Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2172: Friendship

Chapter 2172: Friendship

Chapter 2171 Friendship

While everyone was talking, I saw the sky far away, a young fairy in white fluttering on the transparent flight pedal, coming from afar.

Because the alliance world prohibits the cultivators from entering the flying palace, before entering, Ding Hao put the Star Nest in his bag and returned to the alliance world alone.

Seeing him come back, his friends breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just as Ding Haoyue flew closer, the little prince Manke suddenly shouted in excitement, "Look! Look! Look at his cultivation base! I said he can't advance to the True God Realm!"

"Hahaha!" Manke laughed loudly.

Among his laughter were the embarrassing faces of Sansheng War Wolf and Prince Luo.

Just now Sansheng War Wolf was still refuting Manke, saying that it is absolutely impossible for Ding Hao not to enter the realm of the true gods. He also said that Ding Hao is going to the primitive ruins to practice this time, and his cultivation will only be higher than everyone expected...

But now that the words haven't finished yet, Ding Hao really hasn't reached the realm of true spirit!

"Impossible!" The Three Lives War Wolf was dumbfounded, and had nothing to say about the ridicule of Manke next to him.

Prince Luo gritted his teeth and sighed, "Oh! I just said he didn't know how to speak, how could this be?"

Sudinan wondered, "According to the truth, Ding Hao went to the primitive ruins to practice! The improvement there is far beyond the cultivation in other places, how could he not reach the true god? Did he deliberately hide his cultivation?"

Su Dinan's words aroused everyone's approval. Prince Qiuyue laughed and said, "Ding Hao, this kid, has always been scheming. He has been able to cultivate in the primitive ruins for so many years and can come back alive. I don't believe that he has not reached the true god!"

Gu Fengheng laughed loudly, "I see this kid, he must be doing something horrible! Deliberately hide his cultivation base, want to tease us!"

Seeing the optimism of these people and their optimism towards Ding Hao, Manke felt even more unhappy. His teacher Bai Man also walked over. Bai Man was also a practitioner who participated in the Beast Cave cultivation this time.

Bai Man sneered, "We cultivators respect the strong, and hope that our strength and realm are far better than others! Ding Hao certainly cannot be deliberately concealing the cultivation base, I even doubt his current cultivation base at the peak of the realm. They are all fake! The so-called going to the primitive ruins to practice, I dare to conclude that they are also fake!"

With his own teacher speaking, Manke immediately felt as if he was beaten up with blood, and immediately said, "Not bad! Ding Hao is a liar through and through! Why go to the primitive ruins to practice, can you use your mind? A master A cultivator in the realm, why should he go to the primitive ruins to practice? Why can he come back alive? Everyone, you are all prince-level geniuses, don't you think about it?"

"This..." All the people present stopped talking.

In fact, I heard that Ding Hao went to the primitive ruins to practice, and everyone didn't believe it at first. However, Ding Hao made a vow and spoke vividly, and everyone believed in Ding Hao based on the trust of friends.

But now, being said by Manke, he was a little bit dubious in his heart, secretly saying that Ding Hao would not be joking with us!

However, Su Dinan gave a big hand, "Impossible! Ding Hao went to the primitive ruins, and another purpose is to get meditation bubbles! And he clearly told me that he has successfully got bubbles! If he tells lies , Then what about the meditation bubble?"

Baiman suddenly laughed, "Sudinan, you are still the first mountain master's personal disciple. I didn't expect you to be so stupid! Can he get the meditation bubble? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"This..." Sudinan was also speechless when asked.

On this temple platform, there are hundreds of true gods cultivators of various races standing at this moment. Most of these people are unfamiliar with Ding Hao, and they are just watching coldly. Looking at the immortal cultivator who flew in from a distance, there was nothing special about him, and I heard that he was a direct disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord, so there were too many people feeling upset.

"Su Dinan, I think you will have to change your personality as a good old man. Sooner or later you will be deceived!"

"Yes, a small immortal clan realm's main realm deceives you to go round and round, why are you messing around in the endless world!"

"It's really funny! How can a small realm leader go to the primitive ruins to practice? I am afraid of going to the primitive ruins in the middle stage of the true **** realm! You look too high at this fairy clan kid!"

At this moment, Sudinan and the others are equivalent to being besieged by everyone. Only a few of the hundreds of True God Realm cultivators believe what Ding Hao said. Everyone ridiculed them one after another, or held their arms and used a kind of contempt. Looked over.

"I'm angry! I'm so angry!" Gu Fengheng and Li and the others have always had a violent personality. They were ridiculed by the crowd, feeling that there was no place to put their faces.

