Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2285: Clear treason

Chapter 2285 Clear Rebellion

Chapter 2284

"I now know why he never left this world!"

Prince Lituo suddenly realized, "The abnormal pattern he cultivated is a technique that can't exist in the endless world at all! So he dare not leave this world at all. If he enters the turbulence of time and space, he will be affected by the fundamentals of the endless world. Discovered by the will!"

The Three Lives War Wolf also said, "Then he makes us have an invisible sense of disgust, and it is also because he has practiced the alien pattern technique!"

"That's right!" Su Dinan said again, "He cultivated abnormal patterns, not simply cultivating fur, but real strange patterns! Why can he cultivate to the peak of the true gods in this world, it is because of his cultivation It's a different pattern technique! This kind of technique works the other way around, it's very weird, far beyond our expectations, so he can cultivate to the peak of the true gods in such a barren world!"

Now, everything has been clarified.

Even though Ding Hao has a gold-patterned bone pillar, he even studied the runes in it.

But Ding Hao did not practice on a large scale, nor did he practice any different patterns; therefore, the fundamental will of the endless world would not have any opinions!

The True God Qiankong is different. He relies entirely on the cultivation of different patterns to improve his cultivation, and even more so in this world, he has placed countless huge patterns of different patterns! This is simply a kind of rebellious behavior, going against the sky, and absolutely cannot be accepted by the fundamental will of the endless world!

"He is going against the sky. As normal cultivators in the endless world, we should slay demons and get rid of evildoers!" Luo immediately opened his mouth and stated our position.

"I feel the same way, Ding Hao, what do you think?" Prince Li Tuo was a husband and a wife this time.

Ding Hao thought for a while and said, "You guys wait a moment!"

Right now, he immediately sat cross-legged with his hands in a different posture. Others didn't know what he was doing?

In fact, he is communicating with the fundamental will of the endless world and sending a message to it.

When Ding Hao's original law was recognized by the Endless World last time, the fundamental will personally appeared to contact Ding Hao and communicate.

Now that this happened, Ding Hao decided to communicate with the will of Endless World first.

"What is he doing?"

The other seven people didn't know what Ding Hao was doing, and looked at each other.

Not long after, Ding Hao opened his eyes, his gaze was full of sorrow.

"I got news from the fundamental will of the endless world, it has noticed what is happening in this world!"

When Ding Hao spoke, Su Dinan and others were all dumbfounded, "What? You can communicate with the fundamental will of the endless world?"

They didn't know about this before, but now they heard Ding Hao say that they were all dumbfounded and looked at Ding Hao with envy.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "The fundamental will of the endless world tells me that True God Qiankong not only cultivates abnormal patterns on his own, but also brings many cultivators of the Kongkong tribe to cultivate strange patterns! If we don't kill them now, we will There will be a large number of alien pattern practitioners appearing!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Su Dinan and others were shocked again.

If there are really a huge number of true gods peak cultivators like Dry Kong True Gods, they can completely rush out of this world. At that time, even if the fundamental will of the endless world is discovered, it is too late, because these people are numerous and huge, and they will surely cause a **** storm in the endless world!

"Not only that! The fundamental will of the endless world also tells me that alien pattern cultivators are absolutely exclusive, so many of the hundreds of millions of Kongkong tribesmen in this world have died by the hands of the God of Dry Kong... "

Before Ding Hao finished speaking, Ding Xiaokong, the space monkey, jumped up, "Dare to feel that this world is so quiet, it turns out that he was killed by him! I said that he couldn't feel any kind of fellowship from him! It turns out that he didn't feel any kind of fellowship from him! It is not my Kongkong tribe, but the great enemy of my Kongkong tribe!"

Ding Hao continued, "In fact, even if we don’t discover it, the fundamental will of Endless World can discover the secrets of this world! It now orders us to destroy the true God Gankong and his men, and save the remaining Kongkong people who are imprisoned by him! Destroy all the strangers. Pattern practice! As for some of the peculiar treasures he created with the power of the pattern, they will serve as rewards for our trip!"

"What? There are rewards?" Hearing this, Prince Qiuyue's eyes lit up.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Of course there are rewards! The fundamental will of the endless world tells me that the images of abnormal patterns created by the **** of dry air on this ground are actually to cultivate some natural treasures that our normal world does not have!"

"That's it! That's it!"

Su Dinan suddenly realized.

He had long seen the mountains and rivers, high mountains, woods and creeks on the ground, and the images formed were images of different patterns.

But he didn't figure it out. Why did the **** Gankong spend his pains to create these huge alien patterns?

Now the situation is clear. These huge images with different patterns are to generate some treasures with different patterns!

