Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2283: Empty world

Chapter 2283 The empty world

Chapter 2282 Kongkong Race World

"What, Ji didn't deal with you!" The true **** Tian Ji paled suddenly.

Originally, he thought that mentioning the name of Ha would make these people lose face, but it was counterproductive. He proposed the name of Ha and Ding Hao even more murderous.

"No!" True God Tian Hai wanted to escape.

But in front of the eight true gods peak powerhouse, how could he have a chance to escape?

Li Tuo has the hottest character. He takes the lead and flicks his huge tail, instantly slaps him to death on the spot!

"My God!" Above this dark star, all the Giant Bone Demon ran away in fright.

In the early stage of the True God Realm, the True God Tian Hai was shot to death, so how could the other giants survive!

At the moment, countless bone figures hurriedly escaped from this planet.

Unexpectedly, Prince Luo's face became cold, and his hands slammed apart, "Six degrees of space, block me!"

Suddenly, the space composed of six huge light curtains expanded wildly, enveloping the entire planet.

Sudinan used a blood-red mysterious bead. This vigorous orb turned out to be the strongest weapon. After it was released, there were Weng Weng Xuanyin, those giant bone demon cultivators who heard the mysterious sound, Suddenly, the flesh and blood and vitality were all sucked into the Xuan Mizhu, killing people like numb, quite brutal.

Ding Hao did not leave his hands, and released his unique "rain of the void"!

Wherever the raindrops went, the light of the sword and the sound of explosions continued, and slices of giant bone demon were killed.

All eight of Ding Hao and the others are the top powerhouses in the endless world. It didn't take long to kill all the giant bone demon people on this planet. An Jialan also ordered his people to take the Dark Purple Demon Race. All of his slaves were rescued.

Ding Hao and the others kept running after solving the true God of Lost Horror.

Followed An Jialan through one cloud after another and came to another place.

This is not a dark star, but there is a dark star belt, countless dark stars, presumably also living in an astonishing number of dark purple demon.

A large black mountain-shaped flying palace is stationed near here, which looks like a mountain from a distance, vast and vast.

"There are so many time-space robbers here!" Ding Hao was shocked.

There are far more space-time robbers stationed in the world of the Dark Purple Demon than the Immortal Realm, and they are stronger than the Immortal Realm!

At the beginning, in the world of immortals, it was a gangster general army, with 1 million gangster demons; here, there are ten gangster general troops, that is tens of millions of gangster demons!

Moreover, the strongest gangster in the immortal realm is only a general army commander, and the strongest in the cloud realm is a gangster elder at the pinnacle of the realm!

An Jialan said sadly, "This dark star belt was originally the most populous area of ​​our demons. The number of people of our race living in this area is more than 100 trillion, but how many people are still left? The locusts in the world have been refined into the crystal of life!"

"Indeed." Ding Hao nodded with emotion.

Those stray demons in the immortal world have not yet begun to refine life crystals!

As for the Yunyun Realm, because all the world’s treasures and valuables have been plundered, there are no other resources available; therefore, here, the rogue demon has begun the final madness, and will bring all the living dark purple demon All people have become life crystals.

Hundreds of millions of trillions of living beings have been refined into blood-red fruits, which are quite tragic.

"So many time and space gangsters, kill!" Prince Li Tuo hasn't killed him yet, now he sees tens of millions of time and space gangsters in front of him, immediately let go of his hands and feet, and kill him!

Raiders can be called the locusts of the endless world, no one likes them, just kill them all!

If ordinary cultivators take action to kill the demons, they can still hide their souls in the silver-white wreckage; but today, they are all the top powerhouses in the endless world. After the crazy attack, All died, no wreckage can be left!

As for the elders of the rogue demons, they were just the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the realm. They weren't Ding Hao's opponents at all. They were completely crushed, and they were killed by Prince Qiuyue without a chance.

The other raging cloud world is the Golden Armored Demon Race.

Speaking of the Golden Armored Demon Race also has several geniuses in the Wanjia Alliance, and one of them is a prince-level genius!

But at this time and here, Ding Hao felt empathetic to the scene of the Youyun Realm, and had no mercy for these invading demons. He was rude and killed them all!

When the main forces of the three major demon races were all resolved by Ding Hao and the others, the Nether Cloud Realm finally settled down. Even if there are many other demon race invaders still here, Anjialan and his men are fully capable of dealing with it, no They need Ding Hao to take action.

"Cool!" Prince Li Tuo and the others had a big kill. They were in a good mood. They wanted to stay in this world and kill for a while.

But time is running out, they can't delay too much, Ding Hao released Star Nest and was about to leave.

