Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2140: Shocking words

Chapter 2140 Shocking Words

Chapter 2139: Shocking Words

The Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and Jiuyou Temple Mount, the two major forces can be said to have been busy this time.

Axolotl has a master at all, and the master is quite powerful, a predecessor of the founding god.

Everyone just ran in vain. As for the geniuses who died in the mouth of the axolotl cubs, they were all in vain!

Relatively speaking, the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is a little better here, and the Jiuyou Temple Mount has suffered heavy casualties, and achieved nothing!

What makes Jiuyou Saint Ancestor the most unacceptable is that his direct disciple, the chief prince-level genius of Jiuyou Temple Mount, a seventh-order planet-level special life body mountain demon, was killed!

This is simply a huge loss for Jiuyou Saint Temple Mount, and Jiuyou Saint Ancestor had to bring it up to speak.

"Now it's time to talk about the murder of my disciple!"

When Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said these words, the scene was in an uproar again.

Whether it is the disciples of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance or the disciples of the Jiuyou Temple Mount, they are all shocked!

Their eyes are constantly searching, wanting to find the strong man who can kill the mountain demon!

"Who? Who is it?"

Everyone has a huge question mark in their hearts.

Hearing what Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said, the ninth mountain master smiled slightly, "Senior Jiuyou, I just came here! What is unclear! You just said that your disciple was killed by my people, I would like to ask I asked who your disciple was? Who killed it? What evidence do you say?"

"Huh, do you want to play a rogue?"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou shouted angrily, "The slain disciple I mentioned is our chief genius on the Temple Mount of Jiuyou, a seventh-order planet-level special life form, a mountain demon! He was sent by me this time to be the commander of the operation, who Knowing that he suddenly died in the middle of the journey and was killed by someone, the essence and blood jade plate he left on the Jiuyou Temple Mount was also blown to pieces! It wasn't your people who killed it, so who killed it!"

Listening to the words of Saint Jiuyou, Ding Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart!

It turned out that Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was just guessing, he didn't know who actually killed the mountain demon! After Ding Hao understood this, he immediately had a countermeasure. In short, it was just eight words: pretending to be stupid, not admitting it!

Obviously, the Ninth Mountain Lord has the same plan.

The Ninth Mountain Master asked in astonishment, "Really? There is such a thing? Your disciple Mountain Demon, I have seen him before, is a good cultivator! He is so powerful, it shouldn't be killed by mine. Him!"

After the ninth mountain master finished speaking, he turned around and asked, "You can honestly explain who killed the mountain demon? What was the situation at that time? Tell me all, tell the truth, don't lie!"

Although the ninth mountain lord spoke very harshly, his gaze was to Ding Hao, and in his gaze there seemed to be a few large characters, "Don't tell the truth!"

Ding Haoxin said, I am not stupid, of course I can't tell the truth! If you tell the truth, then the secret of my possession of a Galaxy-class life form will be revealed! Even if he will become the disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord in the future, he is not willing to expose this secret in the short term! Because his cultivation base is still very weak, if someone wants to make money and harm him, it is easy to hide with a spear, and it is difficult to defend with a secret arrow. There will even be people in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance who want to kill him and win the beast!

After the ninth mountain lord asked, all the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance shook their heads to deny.

"No! We didn't kill the mountain demon at all!"

"When we came here, the Mountain Demon was no longer here!"

"Yes, we didn't even see it, so why are we talking about killing him?"

Amidst the denials, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou sneered, "Is it because the mountain demon did not commit suicide?"

After speaking, he burst out, "Leng Jin, come out! You give me a detailed explanation of the situation at the time!"

Leng Jin was a genius of Jiuyou Temple Mountain and the deputy of the Mountain Demon. He had witnessed all the circumstances at that time.

"Holy Ancestor Nine You, the ninth mountain lord of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, the situation was like this at the time."

Leng Jin saluted and began to say, "A team of us entered the Azurite Realm and wanted to get the image of the behemoth! The Mountain Demon stood in this position..."

While introducing in words, he took out a little light of wisdom from his ocean of consciousness, and projected all the situations he saw with his own eyes on the light curtain, so that everyone present could see Clearly.

Everyone clearly saw that at that moment, Prince Luo rushed out alone.

"Hush!" The geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance present secretly sighed, and secretly said in their hearts: At this moment, only a powerful person like Prince Luo can stand alone and challenge the Mountain Demon alone!

But just when everyone had this idea in their minds, a scene that surprised everyone happened.

From the insect nest, suddenly four people flew out, rushing toward the space channel!

And among these four people, there is also a Prince Luo!

"What's the situation? Is it a mistake? How can there be two Prince Luo?"

"It's impossible to read it wrong, Prince Luo has six arms, who else is like him?"

Amidst everyone’s doubts, Leng Jin said, “At that moment, we were all dumbfounded. We didn’t know which Prince Luo was the real one? So we divided our forces into two groups, and one route was for the mountain demon to pursue the first Luo who appeared. Prince; and we are the four of Prince Luo who appeared after the block! We found that the four people who appeared afterwards were very strong, especially Prince Luo, this person should be the real Prince Luo!"

