Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2229: Pass the assessment (three shifts)

Chapter 2229 passed the assessment (three more)


"Young cultivator who lives and lives, why are you here again?"

Ding Hao challenged the Star Python for the sixth time, and this guy had already begun to feel very impatient.

Although the Starry Sky Python is a town-clan beast of the Starry Sky Years Clan, its temperament is very irritable, especially the constant fighting like Ding Hao, which makes it very impatient, "Boy, are you not afraid that the protection rules will fail, and I will die. In your mouth?"

Ding Hao smiled slightly and turned to the female breeder on the small altar, "I want to challenge again and let me pass!"

The female star sky years of the tribe were also helpless, and immediately controlled the movement of the small altar, and banged against the huge altar.

"Good luck to you! Young man!" The actress smiled bitterly and walked into the darkness.

In her opinion, Ding Hao is just a kind of rogue fight, without sufficient strength at all, and has to constantly challenge the starry sky python!

This kind of thing has appeared many times in the history of the Starry Years Clan.

There are many cultivators who clearly don't have enough strength, but they are not willing to give up. So they used the protection rules of the battlefield, anyway, they wouldn't die, so they continued to challenge... but their fate was not good.

Because the protection rules are not necessarily so accurate, when the Starry Sky Python attacks the opponent very quickly, occasionally the protection rules fail, and the challenger is killed by the Starry Sky Python before being teleported out!

"I hope this young man will not do the same!"

Although she was hidden in the darkness, she was also watching the situation on the battlefield.

Ding Hao stood in front of the Python of the Starry Sky, as before, still attacking with his two moves.

"It seems that he is still going to lose!" The female star Kong Years Clan shook his head, Ding Hao used two tricks "Break the World" and "Annihilation"!

Ding Hao's other moves are of no use at all; but even with these two moves, they can barely resist the attack of the Star Python!

"Young man, I'm annoyed by these two tricks, you get out of here!"

The Star Python roared, it fought Ding Hao six times, and had found a way to deal with Ding Hao's two tricks.

I saw its huge body suddenly rolled up, hovering rapidly, forming an encirclement, trapping Ding Hao in it!

"I see how you come again!" The Star Python laughed loudly.

Ding Hao's two attacks, although the power is good, but the attack direction is fixed. The starry sky python surrounds Ding Hao, it can attack Ding Hao from up, down, left, and right, and from all directions!

"You must die!" As he spoke, the countless arms and claws on the body of the starry sky python attacked Ding Hao from different directions, "I think you can block my attacks?"

Even if Ding Hao used "Break Blow" and "Annihilation", he could only block the claws in one direction at most, and as long as the claws from other directions caught Ding Hao's body, Ding Hao's golden body defense could be torn apart!

But at this moment, Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and he also saw the opportunity.

"See its weakness!"

Just as Ding Hao expected, the Star Python also has its weaknesses. Like other living organisms, the eyes, ears and nose are its weakest parts! However, the starry sky python is very cunning. Through practice, it hides its eyes, ears, and nose in its relatively hidden parts, making it difficult for its opponents to find!

Therefore, on its head, there is only a huge mouth, and the eyes, ears and nose are invisible at all.

But when it surrounded Ding Hao, Ding Hao stood in its body, but could faintly see these weak organs of the starry sky python.

"You lost, Senior Python of the Starry Sky!"

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and screamed, and his figure disappeared in this sound.

"What's this trick? What about this kid!" The starry sky python's expression suddenly changed. Not only could it not see Ding Hao, but also it could not find Ding Hao in all its sensing methods.

"What kind of trick is this?" The female starry sky Clan members who stood in the darkness watching from a distance couldn't help but move their eyes, and their eyes shot with expectation.

The Star Python was looking for Ding Hao's trace, but suddenly he felt something?

"It's raining... why?"

In this void battlefield, no weather phenomena will appear at all, and it is impossible for raindrops to appear out of thin air!

However, at this moment, it really rained here!

What shocked the starry sky python the most was that the raindrops that fell were actually rainwater!

"What's the situation?" In the drizzle, the star python had nowhere to dodge.

Just when it was inexplicable, a complicated rune suddenly appeared on the surface of those scattered billions of raindrops!

"Void Rain!"

The real murderous intent broke out in the rain instantly, and the star python felt murderous in all directions, and every drop of rain was full of murderous intent!

"what happened?"


The shocking blade light exploded crazily in the next second.

