Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2130: Vengeful Mountain Demon

Chapter 2130 The Vengeful Mountain Demon

Chapter 2129 The Vengeful Mountain Demon

Prince Luo heard that Ding Hao could observe the conditions inside the blue crystal boundary, and immediately stopped his movements.

"What? You can observe the situation inside the blue crystal boundary at this moment, how is it possible!" The other three princes couldn't believe it.

Ding Hao said, "I can't observe the conditions inside the Azurite Boundary, but I have a group of fairy worms! When I left the Azurite Boundary, I once put in some detective worms! These bugs should be still in the Azurite Boundary. , I will communicate with them to know the situation inside the blue crystal boundary!"

"Great!" Prince Luo and the others almost jumped with excitement.

What they care about most now is how about Prince Lito and them? If you can see what's inside the blue crystal boundary, everyone can decide what to do next!

"It's just that you guys, if I want to contact these investigative fairies, I must release my flying palace!"

"Well, you release it quickly!"

Right now, Ding Hao and the four princes of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance came to the turbulence of time and space and released his flying palace Star Nest.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing Ding Hao's huge flying palace with a length of more than ten kilometers, Prince Luo and the others were stunned!

Originally Prince Luo felt that his flying palace was huge, but who knew that Ding Hao's flying palace was simply terrifying.

When they followed Ding Hao into the flying palace, they felt even more shocked. The various internal structures were so perfect that they could not be created by cultivators at all!

Soon after, Ding Hao took them to the central control platform of Star Nest.

If it were for someone else, Ding Hao would definitely not be so ostentatious; it was precisely because he felt that Prince Luo was a good person, so Ding Hao did not hide anything, and directly took out Star Nest to help them.

"Fat insects, immediately contact the investigative fairy insects you put down at the beginning to see if they are still alive? Can you send back images?"

The Fat Worm put down six groups of 72 different types of detective fairy insects, and now it reconnects.

"Master, 72 are investigating fairy worms, and now I can contact five more, all of them can send back images!"

"Great!" Ding Hao ordered immediately, "post all the images back!"

Suddenly, five huge light curtains appeared above the central control platform. The images on the light curtains were not very stable, but they might be able to transmit back to the real-time scene inside the blue crystal boundary!

"I can really see it!" Prince Luo and the others were all shocked. They didn't expect Ding Hao to be able to help them a lot at this time.

The five investigating fairy worms have flown to different locations in the Azurite Boundary, and the light curtains displayed in front of them are also different.

But it doesn't matter. Sending a message through the fat bug, these detective nymphs can change direction and angle!

Prince Luo said, "Immediately find that special life form and look at its image!"

The colors on the five light curtains changed uncertainly, and soon the sight of the two investigators found the target.

"My God! What kind of life is this?"

It was the first time Prince Luo and the others saw this huge living body with their own eyes. Its appearance was a beast, colorful and fierce with fangs. It looked extraordinary and fierce. And looking at it carefully, the eyes were completely cunning, far better than ordinary newly born lives!

"This life shouldn't be formed naturally!" Prince Luo said.

Gu Feng Heng Heng also said, "Generally, the naturally formed life is very cute when it is first born. Even if it is fierce and violent, it only acts on instinct! And this beast seems very cunning, not like ordinary A newly born life! So I guess it must be the offspring of some kind of powerful life. Although it is very young, it has already been inherited by the predecessors!"

Prince Luo said, "If you say that, then someone must know this beast. I immediately sent the image to the Ninth Mountain Lord, I believe he must know it!"

Just as they were busy, the Mountain Demon and others were also busy, and they wanted to use the moment when the channel was briefly opened to rush into the blue crystal boundary.

However, Ding Hao's release of the Star Nest still alarmed them. When seeing Ding Hao's back, the female cultivator who had been kneeling in front of the mountain demon hesitated for a while, and finally walked in front of the mountain demon.

"Senior Mountain Demon, I have one thing to report!"

The Mountain Demon snorted coldly, "I'm busy now!"

"About the killing of your disciple Hei Heng!"

The mountain demon flew this way and collected a lot of information, many of which pointed to the human fairy and the three-born demon!

"About the killing of Heiheng?" The Mountain Demon finally stopped and asked, "Then you say!"

The female cultivator said, "The young immortal who was with the four Ten Thousand Realms Alliance just now was the human immortal who was on the Azurite crater that day!"

"What? It's him!"

The mountain demon jumped into thunder, Hei Heng is his rarest disciple, the undead demon, the special life form in the endless world, with amazing aptitude! The mountain demon expects this disciple very much. Hei Heng has been raised by him since he was born, from a ignorant life form to a cultivator who knows everything. The mountain demon is like a father, raising him. Trained the disciple Hei Heng!

