Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2288: Hidden Alien Technique

Chapter 2288 The Hidden Abnormal Pattern Technique

Chapter 2287 Hidden Different Pattern Technique

"This time, getting the blessing of the power of the endless world has greatly improved my mood and law perception!"

"I want to hurry up, record all these insights, and then find something useful to me again!"

In a quiet room of Star Nest, Ding Hao sat cross-legged.

"At that moment, I was really strong!"

Ding Hao seemed to have returned to that moment, closed his eyes, and began to recall the feeling and the reaction inside his body.

"That's it, it turns out that power fills my body in such an instant..."

This kind of memory is very effective. Ding Hao got a lot of inspiration from the beginning. The power that the endless world penetrated into his body, the way that power entered, made Ding Hao an eye-opener.

"If I can use this method of power release in battle, my attack power will increase a lot!"

As time passed day by day, Ding Hao continued to feel.

The power of the endless world is blessed on him, and the time before and after is only half an hour.

However, Ding Hao spent a whole year and a half on his memories and feelings. Many of the details, even for one second, he would chew back and forth many times.

Feel the reaction of your body at that moment; then feel the reaction of the surrounding environment at that moment; and, at the same time, what changes have taken place in the laws of the world around you?

A year and a half later, Ding Hao finally opened his eyes.

"Over and over again, and countless excavations, I have fully understood everything that happened in the past half hour, and the experience and benefits that can be developed have been recorded in this jade card." Ding Hao raised his hand. , Took out a green jade ribbon.

This year and a half of insights will have an extraordinary effect on Ding Hao's future cultivation.

And Ding Hao did not forget his promise to his friends. He took out a few more jade cards and copied the contents, then waved his hand, seven green lights and shadows flew out of his quiet room.

In another quiet room not far away, Prince Luo and Prince Li Tuo were drinking tea and chatting.

They have all reached a bottleneck in their cultivation base recently, and there is nothing to cultivate. They happen to be newly married again and are still in the honeymoon period.

Suddenly two green lights floated outside the quiet room.

"what is this?"

After Prince Luo sensed it, he waved his big hand, and suddenly the door of the quiet room burst into a gap, and two turquoise lights flew in.

The couple each took a piece of jade ribbon and swept it with their hearts, "It is the insights sent by Brother Ding Hao!"

The two didn't take it seriously at first, because their cultivation base had reached the peak of the cultivation base of the endless world, and these insights could not directly increase their strength, so they should be of little use.

But they took a closer look, and suddenly, the expressions of the two of them were surprised.

"Brother Ding Hao's summary...this is something I have never seen before! My God, if it is announced, it will create a precedent for several cultivation theories!" Luo said in shock.

Prince Li Tuo cursed, "You are not stupid! Who will publish this kind of thing? That is, Brother Ding Hao treats us as friends, otherwise he would never send us such details!"

"Indeed." Luo nodded and said regretfully, "Ding Hao took those useless gold-patterned bone pillars when the Kongkong clan's world was divided into treasures. We didn't give him any treasure of heaven and earth! I am a little embarrassed to give us the precious theories that I have summed up!"

"People Ding Hao didn't want to care about you at all! Besides, the gold-patterned bone pillars are of no use to us, it does not mean that they are of no use to him!" To retreat and practice!"

Luo also chuckled, the precious theory Ding Hao gave them was equivalent to opening a new window for them, making their cultivation path brighter, and of course they could go further!

"I also went to retreat to practice. There is at least a year and a half before the founding of the gods. I have to study and digest Ding Hao's practice theory." Luo returned to his practice room.

At this moment, Ding Hao's friends all received this unexpected gift.

It takes a lot of time to study and digest, because they practice different exercises. For them, the gap between different exercises is too great. If Ding Hao’s theory is to be integrated into each individual’s different exercises, it’s not What can be done in three days and two days requires retreat and study.

The founding religion is quite remote, located in a very remote corner of the entire endless world.

Star Nest flies extremely fast in the turbulent time and space, and after flying for so long, there is still a year and a half!

During this flight, Ding Hao began to delve into another gain from this time.

"Golden bone pillar, this is a good thing!"

Ding Hao got eight gold-patterned bone pillars from Prince He, and this time got eleven more, which is nineteen in total!