Every drop of rain turns into a sharp knife light!

"No!" The Star Python suddenly understood that all the so-called raindrops in front of him were Ding Hao's attacks, without any exception, Ding Hao's strongest attack!

Its body surface is very hard, even Ding Hao's Void Rain's attack cannot cause damage to it!

However, it has several weaknesses!

His eyes, ears and nose are all exposed to rain at this moment!


In a drop of rain, a figure in white rushed out frantically, slashing at one eye of the starry python!

The light of the knife swept across the small blood-red eyeball, and the blood burst suddenly. This was the first time the starry sky python was injured!

However, the Star Python is not an ordinary beast, but it is not fatal enough to receive such damage!

Roar! It roared, and its body began to circle quickly, curling up together.

As long as it shrinks its body and protects those weaknesses inside the body, Ding Hao cannot cause further damage.

"You still want to hide? Where do I see you hiding?" Ding Hao showed a gloomy look on his face.

With a thought, he released a transparent bubble with seven colored light films from his star ring.

"What's the situation?" Standing in the distance watching the battle, the female starry sky Clan member saw a very strange image.

The giant iron-grey starry sky python is shrinking crazily, and the huge dark scales are recombining to block his weakness; while a white fairy is fluttering in white, standing on the body of the starry python In the center, a colorful bubble the size of a child's head is released!

Then, I saw Ding Hao smile at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his finger to tap the air bubble.


A very subtle sound, but it was thrilling.


When the meditation bubble burst, the power of meditation enveloped the entire battle altar, the starry sky python was not immune at all, and all of its momentum was dissipated, the will was suppressed, and the meditation state was instantly entered!

After entering the meditation state, the starry sky python has stopped all its movements, not only did not continue to attack Ding Hao, nor did it shrink its body, even the scales that covered half of it began to relax and retreat, taking away its weaknesses. All exposed in front of Ding Hao!

"Senior Star Python, you have already lost!"

Ding Hao yelled again, and the void rain in the mid-air changed from a drizzle to a torrential rain!

In the next second, the entire area covered by torrential rain issued a huge explosion. Hundreds of millions of swords and swords shook wildly in the explosion. I don’t know how many attacks cut into the starry sky at this moment. , And then rushed into its body from its weak point, tearing the extremely large body of the python from the inside to pieces!


After being beheaded, the Void Python turned into a bigger explosion.

With constant explosions, Ding Hao has returned, dressed in white, standing on the small altar.

"This kid..." The female starry sky was surprised at first, and then smiled. She walked out of the darkness, stood on this small altar, smiled and said, "Hao Zhan, congratulations! 571 assessments! You have also passed all the assessments of our clan, you are already a true starry sky clan, you are welcome to join!"

When she said this, the figure of the starry python reunited.

The huge life couldn't help but nod his head in praise, "Young man, you can, you convince me! That attack that turned into raindrops is really powerful! Welcome to join the Star Years Clan!"

"Thank you very much!"

Ding Hao hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted. After 1200 years of assessment, he truly became a member of the starry sky!

However, his ultimate goal is not to become a so-called Star Years Clan!

He saluted and asked, "I heard that after becoming a member of the Starry Sky Clan, I will be able to obtain the highest heritage and ultimate treasure of my clan! I want to ask, where can I get these two things?"

Ding Hao came for the highest inheritance and ultimate treasure, and he was most concerned about this.

The female starry sky clan laughed, "In fact, we all know that the starry sky clan has completely disappeared! According to the wishes of the elders of the starry sky clan, if this day does come, then the highest inheritance and ultimate treasure of the clan , Awarded to the successor who passed the assessment the fastest! And you are the lucky one! You can now get the inheritance left by our Star Years Clan, which are hidden in the first altar of the four altars! You are now You can get it!"

After she finished speaking, she waved Ding Hao out of this assessment area.

When Ding Hao stood among the white beams of light, the assessment area had disappeared in an instant, all exploded, and disappeared suddenly.

"It turns out that there are four treasures left to me, and they are on the first altar of the four temples!"

Ding Hao stepped out of the light curtain he was on, walked off the altar, and rushed to the first altar. That altar was also the only altar in this hall that had not been opened!

Soon after, Ding Hao stood in front of the light curtain of this altar, and he opened his mouth and said, "Starry Sky Years Clan members Hao Zhan, asking to enter!"

With a bang, the light curtain splits!

There is another chapter in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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