Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2397: Xiaobi's chance

Chapter 2397 Xiaobi's Fate

Chapter 2396 Xiaobi's Fate

With a boom, the dust was flying, and a cultivator fell in the deserted loess city.

The figure still standing there turned out to be a moving, graceful woman, and a voice came from behind her, "Elder Anwillow, 19 victories, advance!"

"Good!" Ding Hao, who had just arrived on the battlefield, immediately applauded.

According to the established rules, to compete for these 120 places, you must experience 20 victories and defeat all opponents without a single defeat!

This is a difficult challenge. After all, all the battle sequences are disrupted.

The opponent you encounter may be a cultivator who has just been promoted to become a quasi-elder, or a quasi-elder who is infinitely close to the real strongest!

If you want to win twenty games in a row, the test is true strength!

"Ding Hao!" An Liu saw Ding Hao coming to watch the game, and her pretty face suddenly overflowed with a smile.

"How? Is it difficult?" Ding Hao asked.

"It's a bit difficult, but it's okay." As An Liu spoke, Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen who were watching the battle on the other side also walked over.

After so many years of cultivation, with Ding Hao's full help, these three people have all been promoted to be the strongest!

"Although the opponents are very strong, we seem to be slightly better!" Leng Xiaoyu smiled happily.

According to the truth, the three of them are the strongest who have just been promoted, and their strength belongs to the middle and lower levels in the same level.

But don’t forget, they were created by Ding Hao with all his heart!

The most important thing is that they follow the path Ding Hao practiced in the first place. The other quasi-strongest people have rune ripples when they walk, but they can control it freely!

This is the difference!

Although they are also the quasi-strongest, their grades are obviously higher!

Therefore, all three of them were drawn by lottery. Even some of them who had been promoted to the elders for many years were not their opponents at all. They were knocked down in the dust and lost the final prize. Qualifications!

"How many games do you have?"

Ding Hao attaches great importance to this matter, and he does not care about fairness, openness and fairness in this matter. He and the ancestor of the thousand insects have agreed to have three priority places! But the key is that his three Taoists must first be eligible to participate in the competition!

Otherwise, even 360 people will not be able to enter, so what are the three priority places?

Therefore, Ding Hao doesn't care about using some small tricks at this time, such as giving his treasure opportunities to his Taoists!

No matter how strong the opponent is, there are treasures to fill the gap, Qiye vacuum gun, time tower, super sun king bow and black spear, all of which can be loaned to their own Taoists to fight! If the opponent's strength is stronger, Ding Hao can even lend his own God Eye and Jiuyou Sacred Bell to his wife!

Then, who else could be their opponent?

It's really impossible. When encountering a real strong, Ding Hao can also kill his opponent before the battle!

This time it is about the ultimate prize. Who else can talk about kindness?

Ding Hao has never been a pedantic person. He doesn't mind using some methods to achieve his goals. What's more, these cultivators come from different demons. If they are killed, they are killed. There is nothing to say!

However, Leng Xiaoyu and the others were lucky, and the three of them did not encounter any truly terrifying strong in 20 games.

In fact, the three of them in their segment are already the most terrifying powerhouses, and everyone is afraid of encountering them.

"Ding Hao, you don't have to worry about us, I'm not sure I won 20 victories with my own strength!" Ye Wen said firmly.

"Indeed, don't underestimate us!" Leng Xiaoyu said half-jokingly.

Ding Hao nodded. The so-called concern is chaotic. He really paid too much attention to this matter.

But when I think about it, my three Taoists are nothing like oil bottles from beginning to end! Their personalities are also very strong, and they are not the kind of women who have no way to count on their husbands.

In fact, Ding Hao's dedication to them over the years has put a lot of pressure on them.

Therefore, they have to prove themselves in this battle, relying on their own strength to get the opportunity to participate!

"That's good! I believe you can succeed in winning 20 consecutive games!"

Ding Hao asked, "Where did Xiaobi go?"

