Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2289: Goodbye Sharon

Chapter 2289 Goodbye Shalun

Chapter 2288: Goodbye Shalun

His friends are very grateful for the practice theory that Ding Hao provided to everyone.

At the same time, everyone agreed with each other that within ten thousand years, this practice theory will never be spread, and currently only eight of them use and practice.

In fact, Ding Hao didn’t care too much about such an agreement. If his theory spreads out, it will be a kind of propaganda for him; but Ding Hao also thought that if his theory is obtained and practiced by his opponent, then Ding Hao will not be able to calm down. .

So Ding Hao nodded in the end and confirmed the ten-thousand-year confidentiality period.

Of course, this confidentiality period agreement is invalid for Ding Hao himself, and Ding Hao can give it to his relatives and friends to practice!

Since we were about to reach the founding sect, everyone stopped practicing, and they all sat at the conference table in the control hall, and everyone was chatting, so it was so lively.

In an instant, a month has passed.

Star Nest finally came to the destination, the founding of the gods!

"Over there, look!"

Prince Qiuyue stood inside the Star Nest, pointing to a place outside and exclaiming.

"What is this?!" Ding Hao and the others looked at a huge black shadow outside in shock.

Su Dinan is the oldest, everyone's eldest brother, and he has the most knowledge.

He nodded, "That's right, this should be the Shenjiaozhou!"

"Shenjiaozhou?" Ding Hao and the others looked at the incomparably huge black shadow again.

Even Su Dinan has only a little understanding of this, and smiled bitterly, "The Godship is the seat of the founding Godship! I am also here for the first time. As for what is inside it and what structure it is, I don’t I don’t understand!"

The founding religion, as the head of the three powers in the endless world, is very powerful and very mysterious.

Although the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is also known as a major power along with the founding religion, the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is respectful and respectful of the founding religion. There is no detailed content about the founding religion in the classics of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. Ding Hao and the others are even more curious.

The crystal blue star nest slowly approached a huge black shadow.

From a distance, this huge black figure did not look like a huge boat, but rather like a figure lying on its stomach.

However, when the Star Nest gets closer, one can see it more like a huge boat drifting in the turbulence of time and space.

"No wonder it is called Shenjiaozhou, it really looks like a huge boat!"

Coming to the front, you can see that this huge boat has iron gray walls and mottled patterns on it, which looks very old.

"What the **** is this thing?" Ding Hao and the others walked out of the Star Nest, trying to touch the outer wall of the Shenjiao Boat with their hands.

But when their hands touched the iron-gray outer wall, there was a crisp sound as if a bell was struck, and then a light curtain emerged.

"There is a protection ban!" Luo and the others suddenly changed their faces in fright and did not dare to touch them again.

They came to the Founding God Sect to further their cultivation. If they touch it indiscriminately, cause damage, and annoy the Founding God Sect to prevent them from practicing, then it's over.

The Shenjiao Boat is very huge, even if it comes to its periphery and wants to fly to its doorway, there is still a long distance away.

Everyone returned to the Star's Nest and continued to fly forward for ten days before reaching the starting point of the gods.

The huge and incomparable Shenjiao boat, its door points are not big, just like a round cave opening, dozens of openings on the side of a row can be used for many practitioners to enter and exit.

But at this moment, these dozens of holes are all closed.

When Ding Hao and the others arrived, many members of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance had arrived here.

"You are here!" The three-headed Prince Mamaipi greeted him.

Everyone has walked out of the Star Nest, Ding Hao put the Star Nest away, Su Dinan walked over and asked, "What is the situation now? Why not enter?"

Ma Maipi smiled bitterly, "It's not that we don't enter, but that the door hasn't been opened yet! According to the regulations of the founding church, it will only be open to newcomers every 90,000 years. Now the time has not arrived, we still need to wait!"

"What? It turned out to be like this!"

Everyone understood that, no wonder the animal cave of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance was opened once in more than 90,000 years, and it turned out to be the corresponding founding cult!

Sudinan said again, "So how long will it take to open the door?"

"Alright, just these few days!" Ma Maipi said.

"Well then! Let's wait here for a few days!"

In the next few days, everyone was outside the door, waiting to open the door.

There were more and more people in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and in the end, all of their 50 cultivators arrived.

"I don't know when to open the door!"

Fifty cultivators each took out a cattail mat and sat down cross-legged on the spot, flying high and low in the endless world.

While Ding Hao and the others were waiting, from a distant place in the turbulent flow of time and space, another purple flying palace flew up.

This flying palace was built like a palace, magnificent and magnificent. Flying in the turbulence of time and space will also be shining and radiant. I don't know what kind of precious materials it is made of. It looks quite extraordinary.

