Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2129: Late power

Chapter 2129 Late Power

Chapter 2128

The Azurite Boundary is remote, and it will take a month to pass from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms.

A month later, a flying palace like a crystal palace has quietly stopped in this quiet area.

"Three fellow Taoists, we have arrived, how are you all in contact?" Prince Luo opened his eyes and asked.

The three princes Li, Gu Fengheng, and Qiuyue replied almost at the same time, "They have all been contacted, and all the prince-level geniuses belonging to the Nine Great Mountains have expressed their willingness to cooperate! It's just that some of them are still performing tasks, or they are relatively far away Far away, anyway, it takes time now!"

Prince Luo nodded, "This matter is about the future of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, I hope they will come as soon as possible!"

After the four geniuses arrived here, the first thing they had to do was to observe the terrain.

The four people walked out of the flying palace like a blue crystal palace one after another. The turbulence of time and space here poses no threat to their bodies!

Prince Luo stood quietly in the turbulent flow of time and space, even though the cosmic wind swept the turbulent flow of time and space on his body, he remained motionless.

After a while, he frowned and said, "The situation is not optimistic, the passage to the blue crystal boundary is still in a sealed state!"

"How can this be good?" Qiuyue, a female prince-level genius, was greatly upset.

Li sighed, "It seems that Li Tuo and the others are already fierce!"

Prince Luo handled things relatively safely, did not rush to make a judgment, still waited quietly, "Look at the situation again!"

It didn't take long for them to stand in this area, and the surroundings became lively.

One after another huge flying palace, docked around them, one after another Jiuyou Temple Mountain genius came out.

As the two major forces in the endless world, Jiuyou Temple Mountain and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms have always been well-watered and innocent. The relationship between the geniuses of the two forces is also a competitive relationship, although the genius of Jiuyou Temple Mountain The disciples will often enter the Union of Ten Thousand Realms to buy and sell items, but the genius between the two parties can never be said to be very harmonious!

"Mountain Demon, the people from the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance have already arrived first!"

The chief prince-level genius mountain demon of Jiuyou Temple Mountain came out. His figure was extremely tall. No one of the geniuses on both sides could compare with him. When he came out, it was like a moving mountain, quite powerful. !

The four members of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance frowned, and Prince Li whispered, "Luo, there are so many people here on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain this time? The visitors are not good!"

As the leader of the four, Prince Luo took the initiative to go out, clasped his fist and said, "Dear fellow Taoists of the Jiuyou Temple Mount, a prince-level genius Luo in the Lower Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! I heard that this time, you also have the Jiuyou Temple Mount. The genius disciple disappeared in the Azurite Realm... I think, this time we can work together to save the geniuses missing in the Azurite Realm on both sides!"

Hearing Prince Luo said this, the Mountain Demon didn’t buy it, and said coldly, “Friend Luo, you’re mistaken, our business didn’t come here to save any missing disciples! Our purpose is very clear, that’s to capture this one. Special life form, bring back Jiuyou Temple Mountain!"

"This..." Prince Luo was stunned. He didn't expect the Mountain Demon to be so straightforward.

Seeing that Prince Luo had nothing to say, the Mountain Demon continued, "No matter what? Our Jiuyou Temple Mount is determined to win this time. This special life form must be taken away by us. Anyone who wants to compete with us is us. Enemy, I hope you four understand!"

The mountain demon was not polite at all, and he couldn't help jumping out with anger, and shouted loudly, "Mountain demon, you Jiuyou Temple Mountain, don't go too far! This newly-born special life form did not write about you Jiuyou. The name of the Temple Mount, why are you determined to get it?"

"With strength!" The Mountain Demon sneered and waved his big hand.

Suddenly, dozens of talented powerhouses on the Jiuyou Temple Mount formed an encirclement, trapping Prince Luo and the four of them completely.

Prince Luo and their faces are ugly, and the situation is not optimistic at all.

The Mountain Demon sneered, "I'll ask again, are you still competing with Jiuyou Temple Mountain?"

"No!" Prince Luo had no choice but to swallow his anger and said, "Friend Mountain Demon, you may have made a mistake! Our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is here this time not to compete with you for this special life form, but to rescue the four of us. The missing genius!"

"That's good! Since you are trying to rescue the same door, then I can't force it to stop. But I want to remind you again, don't let me feel that you are planning to hit this special life body!" The mountain demon said, Pointing at Prince Luo aggressively, "Otherwise, I will ask you to **** off no matter what you are doing here!"

"Hahaha!" The people on Jiuyou Temple Mount laughed loudly.

The mountain demon also ignored the four of them, waved and preached, "You immediately set up the formation of investigation and sense the passage to the blue crystal boundary!"

Seeing the people on Jiuyou Temple Mount were busy, Prince Luo and the others whispered.

"It's so irritating, these people don't take us seriously, Luo, what should I do?"

"I wanted to fight with them just now!"

