Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2170: Strange failure

Chapter 2170 Strange Failure

Chapter 2169 Strange Failure

In the endless turbulence of time and space, the figure of a young fairy suddenly appeared.

He was Ding Hao who hurried out from the primitive ruins.

For 100 years, he walked out of the deepest part of the original ruins without delay.

After he came out, he took a pinch of time and his expression changed, "In two years, the door of the animal den is about to open. I must hurry back!"

"Star Nest, come out!"

Ding Hao let out the Star Nest with a loud shout.

In these hundreds of years, the fat insects have already evolved into the mother emperor level.

The fat bug nowadays is quite amazing, it is no longer the fat white bug that can only lie on a small flatbed truck!

After becoming a mother emperor, it gave birth to six long legs and a crown-like logo appeared on its head. There were six more wings behind it. It can fly and walk, and it has evolved into a powerful practitioner. By!

Following the same evolution of fat insects, in addition to those of its descendants, there is also Star Nest.

The Star Nest now is several times larger than before, reaching hundreds of kilometers in length. From a distance, it looks like a weird crystalline blue planet!

The hexagonal combination above is more sophisticated and complex, and there are more shapes that can be changed!

When all the small hexagonal doors around the star nest are opened, all kinds of attacking insects can fly inside, and the power is quite considerable!

However, with the expansion of the Star Nest, the Landi Pulp used to transform the Star Nest seemed a little insufficient, so Nuoda's Star Nest was not entirely blue.

"How difficult is this?"

Ding Hao himself kept a lot of Lan Di pulp, which he took out together and used them all to transform Star Nest.

Suddenly, the entire body of this super huge flying palace turned crystal blue, crystal clear, and very gorgeous!

Ding Hao's figure quickly flew into the above six-point wicket, "Go back now!"

After Star Nest evolved, the speed was even faster. Ding Hao didn't need to control it himself, and directly let Fat Worm command and fly back to the Alliance World.

Inside the Star Nest, a spacious training room.

Ding Hao sat cross-legged and quickly took out his Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, "Enter the official member system!"

After entering the system, Ding Hao immediately sent a message to the Ninth Mountain Master, "Teacher, I have successfully returned!"

The Ninth Mountain Lord has been waiting these days. After receiving the news, he immediately responded to the message, "How is the situation? Has the meditation bubble succeeded?"

Ding Hao replied, "The meditation bubble is already in hand! Not only that, but it also blasted the mouth of the ancient beast and gained some bones."

"Okay, haha!"

After the Ninth Mountain Master became Ding Hao's teacher, he laughed for the first time!

Originally, his heart was always worried, Ding Hao's cultivation base was in the primitive ruins, it can be said that there is no life! He felt that Ding Hao was a victory if he could come out alive! As for whether the meditation bubble can be obtained, the Ninth Mountain Lord feels that the Nine CD is not available, because he also entered this primitive ruin that year, but he did not accept the task when he entered, so it was not recorded!

"It seems that my disciple is still good!" The Ninth Mountain Master nodded, and he felt the power of great wisdom again.

He sent another message, "You haven't broken through yet! In two years, the door of the beast cave will be opened. If the cultivation base has not reached the real gods, the eternal predecessors are not allowed to enter! The eternal predecessors always only admit death, even if it is me, He won't be accommodating! So in the past two years, during your time on the road, you must practice hard and break into the realm of true gods!"

"Teacher, I know, I will retreat and practice immediately!"

Ding Hao knew that time was urgent, even though he had already mastered that breakthrough technique in these hundreds of years, he was so familiar with it! However, it was not easy for him to break through and enter the realm of true gods within two years!

"Whether or not I can enter the Beast Cave for cultivation is a matter of my development and ten thousand years of agreement, so I must break through this great realm before opening the Beast Cave!"

In Ding Hao's mailbox, there were a lot of messy letters. After all, they hadn't appeared for hundreds of years. Many people who knew or didn't knew sent messages asking about the situation.

He is very in a hurry at the moment, and he has no time to return these letters.

In addition to sending a message to the Lord of the Ninth Mountain, he also sent a message to Prince Sudinan. The content is very simple, "I have got the meditation bubble and I am on my way back. You can prepare the materials you will use!"

After doing all this, Ding Hao immediately got rid of distracting thoughts, began to practice breakthrough, and hit the realm of God!

"The biggest difference between the so-called True God Realm and the Realm Lord Realm is nothing more than the implementation and use of laws!"

This time, the training room Fat Worm prepared for Ding Hao was quite huge, which was also because Ding Hao Xiu needed to upgrade.

When Ding Hao entered the cultivation and impact, in the space around his body, an astonishing number of huge rune lights and shadows appeared constantly.

Some of these runes are like words, some are billions of words, and some are strange patterns or huge line-like stripes!

These are all derived from the deepest meaning of the endless world!