These heaven, material and earth treasures are produced based on the theory of abnormal patterns, and their actual effects are even better than those produced in the normal world.

The true **** of dry air can cultivate to the peak of the true **** realm in a short time, and these treasures of heaven and earth have also played a huge role!

Soon, Star Nest descended and came to a cliff on the ground.

According to the rune pattern provided to Ding Hao by the fundamental will of Endless World, Ding Hao stretched out his hand and wrote this rune on the cliff in front of him.

Boom boom boom.

Suddenly the mountain shook, and the tall cliff in front of it cracked. Among the cliffs, there is a strange and talented treasure with the shape of seven small beads connected together, which is in the sky above a huge strange rune. Slow growth.

"Sure enough!"

Alien runes are not good things and cannot be accommodated in the endless world; but the heavenly materials and earth treasures that grow on this basis are very precious fruits and can be used for cultivators to practice!

"This kind of seven-bead fruit is totally unheard of, never seen!" Sudinan knows very well about this kind of plant-type life, and he knows all the precious species in almost the endless world.

But he didn't even recognize the same fruits produced here.

No one has ever existed in the endless world, of course everyone does not know it!

"The fundamental will allows us to collect these fruits, but we must eliminate all abnormal patterns and exercises."

At the moment, everyone immediately flew over and took this strange treasure of heaven and earth into the bag.

But Ding Hao took a palm and smashed the strange rune under his feet.

Just when they returned with the treasure and walked out of the cliff, they found that as many as five practitioners of the peak of the true gods were waiting for them here.

"Unexpectedly, it was discovered by you!" The leader Gan Kongzhen's expression was stern, completely devoid of the kindness to Ding Hao and the others.

Behind him, there are four powerhouses, the cultivation bases are exactly the same as him, and all of them are the peaks of the true gods.

"Brother, I'll just say these doglegs in the endless world, they are damned! Just now in your palace, you should launch a raid!" The other four powerhouses following True God Gankong all looked bad.

Ding Xiaokong cursed, "You rebels in the endless world, you only have to cultivate Alien Run! But in order to prevent the information from leaking, you have killed all the people of the same race in this world!"

"That's their stupidity!" Gankong snorted coldly, "They only know that they practice spatial techniques, and the sky will sink, and the people will not live! These stupid tribesmen will die if they die. It's no shame! It's you , If you follow us to practice the different pattern technique, I promise you will be able to advance to the peak of the true gods in a very short time! And we are still working hard, one day we will find a quick way to become the strongest in the endless world!"

"Quickly become the strongest in the endless world!" The people present were all stunned. If this happens, it is very likely that the alien pattern cultivator will occupy the entire endless world.

"Never let them succeed!" Ding Hao's eyes became firm.

These alien pattern cultivators are really crazy, they completely violate the fundamental rules of cultivation, this is not as simple as a crooked way, the gods of dry sky and their purpose is to overturn the entire endless world!

If that day is really reached, all the worlds in the entire endless world will not be spared, and there will be blood and blood everywhere. I don't know how many billions of cultivators from all walks of life will die innocently!

"In that case, let's fight!"

Ding Hao gave a violent shout, released his weapon, Mingjing Slash, and rushed out.

Su Dinan directly released his strongest weapon, the blood-red Profound Bead, and chose the strongest God of Dry Air among the five opponents to attack.

There are only five people in the true God of Gankong, but Ding Hao and the others have eight. The two sides are very different, and Ding Hao has the advantage.

However, Ding Hao soon discovered that...

"Not good! The other subordinates of True God Gankong are arrogantly destroying all kinds of precious treasures they cultivated!"

You know, all the benefits of Ding Hao and the others in this battle are the treasures cultivated by those abnormal patterns!

These things are quite precious, and the endless world may never appear again in the future, and each one is invaluable!

"Qiuyue, Li, and Gu Fengheng! The three of you hurriedly went to kill all the saboteurs, and they gave us the God of Dry Air here!"

Ding Hao and others have great confidence in themselves, even if it is five to five and the number of people is not dominant, they are not afraid!

"Okay, let's kill the saboteurs, collect the treasures, and then everyone will come and distribute them equally!" Prince Qiuyue and others immediately left the scene and rushed in different directions.

Space Monkey also shouted, "I will go to the Palace of True God Gankong, the normal cultivators of the Kongkong tribe should be there!"

"Okay!" Everyone fought individually, and the five against the five in the sky immediately formed a group.

Ding Hao's opponent is another practitioner at the pinnacle of the True God Realm, whose strength is no less than the True God of Dry Sky, and the attack methods of these strange pattern practitioners are quite weird, making people hard to guard against!

"Void thread, kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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