Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2149: Primitive ruins

Chapter 2149 Primitive Ruins

Chapter 2148 Primitive Ruins

Reverse fusion allows Xiaobi's mental power to penetrate into the world tree. If successful, Xiaobi can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Her original physical body was just an ordinary fairy vine in the fairy world, with little potential for upgrading.

But if she can get the body of this world tree, she will change her destiny in an instant, and the future will become brighter!

As Sudinan said, this move is also dangerous, and the key is whether Xiaobi's mental power is strong enough?

In Ding Hao's temple, he released the still coffin in the center of the temple and asked Sudinan to help him watch it.

"It's a very beautiful girl." Sudinan nodded looking at Xiaobi who was lying quietly in the transparent coffin, and said again, "Her cultivation base is too weak, and her mental power is even weaker! Her own mental power is not an opponent of the World Tree at all! So you must help her. When you open the coffin one day in the future, you will use all kinds of heaven and earth treasures you have prepared to quickly improve her mental power; and I am also I will be on the scene and teach her a reverse penetration technique, allowing her to quietly penetrate into the other party!"

"Good, good!" Ding Hao nodded continuously.

Although Sudinan's suggestion is very risky, it is a good suggestion. What is needed now is to have enough and precious treasures.

This kind of heaven, material and earth treasure must be able to enhance Xiaobi's mental power in the shortest time!

Sudinan said, "The treasures of spiritual power are inherently extraordinary, let alone increase her spiritual power in a short time! Although I have this idea, I don't know what kind of spiritual treasures can achieve. This kind of effect requires you to think about and find it yourself."

"Thank you Brother Su!"

Just after Ding Hao thanked Sudinan, he flew into a bright spot of light from outside the temple. Ding Hao reached out and held the spot of light in his hand, frowning, "The teacher is calling me."

"Then I'll go first, and send me a message if you have something!" Sudinan nodded and hurried away.

"This matter just happened to ask the teacher."

Ding Hao immediately flew out of the temple, rushed to the main peak of the Ninth Mountain Range, and came to the mountain platform here.

The figure of will projected by the ninth mountain lord is extremely tall, already standing here waiting quietly.

"Ding Hao, this 100-year retreat seems to have benefited you a lot!" The Ninth Mountain Master nodded and saw that although Ding Hao had not improved his cultivation level, his perception had improved a lot.

"Thank you, teacher, I have been watching the Wushuang scrolls Xing Wushuang left for me for the past 100 years. I saw the last volume from the first volume and read it through again. It has greatly improved me!"

The Ninth Mountain Lord said, "Xing Wushuang has amazing aptitude. She developed in the Alliance world as much as me back then! Her practice is believed to be the best practice in the realm of the realm. I won't say much! I want to What I'm discussing with you is that there are still more than eight hundred years when the beast cave is open. The eternal beast senior will use his power to improve and polish you! Entering the beast cave to practice, it will treat every cultivator in the true gods. It's a great thing! You can't miss this opportunity! So you must reach the realm of the true gods before the beast den opens!"

"That's it!" Ding Hao raised his head and looked at the distant place, the huge black hole in the Alliance World, where it turned out to be a treasure of cultivation.

"It's just that it's not long since I have just entered the late stage, teacher. I want to break through and enter the realm of true gods in 800 years. This is too fast!"

The more difficult it is to break through the later the cultivation base, Ding Hao originally thought that he could reach the late peak within a thousand years, and then retreat for at least five hundred years to specifically use it to attack the true gods!

You should know that the realm of the realm of the realm is an improvement of a big realm, and it is not so easy to break through.

But now the request of the ninth mountain lord is too urgent, Ding Hao will enter the realm of true gods in 800 years, and time is too tight.

The Ninth Mountain said, "This is no way. The Beast Cave will only open once more than 90,000 years! If you miss this time, you will have to wait for more than 90,000 years! If you want to defeat your opponent Sharon, the Beast Cave cultivation is necessary!"

"Okay! I will work hard!" Ding Hao didn't have many good ideas for this request.

The Ninth Mountain said, "Actually, the eight hundred years of advanced true gods are not a fantasy! As long as you train properly, you can integrate combat and practice, keep fighting, and keep practicing! Countless times have experienced life and death. , You will grow rapidly, what I am considering now is which primitive ruins to send you to practice and polish..."

Before the Ninth Mountain Lord finished speaking, Ding Hao was stunned.

"Teacher, you are not mistaken! The original ruins, are you sure I am not going to die?"

The ruins in the turbulence of time and space are divided into: abandoned world, ruins of the strong, ancient ruins, and primitive ruins!

People like Ding Hao’s cultivation base usually explore the abandoned world. Even the ruins of the strong need to be taken by Prince Luo and the others. The ancient ruins are even more dangerous. Prince Luo and the others have a great chance of dying in it. Speaking of Ding Hao; as for the primitive ruins, even in the late True God Realm, they would not dare to enter easily. I am afraid that only people like the Nine Giants can enter and explore!

