Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2128: Mountain Demon Fury

Chapter 2128 Mountain Demon Rage

Chapter 2127 Mountain Demon Rage

"This is what I know inside the blue crystal boundary!"

In the flying palace like Prince Luo's Crystal Palace, Ding Hao explained what he had seen in the Azurite Realm to the geniuses in front of him.

"It turns out that this special life body appeared and was born like this!" Prince Luo and others were lost in thought.

If it hadn't been for Ding Hao to explain the situation, these prince-level geniuses didn't know anything about the blue crystal boundary.

After pondering for a while, Prince Luo spoke, "According to Ding Hao's statement, this newly-born special life form not only has a strong strength, but also has a high IQ! If I am not mistaken, this special life form he It was deliberately using Landi Jelly to attract a large number of cultivators! Then suddenly the space was closed, the turtle was caught in the urn, so that all these cultivators became his food!"

Another prince-level female genius Qiuyue said, "It's amazing! If he has this kind of IQ, then the Azurite Realm is not an abandoned world, and its least level is the ruins of the strong!"

The time and space ruins in the turbulence of time and space are divided into abandoned worlds, ruins of the strong, ruins of ancient times, and primitive ruins according to their birth conditions and degree of danger!

Generally speaking, the abandoned world is the least dangerous and can be suitable for any cultivator to enter the exploration; the ruins of the strong are much more dangerous, the realm master must die when entering the realm, and only the true **** can enter the exploration; and the ancient ruins behind It is very dangerous to enter the True God Realm, and the mortality rate is also very high; as for the most terrifying primitive ruins, even the True God Realm dare not enter there, only characters like the nine giants can enter and exit!

So Qiuyue suspected that the blue crystal boundary had become a ruin of the strong.

Prince Luo shook his head slowly, saying every word, "If I didn’t guess wrong, the time-space ruins of Azurite Realm can already be regarded as ancient ruins in terms of level! And it is controlled by a strong man, Taikoo. Ruins! Among them is very dangerous! It seems that when we came out this time, we still underestimated the ruins!"

"What?" The other three prince-level geniuses were all dumbfounded. "The ancient ruins controlled by the strong are considered high-end and dangerous among the ancient ruins, and the mortality rate is as high as 80%! The best method is still Lord Ninth Mountain, please!"

"No, we can't let the Ninth Mountain Lord give up halfway!" Prince Luo frowned.

The retreat of the ninth mountain lord is related to the future development of the alliance, and it must not be let out!

But if you ask the other eight mountain masters to go out, even if you rescue Prince Li Tuo, there will be a huge rift between the eight giants!

"So!" Prince Luo quickly made a decision, "Now we contact all the Prince-level geniuses in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, including those who are exploring among other ruins, especially some of the super powers! Like them! Stakes, please come back and help! I believe that the giant beasts in the Azurite Realm are powerful, but as long as there are enough Prince-level geniuses, we can still succeed!"

"Well, we will start contacting all parties now!"

At the moment, the four prince-level geniuses all began to take out their Ten Thousand Realms bracelets and began to contact other geniuses.

Prince Luo looked at Ding Hao, nodded and said, "Thank you this time, otherwise we will rush in, and it will be very dangerous! It will be a while before the flying palace reaches the Azurite realm. You are in my palace, give me You have cultivated well in several of your classics, and strive to enter the late stage of the realm master soon!"

"Okay." After Ding Hao walked back to the palace immediately, he found a quiet room and started practicing.

After Ding Hao left, another prince-level genius smiled and said, "Luo, where did you find this disciple? Not bad! It is clever! Not bad, not bad!"

Prince Luo smiled bitterly, "Where is my disciple? He is the heir of Renzu and Xing Wushuang!"

"What?" The other three prince-level geniuses were all taken aback. "When Renzu and Xing Wushuang were in the alliance, they were all direct disciples of the Nine Giants! The limelight is unique! Even I heard that if it weren't for them If they insist on leaving the alliance and heading to the holy world, the alliance is willing to ask them to become partners of the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance to open up the tenth training vein for one of them!

Prince Luo sighed, "Who would want to stay like this amazing genius! What about the partners of the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance? What about becoming the tenth giant? Compared with the Holy World, none of these What is it? I guess that the current human ancestors are probably far more powerful than the nine giants!"

"Oh!" Thinking of the affairs between these powerful men, the prince-level geniuses were all embarrassed, envy and yearning in their hearts!

Who doesn't want to become strong; enter the holy world, move to a higher sky, and become the real master of this world!

Who doesn't want it?

Everyone sighed, and the genius named Gu Fengheng said again, "Although Ding Hao is the heir of Renzu and Xing Wushuang, the two of them are not in the alliance long ago! According to the rules of the alliance, Ding Hao can still worship others here. Human beings! Luo, haven't you ever moved your mind to accept Ding Hao as a disciple? Having such a disciple will definitely not insult his teacher!"

