Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2150: Meditation bubbles

Chapter 2150 Meditation Bubbles

Chapter 2149 Meditation Bubble

Primitive ruins, that is the most dangerous area in the turbulence of time and space!

It is called primitive ruins because there are many primitive lives in the ruins!

These primitive beings are very powerful, and their strength is no less than that of the ninth-order galaxy-level beings. The only difference is that the primitive beings have no IQ!

In other words, they are powerful and brainless!

There is no reason to say with them, they are also quite cruel, just relied on instinct to slaughter wantonly, so the primitive ruins are quite dangerous, even the super cultivators in the late True God realm, the survival rate of entering the primitive ruins is less than 100% One!

If a cultivation base like Ding Hao enters it, it will definitely die!

The time to survive is calculated in seconds!

However, since the Ninth Mountain Lord asked Ding Hao to go, he had some means to save his life!

"Ding Hao, since you want to go, I need a few days to prepare. Then I will call you!" The Ninth Mountain Master must make full preparations to ensure nothing is lost.

"Okay." Ding Hao asked again, "Teacher, which primitive ruins are you going to send me to? What kind of heavenly materials can help Xiaobi among them? What powerful primitive lives are there? These few days , I also want to do some homework."

The Ninth Mountain Main Road, "Alright. The original ruin I want to send you to is No. 1206. There is a lot of news about this original ruin in the Alliance's Classics Workshop. Among them, the treasure you need is the meditation bubble! God, you can check the relevant content, it will help you to enter it."

"Original ruins of No. 1206, meditation bubbles!" Ding Hao nodded and flew back to his temple from the main peak of the Ninth Mountain Range.

Among the tall temples and among the huge white pillars, Ding Hao's figure calmly walked in.

Although the Ninth Mountain mainly provides some life-saving methods for Ding Hao, don't forget, it is a primitive ruin!

Entering the primitive ruins, no one can guarantee the safety of anyone, and the Ninth Mountain Lord does not dare to guarantee absolutely!

"But I still want to go!" Ding Hao looked solemnly, excluding all those worried and fearful thoughts, "Since I have made up my mind to go, don't think about these useless!"

Sitting in his temple, Ding Hao took out the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet and put his thoughts in it.

"Prince Ding Hao, you are welcome to enter the official member center. You have a posted task that needs to be confirmed."

"Has the delivery task been completed?" Ding Hao raised his brows and immediately used the task workshop function.

Entering the task workshop, the delivery task he released has been shown to be completed, and the female prince-level genius who delivered the goods is named Qing.

Qing did not come back to the Alliance, but used the bracelet of the Ten Thousand Worlds to send back the letter from the Star Meteorite Tower.

"Let me see." When Ding Hao thought, he got a reply from Xingyi Pagoda, which expressed his gratitude and also showed his determination to cultivate hard.

"It seems that it has indeed been delivered." Ding Hao nodded and immediately ordered, "The mission is confirmed and agreed to transfer 300 mission points to Prince Qing."

"Haha! It's so easy to earn 300 mission points!" In the endless turbulence of time and space, in a crystal blue flying palace, the female prince-level genius smiled happily and sent it directly to Ding Hao. The news came, "Handsome guy, I heard that you are a direct disciple of the ninth mountain lord. The mission points in your hand must be very generous! My sister organized a five-person team this time to explore the ruins of the 7789 strong man, how about? Interested in participating? Just give 1000 mission points and take you into the sightseeing!"

After I finished speaking, I couldn't help laughing.

The other four geniuses of true gods were attracted by her laughter, "What's the situation?"

He smiled and said, "I'm a direct disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord of Huyou, and join our team! As long as he gives 1,000 mission points, we will take him into sightseeing once!"

Another genius said, "Prince Qing, you really have a good way of making money! Bring one more person, then each of us can get 200 points for nothing, that's nothing!"

"Yes, like him, with a lot of money and soft people, I'm afraid he has never entered the ruins of the strong! As long as you give the money, you will take him in and see!"

"In my opinion, after entering, pretending to create some danger, and we will save his life, he must be grateful, and he will add more money to us!"

"Haha! You are even better!"

The people here are all chattering, wanting to fool Ding Hao to join their team and slaughter the fat sheep with much money and soft people.

But soon Qing received a message from Ding Hao, "Thank you for your kind intentions, let's do it later! I am going to explore a primitive ruin recently!"

"Original ruins, my God!" Qing and the five of them were shocked. The sneer on their faces just disappeared instantly.

"Isn't it! You just want to enter the primitive ruins? Are you kidding me?" Qing asked in shock.

"No, it was my teacher's request. I won't say anything, I have something else." Ding Hao hurriedly ended the conversation.