Before leaving, An Jialan said, "Our Nethercloud Realm has been plundered by these invaders so badly for so many years! All kinds of precious heaven, material and earth treasures are produced, all looted, and nothing is left. I don’t know how to fully recover. What year and month!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Then you go back! Go to my Hao Realm. Although it is a start-up, the cultivation conditions are much better than yours in the Yunyun Realm."

"That's what I meant." Although An Jialan said so, they had to wait until the Nether Cloud Realm was completely settled before they could leave.

The matter of Youyun Realm was over, Ding Hao and the eight others walked to the Star Nest and left this realm.

The crystal blue halo, flying farther and farther, under the huge "jellyfish", kneeling countless dark purple demon...

Ding Hao's next goal is the world where the Kongkong Clan lives, and also to send the Space Monkey back.

Of course, Ding Xiaokong didn't want to leave, and Ding Hao didn't force it, but he was also ready to let Ding Xiaokong take a look at his hometown!

After another few months of flying, the pointer on the space-time compass showed that we had come to the world where the Kongkong family was.

Lito said excitedly, "Another world has arrived, and now I can kill again!"

Li smiled, "It seems that you haven't killed enough in Youyun Realm!"

Ding Hao and the others walked out of the star nest and entered this world.

In fact, Ding Hao also wanted to come to see this world. He had heard too many legends about this world in the fairy world.

It is said that in this world, there are two large races, Kongkong and Timespace. They fight with each other constantly and wars are constant! When the Immortal Realm Ancestor arrived here, the Kongkong Clan asked Renzu for help.

After the human ancestors eliminated the time and space clan, they required a certain number of Kongkong clan women to be sent to the immortal world to marry immortals as their wives, thereby obtaining the Kongkong clan's spatial ability inheritance.

However, after the ancestors destroyed the time and space clan, the patriarch of the Kongkong clan brazenly broke the contract and refused the request of the ancestors.

Therefore, in a rage, Ren Zu took away 90% of Mount Xumi, the Kongkong Clan who supported this world.

Ding Hao believed this fairyland legend at first, but after seeing the respect of the space monkey, Ding Hao didn't believe it at all!

Just imagine, the people of the Kongkong tribe all look like space monkeys, and the women in their tribe all look like female monkeys! How could Renzu ask tens of thousands of female monkeys to go back to be the wives of the fairy?

Is this a joke?

What fairy is willing to marry a female monkey as his wife!

Ding Hao and the others walked into this world, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

"What a vast world!"

According to the legend of the fairy world, everyone in the Kongkong clan world can freely cut off the space and use it at will. In the end, the space in this world is not enough, and even the sky cannot withstand it, causing the sky to sink!

In the end, the Kongkong clan had no choice but to build 90% of Mount Xumi to support the world.

But the scene in front of them was not like this, a very vast and vast world appeared in front of them.

The sky is extremely high, the earth is extremely far, the mountains are steep, and the vastness is boundless!

Sudinan exclaimed, "This world does not use planetary structures, but a very vast land!"

The general world adopts a planetary structure like the fairy world star realm, which is more inclusive and can be expanded infinitely;

The Kongkong Clan's world is like the ordinary world, a plane.

Ding Hao said, "Let's enter and take a look!"

Right now, he released the Star Nest, took his friends, and flew into the depths of this world.

Unlike Ding Hao and the others, this world is extremely empty. When Star Nest flies up to the sky of this world, one can see the ravines, mountains and lakes on the ground of this world, faintly forming a strange picture. Picture.

"I always feel that this picture seems to be the original image we have seen." Sudinan frowned.

The eight people present were all cultivating primitive-level techniques, and they were no strangers to the original images. Hearing what Sudinan said, everyone watched them carefully.

"I also feel like it is, but I just don't understand it!" Everyone nodded.

Ding Hao is a master at studying this kind of primitive images. He frowned and watched carefully. After watching for a while, his brows wrinkled even more.

"These mountains, rivers and lakes are indeed original images, but according to our normal perception method, we can't understand the meaning, which is a bit strange!"

Just in their doubts, a gray-white palace appeared on a very lofty mountain ahead.

In front of this glorious palace, there are many cultivators who look similar to Space Monkeys, but the cultivators of the Kongkong race are much larger.

The leading cultivator also has the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the true gods.

"You fellow Taoists don't know where they come from? Welcome to the world of our Kongkong Clan!" The cultivator laughed loudly, holding his fists to welcome.

"No! In this world, there will be practitioners at the pinnacle of the True God Realm!" Sansheng War Wolf said in surprise.

Generally speaking, the cultivator at the pinnacle of the true gods is either to take refuge in the powerful forces of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, or to enter the founding **** cult practice, or to venture to the holy world to find a higher sky... in Kongkong The world of the clan actually has a cultivator at the pinnacle of true gods, which is really strange.

Ding Hao also felt weird and said, "Let's go down and take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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