm, took out the weapon Ding Hao left him, and muttered to himself, "What's the matter, my eldest brother said I can pass, I don't believe you can stop me!"

Ding Hao waited quietly outside the Tianmen passage. He had seen the battle before Rhubarb and felt that Rhubarb should have a chance to clear the customs! It's just that Ding Hao's will left in the ninth level is also very strong, not so easy to pass!

"Whether the rhubarb can pass the test, the probability is five to five!"

Even so, Ding Hao decided to wait outside quietly. No matter how long he waited, he would wait until the day when Rhubarb came out!

Can Rhubarb clear the customs and walk out of the Tianmen passage?

Ding Hao didn't count at all, so he had to wait quietly outside.

While waiting, Ding Hao let Xiaobi out, "How about it? Does that seed grow?"

The things of Fanjie and Jiuzhongtian are completed, and what Ding Hao is most worried about now is Xiaobi's things!

"It grows very slowly, but it **** away a lot of my strength!" After a period of absence, Xiao Bi became much haggard.

"Let me feel it." Ding Hao held Xiaobi's hand, transmitted his mental power, entered near his heart, and sensed the seed that had just sprouted.

As Xiaobi said, this seed grows extremely slowly. Compared with the previous induction, it is difficult to see its growth with the naked eye; but the power it **** from Xiaobi's body is amazing! Xiaobi became haggard and her strength declined, thanks to this seed!

"It's the seed of the world tree. To make it grow, the energy needed may scare people to death!" Ding Hao retracted his hand, his face solemn, and the situation is not optimistic now!

Obviously, the seed of the World Tree needs a host to provide it with energy and nutrients to help it grow up!

And Xiaobi unfortunately became this host. When it absorbs the energy and nutrients in Xiaobi's body, it will grow to be large enough! At that time, Xiaobi will die, and it will be able to break away from the host's body and grow and develop on any planet by itself!

"What a powerful life body! What a domineering method!"

Ding Hao is not good at blaming the World Tree elders, this kind of growth mode is inherently possessed by this species, this is his instinct! To put it bluntly, it's whoever encounters it who is unlucky, Xiaobi is unlucky!

But Ding Hao absolutely can't look at this Xiaobi's unlucky, he must move the world!

Just when Ding Hao frowned, a golden light suddenly shot from outside the Immortal Demon Cave, shining straight into the Tianmen passage.

"So fast?" Ding Hao originally thought he would have to wait a long time this time, but who knew that in such a short time, Rhubarb had already passed the ninth gate of Tianmen! Become the first Jiuzhongtian monk to pass through the new nine levels and enter the immortal world!

The golden beam of light from Xianban Mountain shone on Rhubarb's body. The original immortal energy was strong. Rhubarb took a deep breath, and then a little star flew out of Rhubarb's body, rushing to the direction where the golden beam of light came from!

The last light star fell on Xianban Mountain, and it was the name of Rhubarb, Huang Hao!

"Big Brother, I am finally a fairy! Hahaha! I am also a fairy!"

Rhubarb flew out of the fairy realm passage with excitement, his face was full of joy, after so many years of cultivation, no one would be unexcited!

He walked out, looked at Xiaobi with brilliant blonde hair, and said with a smile, "Big brother, is this the sister-in-law of the fairy world?"

Little Bi sighed and tweeted, "You fellow, I think you are a real dog fairy! Look at it clearly, I am Xiaobi!"

"Oh my god, are you so old?" Rhubarb realized that this beautiful blond fairy turned out to be his old acquaintance, Xiao Bi! But Rhubarb said again, "Why do you look so haggard, can the immortal world lack food and drink?"

Rhubarb was originally joking, but Ding Hao and Xiaobi's faces were very solemn.

Ding Hao said, "Little Bi is in a little trouble, I will take her away later, think of a way!"

"It turned out to be like this." Rhubarb quickly said, "Then you go and busy, I can do it alone!"

Ding Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Immediately you will go from this teleportation formation to pick up the stars! When you get there, there will be a pick up fairy to receive you, and you will directly take out the light of wisdom given to you by the Kunlun Emperor! At that time, someone will take you to Wuliang Academy! Wuliang Academy is the largest of the four colleges in the fairy world and the largest force in the fairy world. Emperor Kunlun is the dean there. He is very good. You will be his disciple in the future!"

