Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2171: Return to the Alliance

Chapter 2171 Return to the Alliance

Chapter 2170

It was only two months before the opening of the Beast Cave, and it was too late anyway, so Ding Hao simply let go of his heart, not going to retreat for the time being.

When he walked out of the training room, he just got a message from Fat Insect, "Master, there are a large number of flying palaces of stray demons passing by outside. There are a lot of them. Do you want to make a move?"

"Rogue demon?" Ding Hao's expression moved, and he said in a low voice, "Let me see!"

Suddenly, the outside scene was projected in, and Ding Hao could clearly see that hundreds of black mountain-shaped flying palaces formed one team after another and were moving in a certain direction.

These black flying palaces, which look like hills, are owned by the Temporal Raiders. Each flying palace is a legion of the Temporal Raiders! 100 legions is a total legion!

And in the front, there are as many as three hundred legions, there should be three general legions, and I don’t know which world I want to harm!

"They came just right!" Ding Hao's face showed a grin.

He failed to break through three times, and there was no place to anger, and these time-space rogues just caught up.

"Rogue demon, invaded my immortal realm, killing countless people, destroying countless! They are a group of locust-like lives, in the endless world, wanton destruction, full of evil, everyone will be punishable! I once swear by Ding Hao, I saw the rogue Devil, once you see it and kill it once, you are over!"

Flying outside are the three general armies of the time and space bandits, they are rushing to a certain weak world to invade.

Their flying palace is not flying very fast, it is flying, and the huge star nest behind catches up.

"What a big flying palace, it should be a super power in the endless world, let's avoid it!"

The character of the rogue demon is bullying and fearful of toughness. Seeing Ding Hao's star nest is very stylish, of course he dare not offend him, and quickly wants to avoid it.

But Ding Hao's Star Nest flew very fast, and it flew straight towards them, they had no time to escape.

"It's not good, the commander of the army! We can't avoid it at all. The flying palace of the strong man is too fast and he rushes violently!"

The head of the rogue demon's general army suddenly changed his face, "Looking at this look, I am afraid that the person who came is not good! But there is a saying, "reach out your hand and don't hit the smiley person, we are polite, let him pass!"

The three commanders of the army immediately communicated and ordered the three hundred flying palaces under them to line up on both sides, with a huge route channel in the middle, respectfully, allowing Ding Hao's Star Nest to pass.

I saw a long and narrow road in the endless turbulence of time and space.

On both sides of the road, black mountain-shaped flying palaces were lined up on both sides, waiting quietly, as if paying tribute to Ding Hao.

The Star Nest slowly flew into it, and Ding Hao stood on the control platform, projecting the scene outside.

"These stray demons are really bullying and fearing hardships. They pretended to be like grandsons when they saw my flying palace! But how did they know that they had offended me miserably! Now they have created these little famous halls. Asking me to forgive them is just wishful thinking!"

Ding Hao will do his best to adjust the position of his flying palace and drive into this passage with black flying palaces on both sides.

When the huge crystal blue star nest drove into this passage, the three demon army commanders all breathed a sigh of relief, "This strong man did not ram into our flying palace, but passed through the middle of the road. This is a lot of face for us!"

Just when they felt relieved, they saw the huge star nest slowly stop.

"What's the situation?" The three demon chiefs moved in their hearts and secretly said, could it be that this strong man has something to tell us?

At the moment, all the commanders of the Rogue Demons flew out of their flying palace, lined up to greet them, and waited for Ding Hao's instructions.

"Grandson who bullies and fears hardship, you're done!"

Ding Hao was unceremonious and screamed, "All hatches are open, and all the attacking fairy worms are released! Attack indiscriminately, don't survive, kill!"


On both sides of the Star Nest, all the small hexagonal doors are open.

Fat insects have cultivated an astonishing number of offspring insects over the years. Among them, the number of fairy insects used to attack and fight has reached as many as one million! These fairy insects have long surpassed the concept of the fairy world, and can fly, fight, and kill freely in the turbulent time and space!

After a million insects were killed, all the rogue demons suffered.

The giant beetles use their fast speed to catch up with the rogue demon, and release a huge blade, and they will kill when they see people; the number of those devouring fairy insects is more, they are the second batch to be released, when the frightened rogue demon Turned into a liquid, hid in the silver-white protective shell, and swallowed the fairy worms pounced on them and ate them all into their abdomen, so that they would never have a chance to resurrect; and those black flying palaces wanted to escape quickly, It was too late, Ding Hao's Mirror Slash was greeted by Ding Hao!

Ding Hao directly rushed out of the star's nest, killing one happy!

He held Mingjing Slash in both hands, and cooperated with the Emperor Eight Swords to cut out the horrible shadow of the sword sweeping the void.