"According to the writing method of the runes of different patterns, every additional gold-patterned bone pillar will have countless ways of change; and now I have eleven more at once. This kind of rune change is scary to think about! Ding Hao was not frightened, but rather pleased.

How many different runes can be composed of nineteen golden-patterned bone pillars? Great!

In fact, this is not the most important thing. Ding Hao raised his hand and took a small seven-colored pagoda in his hand.

When his thoughts penetrated into the deepest part of the small tower, in that remote and deep corner, a jade flower was quietly suspended.

Ding Hao's eyes flashed when he saw this object, and he immediately retracted his gaze, afraid to continue watching.

This jade is just a very ordinary jade, but the content recorded in it is really extraordinary!

They destroyed all the different patterns in the Kongkong Clan world this time, but Ding Hao secretly hid one of them! In this jade card, there is the most comprehensive and detailed different pattern technique of the True Gods of Dry Sky!

Although True God Qiankong and others were regarded as rebellious and all executed, Ding Hao was different from others.

He does not blindly trust and worship the fundamental will of the endless world, he has his own ideas!

"Yes! Abnormal pattern technique is the evildoer in the endless world, and is incompatible by the fundamental will of the endless world! But...I have to say that this is also an extremely powerful force!"

Why is the fundamental will of the endless world rushing to kill, not only to kill the true **** of dry sky, but also to destroy all the abnormal patterns?

the reason is simple!

That is the fundamental will of the endless world felt, afraid!

"A technique that can scare the endless world, why should I not keep a copy?"

"Moreover, these unusual runes and the various precious natural materials and treasures cultivated are also non-toxic and harmless. I believe it is a good thing!"

Ding Hao is now in the endless world. Of course, he dare not practice this kind of alien pattern technique, otherwise he is looking for death; but he is prepared to hide this technique secretly, and there will be no use in the future; In case, there is a place to be useful, it is likely to be of great use!

"I'm secretly hiding this strange pattern technique in the Years Tower, and the fundamental will of the endless world shouldn't be felt; besides, even if it senses it, I haven't cultivated it, so what can it do for me?"

Ding Hao didn't dare to practice the strange pattern technique, but he could learn some basic strange pattern runes.

As the Eternal Beast senior said, as long as you have a good grasp of the degree, you only learn these runes, do not practice the different patterns, do not cause too much impact, and will not affect the normal evolution of the endless world, then the fundamental will is impossible. Come to your trouble.

"Then start learning!"

Ding Hao waved his palm, and 19 white bone pillars were distributed around his body.

He said many obscure formulas again. In the next second, an astonishing number of golden stripes appeared on the 19 white bone pillars.

"Come on!" Ding Hao stretched out his hands.

His movements are getting faster and faster, just like a shuttle back and forth in a loom, his fingers are constantly pulling, pulling out one after another golden lines.

There are many rune patterns that can be formed by the nineteen bone pillars, and each rune is a heterogeneous text.

"Huh!" Ding Hao let out a sigh of excitement, "Useful, so useful!"

Words are always a special mark of a life race.

In the Mortal Realm, words were not very useful, nor would they carry any powerful power.

After coming to the endless world, I learned that words are the most precious inheritance of any life race. As long as you look at the words of this race, you can see the characteristics of this race! And more importantly, almost all the words have more or less power!

Some powers can emit light, like worms and worms; other text powers can shock the world and shock the world.

It's like the words left by this alien demon clan is an extraordinary power.

Ding Hao lowered his head again and began to study the different patterns that appeared after countless rearrangements.

This kind of research can not be completed in three days or two days, nor can it be completed in three years or two years.

In a year and a half, Ding Hao hadn't understood a few strange texts, and the sound of fat insects came from the quiet room.

"Master and prince geniuses, please be prepared, Star Nest will arrive at the destination within a month at most!" This is Ding Hao's prior care, telling everyone one month in advance, so as to save time for rushing and affecting cultivation.

After receiving the news, Ding Hao temporarily put aside his practice and walked out of his quiet room.

When he walked out, his friends also walked out.

"Ding Hao, the theories you summarized this time are really too precious!" Su Dinan couldn't help but sigh. In his opinion, even his teacher No. 1 Mountain Master could not come up with this level of cultivation theory.

This is not hard to understand. Even the first mountain lord has never stood at the highest point of the endless world, nor has he surveyed the world. Then how could he have these insights and opinions?

(End of this chapter)

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