When Ding Hao was cultivating, these most profound meanings were revealed and helped him break through the barriers. This is the reason why the Ninth Mountain Lord gave him this exercise!

"That's it! It turns out that this exercise has such a magical effect after cultivation. In this way, I will make a breakthrough in two years and I will be sure of it!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed and his confidence doubled. This exercise has long made him mature and mature in his chest, and now he can practice with twice the result with half the effort.

After only half a year, Ding Hao felt that he was about to break through.

If an outsider comes to watch this training room, it will be very shocking!

"The laws are flooded!"

All geniuses who break through and enter the realm of true gods will understand what this means?

The law is flooded, which means that in a certain space, the most fundamental law of the endless world emerges, flooding the space around the cultivator's body! This is also a kind of heaven and earth vision, when this kind of heaven and earth vision appears, it means that this cultivator will soon break through from the realm of the realm to the realm of true gods!

"Almost breakthrough!" Ding Hao was ecstatic.

He continued to practice breakthroughs in accordance with the content of the Ninth Mountain Master Technique!

But seeing it, it's the last step!

Ding Hao suddenly felt that his side dimmed for a moment, and all the laws and meanings that he had swayed disappeared instantly!

And his sense of about to break through completely disappeared at the same time!

"What's the situation? How quickly..."

Ding Hao opened his eyes, and all his eyes were confused.

Seeing that everything is ready, a breakthrough is about to happen, but in a blink of an eye, everything disappears instantly!

"What's wrong? Did I practice wrong?"

Ding Hao once again quickly reviewed the exercises given to him by the Ninth Mountain Lord!

"That's right!"

In desperation, Ding Hao had to calm his mind again, "As the teacher said in the exercises, there are often practitioners who fail to make a breakthrough once, and then there are two or three times, with constant impact, and you can break through!"

Ding Hao practiced again, this time his time was even shorter, and it only took five months to reach that kind of state of being close to the door!

But the same as last time, at the moment when it was about to break through, suddenly everything fell apart and disappeared!

"What's up?" The second failure made Ding Hao a little dizzy.

He thought about it carefully and felt that there was no problem in his cultivation, "It's not that I had a problem with my cultivation, but that, among other things, it disturbed my cultivation!"

Ding Hao now has a suspicious target, that is the nameless law in his body, the origin.

The origin of this thing has never been under Ding Hao's control, and he does what he wants.

Ding Hao guessed that it should be that Yuanyuan felt so many underlying laws. Maybe it moved its heart and sucked it into itself, thus disrupting Ding Hao's plan.

This guess is correct, but Ding Hao released the origin and carefully checked.

After a while, Ding Hao let out a sigh of relief, "No! There is no change in the origin, it has not inhaled any laws!"

At this moment, with half a year before returning to the Alliance World, Ding Hao decided to start his last practice.

This time he practiced more carefully, completely following the records on the exercise technique, and defending against any situation, even the origin in his body!

Four months later, he once again reached that state of impending breakthrough.

However, no matter how cautious he was, the result was still a failure. Just as he was about to hit the real god, all the results of his hard work disappeared in an instant!

"Your uncle, what is going on?"

Ding Hao is going crazy, he has never encountered such a weird thing!

"In the exercise method, it is said that if one breakthrough is not achieved, you can also make two or three breakthroughs! But the key now is that I have not yet begun to break through. At the moment when I was about to break through, everything disappeared...what is the situation?"

Ding Hao is really a little crazy, now there are still two months before the door of the beast cave opens.

If he practiced for the fourth time, there was not enough time; and the problem has not been found out yet, even if he cultivates to that peak state, he will be discouraged in the end, and everything goes back to before the cultivation!


Ding Hao feels there must be something in this?

He decided to temporarily give up his cultivation breakthrough!

When he is in retreat, he is shutting down all the spiritual consciousness, that is to say, all his treasures have no contact with him.

When he gave up the retreat and opened up all his spiritual consciousness, a message from the Galaxy Ring suddenly shocked him.

"Master Ding Hao, the pattern on the top of the bone you put in the ring lights up once in a while, and the bone seems to have grown a lot!"

"What?" Ding Hao faintly felt that this had a lot to do with his failure to break through. He quickly asked, "How many times has this bone been lit up? What is the time?"

In the Galaxy Ring, the person in charge replied, "It has been lit three times, not long ago, four months ago, and more than a year ago!"

"The time is exactly the same! It turned out to be the ghost of it!" Ding Hao suddenly understood that he failed three breakthroughs, all because of the patterned upper jaw bone in the mouth of this ancient beast!

Although I understood the reason, Ding Hao was helpless, "I put it in the Galaxy Ring. It would even break my big business. Is it possible to throw it away? Forget it, anyway, there is not enough time, let's go back to the league! "

(End of this chapter)

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