The five people here were completely dumbfounded. They all looked down on Ding Hao and regarded Ding Hao as a fat sheep with a lot of money! But who knows, Ding Hao is actually going to explore the primitive ruins!

"He is bragging!" a genius finally said.

"He didn't dare, didn't you see him say it? It was his teacher's request! If he lied again, he would not dare to bring the Ninth Mountain Lord out to lie!" Qing said.

Practitioners respect their teachers very much, especially those who are particularly powerful. No one dares to lie with their teachers!

The five people present were silent for a while, and then one of them said, "After all, he is a direct disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord! It seems that he is really capable! Let's not laugh at him, let's do our own thing!!"


Ding Hao and Qing had a few conversations, and then they started busying themselves.

"Go to the Classics Workshop first."

Ding Hao immediately used the function of the Classics Workshop, which seems to be a very large database. The various materials obtained by the Alliance of All Worlds for so many years are as vast as the ocean. As long as you use a mission point, you can enter it for free reference!

This is a benefit given to all official members of the Alliance!

Of course, there are also permissions in the Classics Workshop, and some confidential information can only be accessed at the palace master level or even the prince level.

Ding Hao is now at the prince level and has high-level permissions. 99% of the materials in the classics can be freely checked.

"Show me some news about the original ruins of 1206 and the meditation bubble."

After Ding Hao gave the order, all the classics about these two items suddenly appeared in front of Ding Hao, and Ding Hao began to read them carefully.

"The original ruin No. 1206 is located at the periphery of the turbulent time and space. The coordinates are as follows. This ruin was discovered and named by the third mountain lord of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance 900 million years ago, with a danger level of 9 (the highest level)! Entered in the late True God Realm, Survival rate is 1%! Among them, the primitive life being survived is the primitive meditation beast. This beast is powerful and dangerous. After discovering that it cannot kill the opponent with brute force, it will activate the meditation ability to control the spiritual power of the practitioner. Then kill the cultivator!"

"The meditation bubble, the bubble ejected from the body of the primitive meditation beast in the primitive ruins of No. 1206, contains colorless and invisible primitive power! This primitive power has a terrifying expansion and expansion effect on the spiritual power of the practitioner! But! It is not recommended for ordinary cultivators. The expansion and expansion effect is too powerful and short-lived, and it is unbearable for ordinary cultivators. Not only is it useless, it is harmful."

Ding Hao watched these detailed introductions a little bit and learned more about this trip in his heart.

"What the teacher said is right! This meditation bubble is difficult for ordinary people to use, but it is great for those powerful beings! Xiaobi just needs this kind of treasure this time, I believe that as long as you can collect three or five bubbles , Then Xiaobi will be enough to use!"

Although Ding Hao wanted to get this kind of meditation bubble, the original ruins of No. 1206 were really dangerous!

It is also recorded in the Classics Workshop that there were 13 top geniuses in the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance, and only two of them came out alive.

One is the third mountain lord, the other is a superpower at the peak of the late True God Realm, and the other eleven top geniuses all died in the ruins. The bones are gone, they become food for primitive meditation beasts, and they can't die anymore!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao looked at the records in front of him and felt his scalp explode.

The eleven top geniuses who died were all the famous princes of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! All of the cultivation base Yishui'er are in the late True God Realm, and a few of them even reached the late peak!

"These people died in the rubble, can I still live?" Ding Hao's heart couldn't help but contradict.


Soon after, in the glorious palace, Ding Hao let out a long sigh, "Leaving from the Classics Workshop! Now that I have decided to go, the teacher is already preparing for me! Am I going to give up? Since I won't Give up, why keep looking at these scary things!"

At this moment, another message came from his Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet.

"Prince Ding Hao, I am the Dantian Buddha of the Alchemy Realm! I received the news from the Three Lives War Wolf that he had broken through not long ago and successfully promoted to the late stage powerhouse of the Realm Lord! Now he is rushing to the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, no Knowing whether you have left the customs, do you want to bring the Sansheng War Wolf into the alliance?"

Ding Hao suddenly raised his brows when he saw the news, "Sansheng War Wolf, that's okay! I have broken through into the late stage of the realm master so soon, I must take him into the alliance!"

"Wait for me, I will come."

Ding Hao immediately let go of the troubles in his heart, flew out of his temple, and rushed to where the endless abyss was.

"Prince Ding Hao!"

"I have seen Prince Ding Hao!"

Ding Hao is now quite prestigious in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms. When he walked into the temple where the endless abyss is located, all the high-school and low-level managers took the initiative to greet him.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "You immediately find me the three-life war wolf in the longevity world and bring him over to me."

While talking, Den Tianfo had already walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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