Hearing what he said, everyone was even more curious. Who is that fake Prince Luo?

The answer was soon revealed. On the light curtain, a young fairy in white fluttering quickly appeared, suddenly taking off the human skin of the Variety Demon...

"It turned out to be him!"

"I wipe!"

"How can it be!"

All the people present were going to faint to the ground. No one thought that this cultivator who had great courage and challenged the mountain demon alone was Ding Hao in the late stage of the realm master realm!

"My God! Even if I'm not so bold, I will lead the mountain demon alone! That would be death!"

All eyes were on Ding Hao. Just now, when Prince Luo introduced Ding Hao to these people, some of them were not too slow to Ding Hao! Even Bai Man questioned Ding Hao's ability to join the team...

But now everyone's attitude towards Ding Hao is only two words, admiration!

After all, in that situation, who would dare to take such a big risk to lure away the mountain demon!

What's more, Ding Hao only has the cultivation base of the later stage of the realm!

"This kid..." The tall and big savage demon, the little prince Manke, gritted his teeth and cursed to himself: "Why do you show him every time?"

Bai Man whispered, "His kind of cultivation base, under that kind of situation, dare to come out, that's incredible!"

Manke cursed, "I think he must have something to rely on, there must be some strong behind him! Otherwise, how could it be possible! He is a realm master, to provoke the mountain demon is simply looking for death! I don't believe that he is so. Great courage?"

As Manke said, more people present all secretly guessed that there was someone behind Ding Hao, hiding somewhere nearby.

Leng Jin's report soon ended. When the two figures of the Mountain Demon and Ding Hao disappeared, there were no more witnesses.

The scene was strangely quiet, and everyone's eyes were like sharp swords, piercing Ding Hao.

Ding Hao was silent and motionless in full view.

At this moment, even Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, an old guy who had lived for hundreds of millions of years, was paying attention to Ding Hao.

From the perspective of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, he did not believe that Ding Hao could kill the mountain demon.

"Old Nine of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, this little fellow in the realm of the realm is from your Ten Thousand Realms Alliance?" Jiuyou Saint Ancestor asked.

The Ninth Mountain Lord nodded and said, "That's right. This son is named Ding Hao, who is called the Immortal Venerable World, a member of the Immortal Clan, who has just joined our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance soon!"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said again, "Ding Hao, you honestly explain that you led the Mountain Demon away, and then what happened?"

The Ninth Mountain Lord also said, "Ding Hao, you must tell the truth!"

Ding Hao was funny, and the Ninth Mountain Lord seemed to say "You must not tell the truth"!

But at this time, Ding Hao didn't dare to show any disrespect, and he hurriedly saluted, "I have seen Senior Jiuyou Sacred Ancestor and Senior Mountain Lord Ninth. The situation at that time was that the Mountain Demon had been following me and chasing him! However, I have two unique runes presented to me by the Ninth Mountain Lord, one rune can block the attack of the mountain demon, and the other rune can temporarily trap the mountain demon! I alternate these two runes Used, so the mountain demon did not cause any harm to me, but let me take the opportunity to escape! So, I turned around in the turbulence of time and space and returned, and never saw the mountain demon again!"

"Hush!" There was a boo in the hearts of everyone.

My heart said that you kid is too insincere to lie. The strength of the mountain demon is so strong that it didn't even touch the corner of your clothes and let you escape easily. Isn't this nonsense?

Everyone present didn't believe it, and Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was even worse. He sneered, "According to you, after the mountain demon didn't catch up with you, did it somehow die in the turbulence of time and space?"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Senior Jiuyou, don't you suspect that I killed him! Look at my cultivation base, and then look at his cultivation base, I can't be his opponent anyway!"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou certainly did not believe that Ding Hao killed the mountain demon. He guessed that the ninth mountain lord must have sent many people to hide nearby. Ding Hao led the mountain demon into the encirclement, and then the crowd of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance attacked and killed The mountain demon dropped!

Thinking of this, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou sneered, "Alliance Old Nine, I don’t believe what you have said to the newly joined Realm Master Realm cultivator! I am going to cast spells on him now! Leave his will. My memory was inspired, let everyone take a look at what was going on at the time and who was the murderer?"

In the eyes of many people, Ding Hao just joined the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, and his cultivation base is only Realm Master Realm! Maybe, the Ninth Mountain Lord will give up Ding Hao and agree to Jiuyou Holy Ancestor to cast spells on Ding Hao!

However, the Ninth Mountain Lord did not hesitate and refused, "Senior Jiuyou, no!"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou sneered, "Do you want to cherish such a small realm? Or is there something ulterior in his memory? Can't you show it to everyone?"

"Neither!" The Ninth Mountain Master gave a big hand and said proudly, "Because he is my personal disciple, let you cast spells, what is my face?"

The Ninth Mountain Lord said these words as if a thunder blasted off the scene, blasting everyone present to dizziness!

"I'll rub, what's the situation, when did Ding Hao become the direct disciple of the ninth mountain lord?" The people present were all a little confused!

(End of this chapter)

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