And now, the Ninth Mountain Lord was about to send Ding Hao into the original ruins.

This is no different from sending to death, and there is no doubt that he will die.

The ninth mountain lord laughed and said, "Let it die and live later. Since I send you in, I can improve your survival rate. Besides, I only need you to escape in it!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Teacher, that's a primitive ruin! I'm afraid I will be killed when I enter! Prince Luo and the others are sure to die when they enter the realm of true gods, let alone the late stage of my realm master!"

"Look at you for being timid, if you don't go through these special trainings, how can you improve yourself? How can you enter the realm of true gods in 800 years? How can you compare with Shalun's kind of proud son born from the combination of heaven and earth? !"

When the ninth mountain lord called Sha Lun a birth of heaven and earth, Ding Hao was surprised, "Is he really that powerful?"

"Yes, his aptitude surpasses Jiuyou Saint Ancestor to some extent!"

"My God." Ding Hao now finally understands what kind of opponent he is going to face, and his aptitude exceeds the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, that is really scary. Ding Hao asked again, "Then what does the pattern on his body represent!"

The Ninth Mountain Lord said, "After 100 years of pondering, I have figured out a lot, but now I haven't figured out how the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor will use these patterns to cultivate Shalun..."

Speaking of this, Ding Hao raised his hand and took out the token of the Jiuyou Temple Mountain left by the Mountain Demon, "Teacher, this is the only thing left by the Mountain Demon! I did not take it from him. Is it related to this token to find any storage treasures? Will there be a means by which Saint Ancestor Jiuyou cultivates his disciples?"

"let me see."

The ninth mountain master has grasped the token with his large hands. For a strong person like him, it is easy to break some of the restrictions on the token.

Soon after, I saw an aperture on the token burst open, and the spiritual power of the ninth mountain lord directly penetrated into the token. "There are indeed many exercises passed down to the disciples by the Nine Nether Saint Ancestor, and a few are A special technique used to train mountain demons!"

The Ninth Mountain Master took out these exercises, swept through with his mind, nodded and said, "These are the exercises used by the Jiuyou Holy Ancestor to train disciples. Although the exercises are different, you can find some clues in them, okay. Well, with these, I have the confidence to find a way to deal with those patterns within ten thousand years!"

While talking, the ninth mountain master handed back the token to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao swept through it with his heart, and his face was suddenly delighted, "This is really a storage device, and there seems to be a lot of good things in it!"

When finished talking about cultivation, Ding Hao took out Xiaobi's matter to the Ninth Mountain Master again.

The Ninth Mountain Lord is the most powerful cultivator in the endless world, and he should have his opinion on this matter.

"Sudinan's method is good." The Ninth Mountain Master nodded immediately after hearing this, "I also have several methods here, but in comparison, his method is a bit risky, but it is the most perfect method! Your relatives , This time it may really be a blessing in disguise!"

Ding Hao frowned, "Teacher, are your methods very safe? I don't want my relatives to take risks!"

"No, no, no!" The Ninth Mountain Lord shook his head, "Adventure is a must! It's like I sent you into the primitive ruins. Isn't this an adventure? A cultivator, if he doesn't want to break through any danger, then he is A useless person! Right now this is the best opportunity for your relatives, and the only chance for her to be strong in this life! If you don’t use Sudinan’s approach, I can also do it, but from then on, your relatives will become mediocre. Incomparable, even more mediocre than before. Although she will live, she can only return to your fairyland and spend her remaining life under the protection of others! At the same time, that very precious world tree will be completely destroyed by me. Drop...This is the worst way!"

"That's it..."

Ding Hao couldn't help but hesitate. Although he cared about Xiaobi's life, if he let Xiaobi live that kind of life, staying alone in a certain part of the immortal world, becoming a useless person and being carefully protected by others, Ding Hao would also be very I can't go back and take a look at her!

Is this really the life she wants?

Also, the elder World Tree has protected the fairy world for so many years. Will the seeds and inheritance he left be completely wiped out?

"But teacher, it is very difficult to find those precious spiritual treasures! Because the world tree seeds want to swallow Xiaobi, it is a very short time! I don't know what other treasures in this world can be in such a short time. Time, let Xiaobi's mental power get an explosive boost!"

"Haha!" The Ninth Mountain Lord smiled, "You don't know! But I do!"

"Really?" Ding Hao was immediately ecstatic. If there is such a treasure, then Ding Hao absolutely supports Sudinan's plan!

The Ninth Mountain Lord nodded and said, "I was still thinking about which primitive ruin to send you into. Now I have the answer. In that ruin, there are treasures you need!"

Ding Hao nodded immediately, "Then I will go!"

(End of this chapter)

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