Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2230: Rune Sky Eye (four more)

Chapter 2230 Rune Eye (four more)

Chapter 2229 Rune Eye

The Great Hall of Starry Sky, the Great Hall of Inheritance.

In the light curtain of a certain altar in the main hall, Prince Yang was sitting cross-legged, sitting in the white beam of light, feeling the original image in front of him.

This is Yang is undergoing the 511th assessment!

In 1200 years, after completing 510 tests, Yang felt that his speed was already fast. He was trying hard to sprint, and he wanted to become a true Starry Years Clan before the end of the Beast Cave practice, and obtain the highest inheritance of the Starry Years Clan. The ultimate treasure!

"Passed the assessment, now proceed to the 512th..."

The sound coming from the beam of light suddenly stopped.

"What's the situation?" With a smile on his face, the confident Yang was stunned.

"The 512th assessment should be carried out next, why? Why did it get stuck in one go?"

In the white beam of light, Yang looked inexplicable.

"What the **** is going on? Why don't I continue the assessment?" Yang asked loudly, but no one answered him.

"Could it be..." Yang froze for a while, what finally came to mind?

But then he shook his head quickly, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! He can't be so fast!"

At this moment, in the Rune Hall.

Ding Hao has walked into the first altar of the hall.

"this is!"

From a distance, Ding Hao saw a huge beam of light in the center of the light curtain, which rose into the sky.

"What's the reward here?" Ding Hao took a few steps forward, standing outside this huge beam of light, and did not find anything in it.

At this time, an old voice came into Ding Hao's ears.

"Hao Zhan, you can get the relics of the Starry Sky Years Clan in this sacrificial hall! Please walk into the beam of light!"

Ding Hao followed the order and walked into the beam of light in front of him.

When he walked into the beam of light, suddenly, his whole body was tightly bound.

"What does this mean?" Ding Hao's expression changed. When he suddenly raised his head, a golden light suddenly shot down from the highest end of this beam of light.


This golden light fell straight down, directly printed on the center of Ding Hao's forehead, it was a golden strange rune.

"This rune..." Ding Hao's face was shocked again. In his previous insights, he had learned the history of the Starry Sky Clan.

It is said that the Starry Sky Years Race has a special skill, that is the Rune Eye!

After opening this rune sky eye, no matter if it is to perceive any original image and Dao pattern, there will be different discoveries!

"If it's right, this strange rune opened my rune eye!"

Ding Hao received the first reward and was satisfied.

When he got the rune eye, he immediately heard loud rumbling noises from all directions.

"What happened outside?"

Ding Hao stepped out of the light curtain, and he was stunned. He saw that this very huge altar hall had begun to collapse, the huge altars kept toppling over, and the light curtains like eggs exploded.

"I took all the runes here and got all the treasures here. The function of this sacrificial temple disappeared and it started to explode!"

He noticed that not far from where he stood, a new door of light curtain opened.

"This should be the way to get the other three relics!"

Ding Hao turned around again, bowed and saluted the hall that was beginning to collapse, "Seniors of the Starry Sky Clan, thank you!"

After thanking him, he strode up and walked into the door of the light curtain in front of him.

When he walked into the door of this light curtain, he appeared in the heritage sacrificial hall in the next second.

At this moment, it happened that the inexplicable Prince Yang came out from the light curtain he was in...

"What's the matter? Ding Hao, why did you come to the sacrificial hall where I am?" Yang stood on the high altar, looking at Ding Hao who came out of the other altar, his face was covered with unbelievable.

Ding Hao didn’t lie to him, clasped his fists in salute, “Brother Yang, I successfully passed the 571 tests of the Starry Sky Years Clan and became the last member of the Starry Sky Years Clan! My relic!"

Speaking of which, Ding Hao was able to come here thanks to Yang.

Right now, Ding Hao held a fist to thank Yang again, then turned around and walked into the light curtain on the first altar.

"What? It's really like this!" Yang's face suddenly became earthy.

It wasn't until Ding Hao disappeared into the light curtain that he became excited, ran down and shouted, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I am the real descendant of the Starry Sky Years Clan! Why would you take the relic? All these things belong to me, you thief, you robber, you give it back to me!"

In front of Zhongbao, Prince Yang's demeanor had disappeared, he rushed to the altar No. 1 frantically, and frantically attacked the light curtain in front of him.

However, this layer of light curtain is only open to the descendants of the real Starry Sky Years Clan, no matter how he attacks, he can't enter the light curtain.

At this moment Ding Hao had already walked into the beam of light in the center of the altar. After entering, he sat cross-legged.

It can be clearly seen by the naked eye that an astonishing amount of Starry Sky Years Clan's writing is crazily flooding into Ding Hao's body. This is the highest inheritance of Starry Sky Years Clan! It contains a large number of exercise records of the Starry Sky Years Race!