Prince Luo said, "I think I thought about it, but in the end I gave up!"

"Oh? Why?" The female genius Qiuyue smiled curiously, "If you don't accept such a good disciple, then we won't be polite to you!"

Li also said, "Yes, I just wanted to say, since Luo, you don't want him to be a disciple, why don't you let us? Don't worry, we will not treat him badly, and we will definitely help him break through and upgrade!"

Prince Luo smiled slightly, "Actually, I have a feeling that Ding Hao may soon become a person of our level! If we accept him as a disciple, it will not take long for his cultivation to be the same as ours, and even surpass us. Is it embarrassing everyone!"

It's normal for the disciple to exceed the teacher's strength.

But if the disciple surpassed the teacher in a short time, it would be a little embarrassing.

"It turns out you were thinking about this..." The other three geniuses were all taken aback, Gu Feng said horizontally, "But Ding Hao hasn't even arrived at the late stage of the realm of realm now, and we are already in the late stage of the true **** realm! No matter how fast he cultivates. Hurry, it is impossible to catch up with us so fast!"

"Yes, it can't be so fast." The other two said the same.

Prince Luo smiled bitterly, "I also know it can't be so fast, but I always feel that he should exist on an equal footing with us! Let's talk about this later!"


In the flying palace like the Crystal Palace, there is a quiet room.

Under the light curtain formation, a white-clothed young fairy sat cross-legged, lined up in front of him, counting the stars.

"These are all the training experience that Prince Luo gave me, and these contents are very suitable for the Wushuang Juan and Xianfan scrolls that I cultivated. It seems that Prince Luo has really put a lot of thoughts and thoughts on my business for a long time. !"

Although Prince Luo did this in exchange for Ding Hao with Lan Di Pu, but a prince-level genius so dedicated, still made Ding Hao feel that this person is indeed very sincere, and he won't suffer a trade with him!

"Since he helped me come up with such a detailed training experience, then I can't live up to his efforts, and I must practice hard and enter the late stage of the realm master as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao seemed to be ignited in his heart.

In the late stage of the realm, you can become a full member of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! In the future, you can freely enter and leave the alliance world!

This time he entered the Alliance World, and it was very touched on him. He didn't need to hide himself, he just wanted to enter this world and become a part of it! Because at his level, this is a strong world that can arouse his great ambitions, and only in the alliance world can his cultivation break through faster!

One more thing, when Ding Hao's cultivation base continues to improve, the nameless law hidden in his body is also slowly growing!

The origin is in the human body, perhaps you will often forget it; but every time you look at the past, you will find it growing! No one knows how old it will grow in the end? !

"Perhaps, when I can also develop my own laws and world, then it's time for me to go to the Holy Realm and meet the teacher!"

Although this dream is still very far away, thinking about it occasionally makes Ding Hao full of yearning.

"Now let me start practicing the practice experience that Prince Luo has compiled for me!"


Just as Prince Luo and the others rushed to the Azurite Boundary, from time and space turbulence in another direction, several flying palaces and dozens of Prince-level geniuses were rushing to the Azurite Boundary from Jiuyou Temple Mountain. .

In one of the largest flying palaces, the strong mountain demon, who was as big as a mountain, was standing in front of a female alien cultivator.

Compared with the body size of the two, one is like a mountain, and the other is like a kitten kneeling in front of the mountain, shivering.

"I heard that you were also the one who participated in the treasure hunting in the Azurite Realm?"

The female cultivator kept kowtow begging for mercy, "Senior Mountain Demon, I have contributed all the Blue Emperor Paste I have to you, please forgive me alive!"

The mountain demon waved his hand, "Do you think I asked you to come here for the little Blue Emperor's pulp? It's really a joke. As the chief prince-level genius of Jiuyou Temple Mount, I care about that little thing about you?"

The female cultivator kowtowed again, "Then what do you want me to come, senior?"

"I want to ask, how did my disciple Hei Heng die? As an undead demon, who killed him?" The mountain demon roared.

"I left early, I don't know!" The female cultivator thought for a while, and said, "At the time, I had seen Hei Heng on the crater! Later, the human cultivator helped me mine the spring. Leaving the Azurite Realm! I was completely unaware of what happened later, but I feel that if Hei Heng is killed by someone, there is only one possibility, that is the human cultivator and his friend Sansheng Mozu cultivator, he is in The crater is very strong!"

"That's it!" The mountain demon roared, "Check it out for me immediately! Check this human cultivator and Sansheng demon race cultivator, what are their names? What forces belong to them? Did they kill Heiheng? They are listed as the biggest suspects! Go ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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