"For so many years, when has our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance suffered such bird air?"

"Yeah, fight it!"

In the face of the other three people filled with righteous indignation, Prince Luo slowly shook his head, "Now we have to buy time, and more importantly, we must save Prince Litu back! Now the enemy is very few, if we fight forcibly, we will eat A big loss, let alone save Prince Li Tuo!"

"Oh, so angry!"

Just as the four of them swallowed their anger, a new situation happened again!

"Luo! What did I sense?" The female prince Qiuyue's face moved.

In fact, when she was speaking, Prince Luo had already felt it!

Not only did they feel it, but also the detective formation laid down by the Mountain Demon clearly!

"Mountain Demon, detected that the channel leading to the blue crystal boundary has opened a crack! At the same time, it also detected a distress signal from one of our geniuses who disappeared last time!"

On the other side, Prince Luo and their faces were surprised and happy, "We also detected the distress signal sent by Prince Lido!"

Both sides detect that their genius is still alive!

The mountain demon nodded slightly, "According to the method we agreed in advance, the first team of six people will prepare to enter the first batch, observe the situation, and prepare for the conquest of this life body!"

Hearing that the mountain demon was under the arrangement, Prince Luo quickly walked up, "Friends of the mountain demon, we also have four geniuses trapped in the Azurite Realm! We have to send someone to enter!"

The mountain demon waved his hand, "No! Who knows whether you will go in to save people or **** this living body with us?"

"Mountain demon, don't go too far on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain!" Yu and the others rushed out again angrily. The people on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain are really too much, and they don't even allow them to save people.

"That's how I am!" The Mountain Demon was unceremonious, his eyes widened, pointed at Luo and the others with his fingers, and said, "You want to enter, it is absolutely impossible! I warn you, speak kindly to me. That way. If it goes well, it’s not impossible to rescue your people; otherwise, they have three long and two shortcomings, and I am not responsible!"

The threat of the mountain demon's mouth is very strong, and Prince Luo can only say, "Prince Li Tuo is an important member of our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. If she has three strengths and two shortcomings, our nine giants will never give up!"

"It's my shit!" The Mountain Demon snorted coldly, and went to work with him again.

"It's too much!" Prince Luo and the others gritted their teeth with anger, "Go back to the flying palace first, and contact us. Where are our people?"

Prince Luo took the three of his men back to the Flying Palace.

They were still unwilling, worried about the safety of Li Tuo and others, and were not at all assured that the mountain demon would help them save people.

Gu Feng furiously said, "The people of Jiuyou Temple Mount are not so kind and can't save us! I don't think so, we immediately send the message out, and then when their first team rushes into the passage, we The four also rushed in with all their strength, this is the only chance!"

Prince Luo nodded. Although he did not directly conflict with the Mountain Demon, it did not mean that he was weak.

"The mountain demon will never help us save people! Their purpose is the new life form. When they enter, they will definitely anger this life form. Li Tu and the others are only more dangerous!" Prince Luo also issued an order. Decided, "According to the ancient wind, I will send a message to the Ninth Mountain Lord now, and then we are ready to rush in at any time. At that time, we will kill whoever blocks us!"

At this moment, they have all reached the time to fight to the death!

However, what made Prince Luo not reconciled was that if he sent this message back to the Ninth Mountain Lord, then the Ninth Mountain Lord will immediately leave the customs. 39 million years of cultivation will be burned and destroyed!

"Can't hesitate anymore, if Li Tuo dies, the Ninth Mountain Lord will still have to leave!" Prince Qiuyue said.

"Yes!" Prince Luo finally made up his mind to send a message to the Ninth Mountain Lord.

But at this moment, from the depths of this blue and transparent crystal palace, there was a sudden force that burst open!

The four prince-level geniuses were all taken aback, and then it occurred to them that there was another person in this flying palace, Ding Hao!

After all, Ding Hao is also a coincidence!

He used the way of fighting to enter the mid-term peak, which is of great benefit to his aptitude and perception, so when he breaks through and enters the late stage, it is easier!

Adding to the practice experience that Prince Luo gave him, he got twice the result with half the effort, so it only took him three months to complete the breakthrough!

Directly advance to the late stage of the realm of the realm and become a real late stage powerhouse!

"I didn't expect this guy to break through so quickly!" Prince Luo shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The others also nodded, "I know now, why do you say that he will be at the same level as us sooner or later!"

Ding Hao's breakthrough only interrupted them briefly. Prince Luo took out the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet and sent a message to the Ninth Mountain Lord.


The huge quiet room door opened, and Ding Hao rushed out immediately after the breakthrough, saying loudly, "Seniors, what is the situation now? Would you like me to observe the conditions inside the blue crystal boundary?"

Prince Luo immediately stopped sending the message, stared and asked, "Can you observe the situation inside the blue crystal boundary at this moment?"

Four changes today, two chapters will be published first, and there will be at noon!

(End of this chapter)

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