Prince Luo and Li Tuo were the same, their faces were green and white, and they were ridiculed by everyone. This feeling was not good.

While they were talking, Ding Hao had already noticed this side, changed direction and flew over.

Soon after, Ding Hao had fallen in front of this temple.

The transparent spar flight pedal was close to the edge of the temple platform. Ding Hao saw his friend and stepped off the flight pedal with a smile.

But just when he just landed one foot on the temple platform, Bai Man stepped forward and shouted, "Wait slowly!"

Ding Hao stood there in an embarrassing posture with one foot forward and one foot behind him. He didn't know what happened?

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao frowned.

Bai Man stepped forward and said unceremoniously, "Prince Ding Hao, this temple was built for true gods practitioners who went to the beast cave to practice. The people standing in this temple are all true gods practitioners! Only at our level can I get the permission of the Eternal Beast Senior! As for people below the true **** realm, they are not qualified to enter the beast cave for cultivation, and of course they are not qualified to stand on this temple!"

Ding Hao was furious, "You mean I am not qualified to stand on this platform?"

"Not bad!" Manke followed, with a cold smile in his eyes, "Ding Hao, we are not targeting you, this is the rule! Look at this platform, there is a realm master realm cultivator? I hope you There is a little self-knowledge, if I were you, I would not return to the Alliance world to lose face! I think you should hurry up to find the Ninth Mountain Lord and ask him to drive you out of the mountain gate! A disciple like you will only Shame him!"

"You!" Ding Hao's face was very ugly.

In front of hundreds of prince-level geniuses, being so humiliated by others, even his feet are not qualified to stand on this platform!

"Enough!" Prince Luo yelled, walked over, and said loudly, "Baiman, don't go too far! It was originally said that this temple was built for practitioners who entered the beast cave, but it was also It didn’t say that you can’t stand at the realm master station!"

Bai Man snorted coldly, "Since you have admitted that this temple was built for cultivators who entered the beast cave! It is very clear that Ding Hao is not qualified to enter the beast cave. I will not let him stand on it. Wrong?"

When Bai Man spoke, he was not looking at Prince Luo, but at the large crowds behind him, and said, "Then everyone, who is going too far? Who is unreasonable?"

Those cultivators and Ding Hao were not friends, and even had jealous hearts in their hearts. Hearing Bai Man's words, they all spoke up, "Prince Bai Man said yes, this temple was built for us! He is not qualified to enter. The Beast Den, of course, is not qualified to stand in this temple! If he stands up, then we feel it is an insult to us!"

"You guys!" Prince Li Tuo had a stubborn temper, so he rushed out and said loudly, "Ding Hao, just stand up, I see who they dare to do?"

These people sneered sarcastically, "We don't dare to do it, but they are the big celebrities in front of the Ninth Mountain Lord! The big deal is that if he comes up, we will all get out!"

Baiman triumphantly nodded and smiled, "Yes, if he stands up, we will all leave! We will not participate in the ceremony before entering the beast den. See what the Alliance says?"

Before entering the beast den, there is likely to be a grand ceremony. If a large number of talented and powerful people do not attend, it will be ugly! The nine giants of the alliance are not of one mind. If that happens, the ninth mountain lord may be the most embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao took a sigh of relief, took a half step back, and nodded, "Okay! I am not qualified, I will not stand up!"

Although he had a calm tone, his eyes were very sharp, and he kept Bai Man, Manke, and the few True God Realm powerhouses who took the lead in speaking in his heart! Including many of them, even though they did not speak, they still held their arms and looked at him with a provocative look. Ding Hao also remembered their appearance and race in his heart!

Seeing Ding Hao standing back on the flight pedal, even the Three Lives War Wolf felt humiliated. He roared and threw the flight pedal, "Since Ding Hao is not allowed to stand up, then I shall stand on the flight pedal too. !"

"Yes, we should all stand on the flight pedal."

What moved Ding Hao was his friends, who came out one after another at this moment, threw out their flight pedals, and stood up.

Even Shi Luo, who had no background or capital, came over without hesitation and stood on the flight pedal!

Ding Hao knew that this choice of camp was not easy, so Ding Hao would offend most cultivators for his sake!

He held his fists and saluted, saying, "Brothers and sisters, how can Ding Hao He De, be loved by everyone, if there is a chance in the future, I will repay you!"

Prince Luo laughed, stretched out the bottom of the six arms, and patted Ding Hao on the shoulder. "Brother, don't say that. Everyone is a friend. When we can help, we will help each other. There is no repayment or repayment. !"

Good Ding Hao's heart developed a passion, saying, "Everyone is a friend, you friends, I'm settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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