"Wow, so good!" Rhubarb suddenly smiled.

He did not expect that when he first came to the fairy world, he would directly become the disciple of the greatest leader of the fairy world!

"Brother, Xiaobi, then you are busy!" Da Huang nodded and walked into the teleportation formation in front of him.

Countless white runes danced like butterflies, and the figure of rhubarb disappeared in a flash.

When his vision changed, he was already standing on an immortal planet. On this planet, there were plants, flowers, and grasses in the immortal world. There was a strong immortal atmosphere in the space. Know how comfortable it is!

The enchanting immortal here has already been sensed, a genius from the Nine Heavens soars and opens up the passage of heaven to become an immortal. All have special notices. This is a genius of the lower realm and must be taken care of!

"Friends, come here to register!" Two leading immortals greeted them.

The two of them thought that this genius must be exceptionally talented, outstanding in appearance, majestic and domineering. But who knows that when we meet now, this person looks quite rustic, with an earthy complexion, chin and mouth protruding forward, and smiles with a simple and honest appearance, not like a genius at all, but like a fairy slave on the farm.

Therefore, these two personable attracting immortals looked down upon him a bit.

In speaking, he couldn't help but feel a little arrogant and disrespectful.

"Registration." A lead immortal said grimly, "Who is the last name, what amazing deeds did you have in Jiuzhongtian? What family is there in the Immortal Realm?"

Rhubarb thought that he was an immortal, and quickly replied respectfully, "My name is Huang Hao, and I am also called Rhubarb. I have not done any amazing deeds in Jiuzhongtian. I am an immortal cultivated by a dog in the fairy world. There is no family..."

"I'll rub, the immortal that the earth dog has cultivated?" The two immortals became even more disrespectful and laughed loudly.

Hearing their laughter, more celestial beings came over, and there was a lot of discussion. In their words, they were quite disdainful, "A native dog who cultivates to become a celestial creature is actually a genius. What is it?"

Rhubarb looked embarrassed after hearing these people talk about it, but thought in his heart that these people were all immortals, so high above them, they could only bear it.

A celestial person said, "The celestial being who cultivates by the earth dog, that is the celestial being, your celestial academy just accepted him."

The fairy from the Demon Fairy Academy sneered coldly, "Our Demon Fairy Academy recruits all the wild giant monsters in the mountains and rivers. How can it be possible to recruit such immortals cultivated by a native dog? What are you kidding? "

"Your Demon Immortal Academy doesn't accept it, so our Huangxian Academy can't accept it anymore? Our Huangxian Academy admits the noble descendants of the emperor!"

Seeing the excuses of everyone, Rhubarb was helpless, scratching his head awkwardly, and said, "My elder brother Ding Hao just told me that I can enter the Boundless Academy. I don't know anything about it. Which college is it?"

Listening to what Rhubarb said, the ridicule on the face of the immortal who was present solidified in an instant, "What? His elder brother Ding Hao...My God, Ding Hao turned out to be his eldest brother? He is Ding Hao's brother!"

However, there are some leading immortals who still don't believe him, stepping forward and asking, "Ding Hao used to practice in Jiuzhongtian, is it true that all of you in Jiuzhongtian call him eldest brother?

Rhubarb smiled honestly, "How is it possible! He is my closest eldest brother, only this one."

"My God!" All of the attending immortals almost fainted. It turned out that the immortal cultivated by the rustic dog in front of me turned out to be the closest brother of Ding Hao, the lord of the immortal world!

"Huang Hao... Brother Huang! Come to our Fairy Academy!"

"No, no, our Huangxian Academy has better conditions!"

"Our Boundless Academy is number one in the world!"

Only then did Rhubarb think of something, took out the light of wisdom, and asked in a low voice, "What is the position of my elder brother Ding Hao in the immortal world? Is it also the dean? Why do you seem to be afraid of him?"

"The Dean?" All the leading immortals present laughed bitterly, "He is so much better than the Dean!"

This is the addition of the leader, thanks to the great reward of Jugao Refrigeration, thank you very much! !

(End of this chapter)

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