Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2139: Founding religion

Chapter 2139 Founding God Sect

Chapter 2138 Founding God Cult

The mother beast of the newt definitely has the strength of a ninth-order planet-level life form, and it appears at this moment, quite shocking!

Although Ding Hao had seen the world tree of Tier 9, the world tree was already aging!

What's more, the world tree is a plant-type life, which is slightly inferior to an animal-type life!

The strength and size of the mother beast of the newt is very huge, when it approached here, no one noticed it! When it uttered a roar, the entire space-time turbulence became extremely violent, the cosmic wind became even more crazy, and the scene was quite scary!

Ding Hao is not stupid either, he backs off quickly when encountering this situation.

The strongest person present at the moment is Prince Luo of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance.

"Luo, what should I do?" The prince-level geniuses who are still trying to pull the iron chain of the rune, their bodies are shaking violently, and the chains are still tightly pulled in their hands.


Finding that these people still refused to let go of their offspring, the mother beast of the axolotl was furious, with another earth-shattering shout, which was obviously really angry.

Its huge and terrifying figure also emerged from the darkness...

"My God, is this the mother beast of Axolotl?" The geniuses present were all horrified.

It was also the first time Ding Hao saw such a giant beast. The World Swallowing Beast in his galaxy ring was not as huge as this beast! Moreover, this beast is very ferocious, its whole body is colorful, with bright colors, a bit like a tiger and leopard, but with long fangs sticking out of its mouth, it looks extraordinary!

"Is this the strength of the ninth-order galaxy-level life form in its heyday?" Ding Hao also saw his eyes flashing, and his heart was shocked.

There are indeed many attractions in this endless world. These powerful beings can only arouse the desire of practitioners to work harder and sprint upwards!

When the mother beast came out, the prince-level geniuses with the iron chain in their hands couldn't hold the iron chain in their hands at all.

The huge iron cage made a crackling sound and flew towards the mother beast.

Those prince-level geniuses have to loosen the iron chain in their hands, otherwise they will also be pulled over.

Seeing this kind of sight, Prince Luo and the others were totally helpless. In the face of such a huge being, if they had to make a move, it would be a death.

However, the people on the Jiuyou Temple Mount who had been holding on to the side greeted them against the violent turbulence of time and space.

They flew in front of the mother beast, then knelt down together, and kowtow.

It was not this mother beast that they bowed down, but a huge black whirlpool slowly appeared in the direction they were facing.

This whirlpool grew bigger and bigger, and the aura from it became more and more frightening. Even the mother beast of the newt couldn't help but step back, her eyes alert.

"Respectfully welcome the arrival of the will of Jiuyou Saint Ancestor!"

From the kneeling geniuses of Jiuyou Temple Mountain, everyone finally knows who is this huge vortex that suddenly appeared?

It turned out to be the master of Jiuyou Saint Temple Mountain, and Jiuyou Saint Ancestor projected his will.

"Axolotl!" Jiuyou Saint Ancestor called out, and the mother beast couldn't help bowing her head respectfully.

Amazingly, in the endless world, the master of Jiuyou Temple Mount, one of the three major forces, personally appeared!

Who else would dare not give him face!

On this side, Prince Luo and others all bowed their heads and saluted respectfully.

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou's voice is not very loud, but it still makes people's hearts beat into everyone's ears.

"Axolotl, I am very optimistic about your offspring! I hope it will join our Nine Nether Temple Mount, I will accept it as a direct disciple, and cultivate it into a powerful practitioner! In the future, if you want to see it, or if you want to see it You, this is all very easy things! Moreover, you can also have a shelter, Jiuyou Temple Mount welcomes you to join at any time!"

When Jiuyou Saint Ancestor spoke, although Ding Hao lowered his head, he secretly cursed him for shamelessness.

This old guy is too despicable. Not only does he want to put the axolotl cubs in his bag, even the mother beast wants to earn them on the Nine Nether Temple Mount! If this powerful mother and child are included in their power, their power will increase out of thin air!

But at this moment, another will was also projected.

Prince Luo suddenly stretched out his six arms, holding a treasure mirror in each arm. The treasure mirror created a huge six-dimensional space in the void, and the will of the ninth mountain lord was projected on these six degrees. In the space, a huge figure of the Ninth Mountain Lord slowly formed.

"Senior Jiuyou, long time no see." After the Ninth Mountain Lord appeared, he had to say hello to Saint Ancestor Jiuyou. No matter what, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was the first living entity to appear.

"Who am I? Ten Thousand Realms Alliance Old Nine, your people killed my chief disciple, we will talk about this later! As for the axolotl, don't fight with me, give me a face, Jiuyou Temple Shan and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms have always been friendly in these years, so don’t make war chaos in the endless world again!"

The words of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou were like a stone thrown into the calm water, and everyone's hearts were shocked.