Cut down with a single knife, that black hill-like flying palace was directly split in half, and burst open in the void. An astonishing number of stray demons flee from the crack in fright!

Ding Hao waved his hand, and hungry fairy insects swarmed up, killing people when they saw them, and eating them when they saw them!

3 million rogue demons, under the attack of Ding Hao's army of bugs, more than half were killed and injured, and all three army commanders were killed!

The remaining rogue demons flee in a hurry, fleeing a small life, secretly saying in their hearts, they don't know who is sacred?

At this moment, there was a roar that shook the turbulence of time and space, "Remember my name, Immortal Clan Ding Hao! I saw you once and killed you once. This is the price of your invasion of the fairy world!"

For these rats, Ding Hao is not afraid to expose the fairy world! These rogue demons are bullying and fearing hardship, and the more they kill them to flee in a hurry, the more they are afraid, and the less they dare to provoke the people of the fairy world!

Ding Hao was very happy and returned to Star Nest, "Go ahead at full speed and go back to the Alliance World!"

In the alliance world, nine huge mountains extend in different directions.

In the sky of this world, flying pedals that are transparent like spars whizzed past the sky.

"It hasn't been so lively for many years!" The older generation of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance looked up to the sky, "The door to the Beast Cave is about to open, and all the geniuses of the True God Realm who did tasks and experience outside have all returned! No matter whether it is the prince level or the palace master level, they don’t want to let go of this great opportunity for cultivation! They are all back, it’s very lively!"

The geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance usually have their own training tasks, and rarely can they be so complete.

It's really lively now, in the sky, there are constantly genius and powerful men of all races flying by, all extraordinary.

Looking at the geniuses of all races, the little prince Manke was full of envy and admiration in his eyes, "These are the geniuses of all the big races! If I can be like them, with strong strength and status, I will be How great the attention of the nine giants would be!"

His envious eyes just flashed, and firm confidence emerged in his heart, "That day will definitely come!"

Manke envied the geniuses of all races, but he only looked down upon one person, "Ding Hao of the immortal clan! Why is he? Why should he become a direct disciple of the ninth mountain lord? The immortal clan is not a suitable race for cultivation, let alone I still I heard that Ding Hao is still in a small world under the fairy clan! It is extremely humble! The only way for me to be valued by the nine giants is to step on Ding Hao!"

Manke felt that he was incomparable with those real geniuses.

But he can compare with Ding Hao, because on the day when the ten thousand year agreement was made, he and Ding Hao were the only two realm master realm practitioners among the people present in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

If the Ninth Mountain changes a disciple to fulfill the agreement, and it is not compliant with other people, the best way is to change him to be very stubborn!

Manke was also in the late stage of the realm, just like Ding Hao, and the same as Shalun! Therefore, it is the only possibility for Manke to replace Ding Hao!

"This time is really an opportunity for me, I must seize it!" Manke secretly said in his heart.

Judging from the situation, it is still very beneficial to him.

Seeing that the door of the beast cave was about to open, but Ding Hao had no shadow at all!

Time passed day by day, and there were still three days before the door of the beast cave opened. Ding Hao hadn't returned yet.

A beast cave practice opened only in 99000. The Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms is still quite stylish. On the hill in front of the huge black beast cave, a large-scale white circular temple was set up with huge pillars and magnificent Buildings, cascading steps, geniuses who are about to enter the beast cave to practice, gather here to chat, exchange training experience, exchange treasures, and wait for the day the beast cave opens.

Prince Luo, Sansheng War Wolf, and Su Dinan are all the cultivators who are about to enter, and they all gather here at this moment, waiting to open the door.

Su Dinan looked into the distance from time to time, frowning, "Why hasn't Prince Ding Hao come back? There are three days before the door of the beast cave is open, and he said he wants to help him save the girl! If he doesn't come back, time is too late!"

Sansheng War Wolf smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have received a message from him a few days ago, saying that he will come back before the opening of the beast cave, it should be these two days!"

"Okay!" Su Dinan was a little relieved.

At this time, Prince Luo frowned and said, "I also received news from him, but I asked him if he had a breakthrough in his cultivation, but he was vague...I'm really worried!"

The few people present were all friends of Ding Hao, and they were all really worried about Ding Hao.

But Manke heard them talking and walked over and laughed loudly, "Don’t have illusions anymore! I dare to tell you that Ding Hao must have not broken through and entered the realm of God! So he dare not come back! If he breaks through, he would have came back!"

"Nonsense, we're talking here, what's the matter with you?" Three Lives War Wolf was unceremonious and cursed.

Manke let out a cold snort and stood aside.

But at this moment, Sudinan moved his eyes and pointed to the distance, "Look, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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