The various strange techniques, various historical records, various training experiences, and various rune patterns that have long since disappeared in the long river of history from the ancient powerhouses are all crazily compressed into Ding Hao's consciousness!

"A lot of inheritance!"

The highest inheritance left by the Starry Sky Years Clan is too much. It can’t be completed in a while. Ding Hao has been sitting there quietly receiving these inheritances from a distant era, some techniques and methods, even They don't even know the Big Nine!

"Precious, so precious! These inheritances not only allow me to steadily climb to the top, and even leave the endless world in the future. Higher techniques are available here!"

Ding Hao sat in the beam of light, accepting the inheritance, and spent seven days.

Yang also stormed the light curtain for seven days. On the last day, he finally collapsed weakly.

"It's useless, all my efforts have made wedding clothes for others! Ding Hao has accepted the highest inheritance of the Starry Sky Years Clan! Moreover, the Starry Sky Years Clan's assessment has stopped, and I will never get it again!"

Thinking of this, Yang sat on the ground, his eyes shooting out a spiteful color, "Ding Hao just got these amazing ancient inheritances, he shouldn't have time to sort out and use them! If I kill him, grab these ancient inheritances! Doesn't it all belong to me?"

Just as Yang felt resentment, the light curtain beside him opened with a bang, and Ding Hao in a white long gown walked out of the light curtain.

"You!" Yang looked at Ding Hao gritted his teeth.

Ding Hao certainly knows Yang's thoughts. He smiled and said, "Prince Yang, I can arrive here this time, and finally get the inheritance left by the Starry Sky Years Clan. Thanks to you! There are many inheritance contents, and I think there must be some of what you need. Contents, when I have time to sort out these contents and give them all to you, I can’t let you go for nothing!"

Listening to this, the resentment in Yang's eyes eased a lot, and he began to hesitate whether to kill Ding Hao?

Logically speaking, Ding Hao can give him all the inheritance he needs, and he can also get the benefits; but, he thinks in turn, if Ding Hao is killed and all the inheritance is obtained, wouldn't it be more profitable?

Ding Hao looked at the change in Yang's complexion, he didn't say much, he took a big step, and walked into the small door just opened.

Boom boom boom!

When Ding Hao took away the relics in this sacrificial hall, the vast sacrificial hall also began to collapse.

The loud collapse sound awakened the pondering Yang.

"Ding Hao is gone!"

Although Ding Hao is gone, the small door is still open.

The Yang figure flashed and rushed into the small door quickly.

"you guys……"

Yang walked into the small door and saw the two people facing each other.

"Ding Hao, you were able to come to the memorial hall where I was! If I didn't guess wrong, you must have become a real Starry Years Clan member! You are here to receive the Starry Years Clan's ultimate treasure!" The roar of the ice axe came. .

Ding Hao stood on the high altar and sneered, "So what?"

Ice Axe said grimly, "I haven't passed several tests for more than 1,000 years, but I have integrated a large number of weapons here to create three ultimate weapons! If you want to get the ultimate in this temple Treasure, I have to ask about the three ultimate weapons in my hand!"

Ding Hao gave a cold snort, ignored him, turned and walked to the light curtain of the altar beside him.

However, Ding Hao took a step, his expression changed.

It turns out that this ice axe is also cunning. He actually guessed that the ultimate treasure was placed in the first altar, so he had placed a ban outside the light curtain to prevent Ding Hao from entering!

"I said, you must defeat me first to get the ultimate treasure!" Ice Axe's expression was stern, and he walked quickly from another altar.

When he walked by Yang's side, he said again, "Yang, would you like to watch Ding Hao occupy all the good things alone like this?"

"But..." Yang frowned.

Ice Axe didn't care about him, rushed to Ding Hao, and launched an attack directly.

The three ultimate weapons he has obtained for more than 1,000 years. The first is the profound armor he wears. This thing has amazing defensive power. It can form a defensive space outside of the armor and is difficult to break; the second is that he uses a thousand treasures. The wheel has been built into a Wanbao wheel. There are more weapons integrated on one wheel, and its power is even more terrifying; and his third ultimate weapon is even more weird!

"Ding Hao, you first **** Wanbaolun!"

The ice axe smiled gloomily, and with a big wave, an extremely huge treasure wheel rolled towards Ding Hao.

Although there are no tens of thousands of weapons on this huge wheel, there are thousands! The chief instructor of the Star Years Tribe, Tai Axe, was smashed by his treasure wheel!

"It seems that you have to really fight me!" Ding Hao shot contemptuously in his eyes, "Ice axe, you will regret it!"

He is no longer more than 1,000 years ago. Now his strength has greatly increased. There is no need for a final attack at all. It is a stab directly at the huge treasure wheel that has been crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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