"The chief disciple of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, isn't it a mountain demon? What about the mountain demon! Why didn't you see the mountain demon today? Who killed the mountain demon?" A large number of geniuses in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance who don't know their inner details Doubt, watch left and right, want to find the person who killed the mountain demon.

In the end, their gazes fell on Prince Luo and their faces, and they thought to themselves that the only ones who could kill the mountain demon on our side were probably Prince Luo and the others! I really didn't expect that Prince Luo and the others would have done such a big thing before we came? Amazingly, Prince Luo's strength seems to have increased again!

The most wronged at the moment is Prince Luo and the others.

Prince Luo and Qiuyue Gufengheng, they looked at each other, they were all unclear!

"Is the mountain demon dead? How could it be possible! Didn't the mountain demon chase Ding Hao? What happened?"

Prince Luo suddenly thought of a very important question, that is, how did Ding Hao escape from the hands of the Mountain Demon? Why is Ding Hao back? The mountain demon didn't come back yet!

When Prince Luo met Ding Hao not long ago, he was just happy and helped Ding Hao introduce the Prince-level geniuses.

But he has forgotten one thing, that is, where did the mountain demon go?

Now that Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said this, Prince Luo also suddenly woke up, "Where did the mountain demon go? Could it be that the mountain demon was killed by Ding is it possible! Is this a joke?"

At this moment, Ding Hao's heart also felt a sense of fright.

He didn't expect how long it would take to kill the Mountain Demon himself? Saint Ancestor Jiuyou already knows!

There is no doubt about the power of the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, and he doesn't even want his deity to leave the gate. With the whirlpool will he released now, Ding Hao can be directly suppressed to death!

"What to do?" Ding Hao was about to escape now, and he couldn't escape the palm of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou.

Listening to the words of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, the ninth mountain lord laughed, "Senior Jiuyou, I am not here to compete with you today! I have come to apologize to this senior!"

After the ninth mountain lord finished speaking, he respectfully saluted in a direction beside the mother beast.

"Senior, Zai and the disciples did not know that this cub was raised by you. Thank you for your restraint and no action against my disciples! I'm very sorry, the Alliance of All Worlds and the Founding God Sect have always been friendly. We are willing to be friendly forever. Go down! Back then, I practiced in the religion of God. I have been taking care of my seniors. I still dare not forget it. I came here today to apologize to you!"

The words of the ninth mountain lord shocked everyone present, and their faces paled.

Among the three powers in the endless world, the strongest power is not the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, nor is it the Jiuyou Temple Mount, but the most mysterious founding cult!

The founding religion is very mysterious and very powerful. Legend has it that it existed when the world was created!

In the endless world, the vast majority of those powerful life forms have also joined it!

The characteristic of the founding sect is that it is looser and has always been friendly to the other two forces. The Alliance of the Ten Thousand Realms and the Jiuyou Temple Mountain will even regularly send the geniuses among the sects to the founding sect for cultivation! The Ninth Mountain Lord is the same batch that year!

Unexpectedly, this giant newt, and its mother beast, actually have a master!

Ding Hao now finally understands why the azurite world is so standard and square... It turns out that these are all deliberately set up by someone to cultivate newt cubs here! And this master can make a world like this, and he has waited for hundreds of millions of years!

This person's life span and his strength are scary to think about.

In the direction around the mother beast, in the eyes of Ding Hao and others, there was nothing at all.

But at this moment, from there, there was a wave of fluctuations, "Hmm."

This senior didn't know where it was sacred, and didn't like to talk. He just snorted as an answer.

The most embarrassing thing at this moment is the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor.

Not only did he not find that the axolotl had a master, but he didn't even notice that the owner was by his side, and he even said a lot of words that he wanted to win him over. If Saint Ancestor Jiuyou had a face, his face must be flushed at this moment, and he was extremely embarrassed!

In the huge vortex, the voice of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou immediately came out.

"Haha!" He laughed awkwardly, and said, "It turned out that it was the Daoist friend of the beast Shishin who came here. I'm sorry that I didn't find it because I was not the deity. I don't know that this cub was raised by you... Haha, since the Daoist friend When I arrive, it’s better to go to my Jiuyou Temple Mountain for a few days and talk about friendship again!"

Beast Shishen didn't like to talk, but just answered two words, "No."

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou smiled awkwardly and said, "Then you must have a lot to do, fellow Taoist! Then Jiuyou won't delay you."

"it is good."

After this sound, there was no more fluctuation in that direction, and the mother and cubs of the axolotl slowly disappeared into the turbulence of time and space, and disappeared without a trace.

When it disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and unexpectedly met the predecessor who founded the religion!

Fortunately, this predecessor is not a cruel person, otherwise all the people present will be killed, and the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and Jiuyou Temple Mount probably have nothing to say!

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou breathed a sigh of relief, and he said again, "Old Nine of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, now it's time to talk about the murder of my disciple!"

(End of this chapter)

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