The people of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance stood up, greeted a flying palace, and secretly guessed which superpower was driving it?


The flying palace made a loud noise and stopped in front of Shenjiaozhou.

Then there was another click, the three gates of this glorious palace suddenly opened, and a famous cultivator walked out.

When these cultivators walked out, the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance suddenly booed, "After a long time, it turns out that it is not a super power, but the cultivation genius of Jiuyou Temple Mountain!"

It seems that this time to enter the founding **** cult cultivation, not only the people of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, but also another great power in the endless world, Jiuyou Temple Mountain.

The cultivators on the Jiuyou Temple Mount are much more messy than the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, but their aptitudes are also more excellent. Many of them are special life forms, so they are quite arrogant!

Seeing that the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance made an Oolong, the practitioners on the Temple Mount of Nine Nethers laughed loudly, "Stupid Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, thank you for your welcome. It seems that you already know that you are some inferior cultivators. People! That’s why we are welcoming advanced practitioners!"

The people of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance changed their expressions greatly with anger, but the Shenjiaozhou was about to open, and everyone didn't want to have more twists and turns, they all snorted and ignored their provocation.

Ding Hao also sat down cross-legged at this moment, but his eyes were piercing, and the cultivator of Jiuyou Temple Mount was the last one walking.

Fifty cultivators also came from the group of Jiuyou Temple Mountain. The one who walked at the end was a cultivator with weird black scales. He walked at the end because this gorgeous flying palace It belongs to him.

When others walked out, he walked out and put the flying palace in his bag.

When he stood still, his sharp gaze swept toward the people of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and he found Ding Hao in an instant.

Ding Hao also looked at him, the eyes of the two touched, as if a master made a move, neither showed weakness.

"That's Sharon!"

"That's Ding Hao!"

The cultivators from both sides whispered to each other's cultivators, and then looked fiercely at the other cultivator.

The ten-thousand-year agreement between Ding Hao and Shalun represents the dispute between the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and the Jiuyou Temple Mountain!

The founding cult, mysterious and powerful, and hidden outside the world, no one wanted to compete with it for the first place; but the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and Jiuyou Temple Mountain have always been you and me, and everyone wants it. Fight for this second!

Of course, these two forces are not willing to completely tear their faces, so letting Ding Hao and Sha Lun fight as representatives is the best way to fight!

Ding Hao and Sha Lun looked at each other hostilely, making the two camps suddenly tense.

Ding Hao's friends stood up one after another. Even the other Ten Thousand Realms Alliance cultivators who were not familiar with Ding Hao suddenly stood up, and some even released weapons, watching the people on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain vigilantly.

As the second mountain lord said, when you come to the founding sect to practice together, you must first unite and work together.

The people on Jiuyou Temple Mountain also became nervous, the arrogant and frivolous expressions on their faces were gone, and they were all extremely solemn, ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, as long as any one of Ding Hao and Shalun had a little movement, a group fight on both sides would happen at the gate of the founding gods.

However, at this moment, several more flying palaces flew over from all directions.

"Who is here again?"

"It should be the genius of several other small forces in the endless world!"

The endless world, the three major forces!

However, in addition to these three powers, there are several other small powers!

Some of these small forces are called "Endless Sea", some are called "Time and Space of Ten Thousand Realms", and some are called "Eternal Land"...

In short, the names are big, but in reality they are small forces of standard standards. Usually entrenched in the periphery and remote corners of the endless world, in other words, places that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms and Jiuyou Temple Mount don't want to control!

These small forces can only survive in those places, which is incomparable to the top three forces in the endless world.

However, it seems that the founding gods also gave these small forces a quota for cultivation. Therefore, these small forces will not miss this 90,000-year-old opening. At the last time, they will come together!

When the cultivators of these small forces arrived, Ding Hao and Sha Lun couldn't stand it anymore!

After all, the second and third powers are fighting openly and secretly, then the fourth, fifth, sixth...These small powers will benefit from them. They are eager for the first two powers to fight against each other and consume each other. Finally, let these small forces develop and grow!

Under this circumstance, a weird smile appeared on Shalun’s stern face, and he smiled and walked over and said, "Daoist Ding Hao, why should you be nervous! Our duel is still 5,000 years away! Why should we let those live? Did the barbarians in the corner read the joke?"

Ding Hao also laughed, "Dao Fellow Shalun, this is not the case. Where is our nervousness, it is clear that you people on the Jiuyou Temple Mount are nervous first, if we don't follow the nervousness, wouldn't we not give you face?"

Sharon suddenly laughed, "Fun, funny!"

Although their greetings were hidden, the forces on both sides also eased down.

At this moment, dozens of holes on the side of the row suddenly opened, and a small old man came out.

(End of this chapter)

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