Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2284: The rebellion of the endless world

Chapter 2284 The Rebellion of the Endless World

Chapter 2283 the rebellion of the endless world

Like Ding Hao and the others, this Kongkong Clan's cultivator turned out to be a cultivator of the pinnacle of True God Realm.

This is a very strange thing.

At the level of the world in front of him, it is absolutely impossible for a cultivator of such a high level to appear.

Because at what level of world, what level of cultivator will be born; in this world, cultivators need to cultivate, need the treasures of heaven and earth, and all kinds of resources!

In the world of the Kongkong Clan, there is no environment to provide these materials, so how can a cultivator at the pinnacle of the true gods be born?

Therefore, Ding Hao thought of another possibility.

"It must be a cultivator who returned to this world from the outside world!" Ding Hao and the others secretly guessed.

If we put it this way, it would be no contradiction.

It's as if Ding Hao was successful in cultivating outside, returning to the immortal realm for a temporary stay. This makes sense!

"This fellow Taoist, in Xia Ding Hao (Su Dinan, Three Lives Wolf Warrior, Luo, Li Tuo, Li, Qiu Yue, Gu Feng Heng), he is polite." Ding Hao and the others clasped their fists to say hello.

The cultivator of the Kongkong tribe laughed and said, "I have seen fellow Taoists, the Kongkong tribe is the true **** of the Kongkong."

"True God Gankong, I’ve never heard of this name!" Su Dinan asked, "Fear fellow Gankong, I don’t know which power you belong to? All eight of us are from Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!"

If True God Qiankong is successful in cultivating outside, then he must have joined a certain force. This is a must!

But what everyone didn’t expect was that the true face of Gan Kong was embarrassed, and he smiled bitterly, “It’s not too long since I cultivated to the peak of the true **** realm. I haven’t left the world of Kongkong clan nor joined any forces! If you have a way, I’ll fall Don't mind joining your forces!"


Ding Hao and others were a little dumbfounded. True God Qiankong has never left the world of Kongkong Clan. Then there is no precious product in this world. How can he cultivate to the peak of True God Realm?

This is really an incredible situation!

Prince Li Tuo had a more carefree personality. He immediately wanted to recruit this person and said with a smile, "Then I will introduce you to join my Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms. After you join our alliance, you will immediately become a Prince-level genius! After so many years In the future, after several tasks have been arranged, you can become the elder of the alliance, and that treatment will be even better!"

"In that case, it's easy to say, please enter my palace and rest soon." The **** Gankong was overjoyed and led the eight of them into the palace.

Although God Qian Kong was very polite, and after being introduced into the palace, he provided various kinds of wine and fruits, but Ding Hao still felt that the situation was very strange.

"Sudinan, Luo, there must be a demon if something goes wrong, this dry space can be cultivated to the peak in this kind of world, this is absolutely abnormal!" Ding Hao transmitted to Sudinan and Luo.

Su Dinan also said, "I really can't imagine that the property that this world can provide in front of me will allow a cultivator to cultivate to the peak of the realm of realm, at most the early stage of the realm of true gods! How can it be possible to cultivate directly to the peak of the realm of true gods?"

Luo Ye said, "And what's more suspicious is that he hasn't left this world even after he cultivated to the peak of the True God Realm? Strange, really strange!"

"Then I will talk to him and inquire about the situation."

Ding Hao interrupted Li Tuo's solicitation and smiled, "There is a teacher called Renzu who came to your world a long time ago. According to him, this world was not like this before!"

"Oh, it turns out that you are a disciple of Renzu!" Gankong had heard of Renzu's name, and he said, "It is recorded in ancient books that after Renzu helped our clan eliminate the Space-Time Clan, he violated the oath of both parties and took away The nine-story Mount Xumi, which our race used to support the sky, escaped from this realm. This has become a shame to our race!"

Although True God Gankong said this, he immediately smiled and said, "Those are things that happened many years ago, Brother Ding Hao don't need to mind."

The legend of the fairy world is that the Kongkong clan violated the oath; while the legend of the Kongkong clan is that the ancestors violated the oath.

Who broke the oath does not seem to matter now.

Ding Hao asked, "Since the nine-story Sumeru Mountain is used to support the sky, this mountain was taken away by my teacher. The sky in your world should be very low! How come we see that the sky is vast, not The kind of sight you imagine!"

Gankong laughed and said, "The sky is not high enough because there are too many cultivators in the Kongkong clan. Everyone keeps cutting off the space at will, making the world not enough! And now, the people of our clan are dead very clean! The rest of the clansmen no longer practice the laws of space! The space is naturally enough, and the sky has recovered its height!"

"That's it." Ding Hao suddenly realized.