Now that the murderer who killed Heiheng was found, the mountain demon couldn't bear it.


"Master, someone is approaching, and the visitor is not good!" The fat insect noticed something was wrong at the first time and immediately notified Ding Hao.

"Project the outside scene in!"

Ding Hao gave an order, and he saw the huge mountain demon walking over with his men. The mountain demon was like a mountain, and he didn't feel small when standing in front of the huge star nest.

"This guy is the chief prince-level genius of Jiuyou Temple Mount. We will meet him when we go out!"

Prince Luo and the four of them immediately flew out and stood in front of Star Nest. Although their figures were small, their cultivation bases were very high. Standing in front of a behemoth, they would not feel that they were small!

After the four of them stood still, Prince Luo said angrily, "Friend Mountain Demon Taoist, don't deceive others too much! We won't interfere with you entering the Azurite Realm, what else do you want?"

The mountain demon angrily said, "Get out of here! This matter has nothing to do with you, the human immortal who was with you, he killed my disciple Hei Heng! A life pays a life, I am here for revenge today. !"

"What?" Prince Luo and the others were all taken aback, and they didn't expect this incident to exist.

Li said in a low voice, "The mountain demon seeks revenge for his disciples. There is nothing wrong with this, what shall we do?"

Prince Luo coldly snorted, "Little friend Ding Hao is good enough for us, how can we leave him? Besides, he is in charge of the investigation of fairy worms in the Azurite Realm. How can we give him up? Protect him!"


After the four reached a tacit understanding, they still stood in front of the mountain demon.

Prince Luo said neither humble nor arrogant, "You seek revenge for your disciple, I can understand. But Ding Hao has just become a full member of our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, we must protect our full member! You said he killed your disciple Hei Heng, Then you have to show evidence, then I will take it back and report to the nine giants, and let them decide how to deal with it! If they decide to leave Ding Hao to you to deal with, then we will follow it!"

"Tell me about the evidence?" Shan Mo was so angry that he vomited blood.

He also inquired about news from various quarters. Where is the evidence in his hand?

His eyes widened, his giant fists clenched, "Are the four of you really determined to fight against my mountain demon?"

"How about going against you?" Gu Fengheng had had enough for a long time, strode up, and shouted, "I have long heard how the chief prince-level genius mountain demon on the Jiuyou Temple Mount? How dare you be here with me? World War I? At this very moment, we will be singled out!"

"I'm afraid of you?" The mountain demon strode forward!

However, at this time, his ears were constantly being heard, the sound transmission from other practitioners on the Temple Mount of Jiuyou.

"Mountain Demon, don't!"

"They are deliberately delaying time. Don't be fooled. What Gu Feng Heng cultivates is the skill of dodge dexterity. No matter how strong you are, it will be difficult to defeat him in a short time! And we have to be busy executing the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor to us Mission!"

"Yes, mountain demon, don't be arrogant!"

"Mountain Demon, the channel to enter the Azurite Boundary is twisting and shrinking, can we enter?"

The mountain demon bit his teeth, even though he wanted revenge, he didn't dare to delay the mission of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou!

"You wait!"

The mountain demon pointed at the four of them with his finger, and finally pointed at the star nest with his finger, gave a cold snort, turned his head and left.

Looking at his back, Gu Fengheng stretched out his little finger contemptuously.

The four of them returned to the Star Nest, and then heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "At that moment, I was really afraid that the mountain demon would desperately and would do everything!"

"He doesn't dare!" Qiuyue said, "This time the Nine Nether Temple Mount seems really determined to win. The Mountain Demons put down their grudges and went all out!"

After speaking, she turned to ask Prince Luo again, "What shall we do?"

Gu Fengheng said, "It's still the way I said beforehand. When they rushed into the Azurite Boundary, we rushed in and killed whoever got in the way!"

"Do not!"

Ding Hao came over and said, "Look!"

He pointed at the five light curtains, "This life form is located at the entrance of the blue crystal boundary passage! In other words, the person who rushes in will appear within its attack range as soon as possible! "

"What?" Prince Luo and the others carefully observed the light curtain, and Gu Fengheng asked again, "Can you be sure where it is, the place where the passage enters?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I have entered once, and of course it is clear that after entering any flying palace, it will fall into that area! This is simply sending meat to its mouth and sending it to death for nothing!"

"That's great, we won't go in! All the people from Jiuyou Temple Mount should go in!" Prince Luo showed a cold smile on his face.

Just when they made a decision, the people on Jiuyou Temple Mount also started to act.

The first team of six prince-level geniuses formed a team, divided into three flying palaces, and sailed into the passage!

But Ding Hao and the others were in the Star Nest, watching with cold eyes, while waiting for the Ninth Mountain Lord to reply!

(End of this chapter)

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