Sudinan asked curiously, "You said your Kongkong clan died very cleanly. I don't know why? I think your world is very quiet and there are no foreign invaders. Why do you die in large numbers! "

At this time, True God Gankong couldn't answer. He smiled embarrassedly, "It's mainly because of the civil war and the war. Everyone fights you to death for some different opinions, and everyone is dead!"

Although his statement is acceptable, it is still relatively reluctant. Even if there is a war, it is impossible to die so cleanly. Ding Hao and the others can't even see a ghost along the way.

Qiuyue asked again, "You Kongkong people are born with special qualifications for the ability to cultivate space. Why don't you practice the laws of space? Then you didn't practice any exercises? And you have cultivated to the peak of the true gods?"

True God Gan Kong looked embarrassed again, and smiled bitterly, "This is the secret of my clan's cultivation, it is not convenient for foreigners, please understand."

"Okay! We are just curious!"

Everyone felt that the true **** of dry sky still had a secret, very strange.

However, no one can tell what doubts there are.

True God Gan Kong asked again, "A few fellow daoists, why did you come to our world? If you can help me, I am willing to help."

Ding Hao released the Space Monkey and said, "This is Ding Xiaokong. He has followed me since he was a child. This time we passed through this world, I want to take him back to see his hometown and the world his ancestors lived in! Another one! Before the will of his teacher Mokong disappears, let him come back to find the deity of Mokong, and meet the master and apprentice! And his teacher's deity, Mokong senior, will teach him some ancient space inheritance of the Kongkong clan!"

"Oh, that's the case." True God Gan Kong laughed when he saw Ding Xiaokong, who was a small figure.

He pulled Ding Xiaokong over and smiled, "Senior Mokong's deity, I don’t know how many years ago he died in the war! But since you have come to our world, you can’t let you come here for nothing! Although we don’t I have practiced spatial exercises, but there are still some exercises inheritance in my palace. I will ask you to take you to obtain these spatial inheritances."

At the moment, he immediately called a few weak Kongkong Clan cultivators and asked them to take Ding Xiaokong to the warehouse to choose the space inheritance.

"Fellow Daoist, thank you so much."

Ding Hao clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

Although this true God Qiankong revealed a mysterious and strange aura all over his body, the other party was still quite good at talking and doing things. They were also responsive to Ding Hao and their requests, which left Ding Hao and the others speechless.

"Never mind. That being the case, when the space monkey gets the space inheritance it needs, let's leave now!" Ding Hao spoke to his friends, everyone said the same.

Prince Lituo also wanted to recruit this person into the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, and then handed him a bracelet of the Ten Thousand Realms, "The God of Dry Sky, it is very difficult to continue to practice in such a world, you might as well join our Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms! This way? When we leave right away, you will go out with us, you can use the bracelet of the ten thousand worlds to enter the endless abyss, from there you can directly reach our alliance of ten thousand worlds, the world of alliance!"

"Ah, this? I really want to join your forces, but I still have some things. When I finish handling them, I will naturally join!"

Although True God Qian Kong said he yearned for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms very much, but he really asked him to go to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, he immediately changed his rhetoric, refusing to leave this realm.

Everyone was even more curious about the secrets in this Kongkong Clan's world. This God of Kongkong is really strange!

Although they were all very strange, there was nothing to pick and prick. Everyone was busy rushing to the founding gods. After Ding Xiaokong got some superficial time-space exercises, everyone left.

The eight took Ding Xiaokong back to the star's nest, flew backward, and returned the same way.

In the Star Nest, Ding Xiaokong showed Ding Hao and the others the time-space exercises he had obtained.

"Really some simple and crude low-level exercises!" Sudinan groaned and threw it aside.

Ding Xiaokong said, "In short, I feel that these people, although they are my kind, but I don't have any sense of closeness to them from the inside! It's really strange, seeing the people in my hometown, I have a kind of Invisible feeling of disgust!"

What he said, everyone present felt it.

Li frowned and said, "Do you have this invisible feeling of disgust? Why do I seem to feel this way too!"

Three Lives War Wolf said, "Me too! Although this God of Dry Air appears very polite and polite from all aspects, my heart is very resistant, and I always feel that he is lying, even an enemy!"

In fact, Ding Hao felt the same way. He thought he was too suspicious of his personality, and now everyone seems to be like that.

At this time, Ding Xiaokong said again, "Also! I also saw a jade card in their warehouse, which recorded a lot of messy runes, much like the runes on your golden bone pillar. ."

"What? Alien patterns, they are cultivating Alien patterns that go against the fundamental will of the endless world!" Ding Hao and the others suddenly became alert.

Su Dinan immediately thought of something, came to the window, and only shouted in the large space below, "Look at these mountains and plains, the large original images composed! I understand now that these are all alien images. This is the foundation of the endless world. Forbidden existence! Gankong is crazy, he is cultivating abnormal patterns, and he is doing a lot, he is a rebellion in an endless world!!"

(End of this chapter)

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