Speaking of Xiaobi, Leng Xiaoyu smiled bitterly, "She is still cultivating, she has not yet been promoted to the quasi-elder level!"

"What?" Ding Hao's expression was shocked. If he did not enter the quasi-elder level, he would not be eligible to participate in this final battle.

"It may be because of her aptitude. Although she is the main body of the World Tree and has a very high aptitude, there is a huge difference between her cultivation method as a special life form and a cultivator. The accumulation of time is obviously more important to her, and we A cultivator can play tricks, but she can't!"

Ding Hao also understands this. Although special life forms are highly qualified, they also need a long time. Especially for plant life like the World Tree, it is very difficult for her to make a huge breakthrough in a short time!

"I'll go see her." Ding Hao immediately flew down from the Sky City and returned to his territory.

He has not returned to his territory for many years. After returning, the first thing he saw was the pangolin-shaped earth beast Sku.

"Lord, are you back?" Sku was still as loyal as he was.

Seeing Sku, Ding Hao was a little emotional. This was the first earth beast he encountered after entering the founding cult, and it was also a great help to Ding Hao.

It's just that Ding Hao didn't do anything for him, Zen Wolf King also got a chance to improve, but Sku didn't get anything.

But this is no way. Zen Wolf King is originally an ancestor-level earth beast. He is qualified to get seeds and is also eligible to compete for the 120 opportunities; Sku is different. It is just an ordinary earth beast and is not qualified. To get seeds, it is even more impossible to compete for those 120 opportunities!

"Sku, or I will send you to the Sky City to practice in the future!" Ding Hao said.

Sku smiled and shook his head, "Lord, I know what you think. But I don't need it anymore. I know my aptitude, and I can't successfully practice in a short time! Although I want to be strong, I also imagine Zen Wolf Wang is like that! But the gap is the gap, I can't do that."

Ding Hao was helpless, even if he was so powerful, he couldn't raise Sku to any level instantly.

However, Ding Hao can indeed give Xiaobi a huge help.

"Dad, I'm so anxious!" Xiaobi is really anxious these days. Others say that she has good aptitude, but her quasi-strongest level just can't reach it!

And it's not the kind of state that is only a short shot, Xiaobi feels that she is still far away, and she has almost lost hope.

"Dad, am I that stupid!" Xiaobi's face was crying anxiously.

Ding Hao touched her long blonde hair with his hand and smiled, "Don't you just need time? Then I will give you time!"

While talking, Ding Hao raised his hand and released the Time Tower. This thing can change the passage of time. As long as Ding Hao crazy increases the flow of time, wouldn't Xiaobi be solved?

"Dad, you are amazing!"

Xiaobi walked into the Years Tower with excitement, Ding Hao frantically changed the flow of time, "The flow of time has increased to one billion times for me!"

When Ding Hao gave this order, the Tower of Time began to tremble, obviously unable to achieve this terrifying flow of time.

"Okay! It's too exaggerated, then increase it to 100 million times!"

With a time flow of 100 million times, the outside year is equal to 100 million years. Ding Hao does not believe that Xiaobi can't become the quasi-strongest after 100 million years?

The world tree takes a long time. Isn't 100 million years not long enough?

But Xiaobi herself shouted, "Dad, 100 million years! I'm so bored in it, and the days are so uncomfortable, how can I spend it!"

If the other World Trees have passed 100 million years, then you don’t know how many people and how many things have been encountered, but Xiaobi is not the same. She has not encountered anything in the past 100 million years, and must stay empty. There is not even a single speaker in the Tower of Years!

"It's really boring, but I can't help you! If you want to make a quick breakthrough, you can only do that!" Although Ding Hao didn't want Xiaobi to be like this, what could be done?

"Okay! Fortunately, our plant-type special organisms have the ability to sleep. I try to use sleep to spend these boring times."

In the quiet room, Ding Hao sat cross-legged, inside the tower for 100 million years and one year outside the tower, Ding Hao was sure to spend this period of time with Xiaobi.

Although the flow of time has accelerated to 100 million times, Xiao Bi, who is in the Tower of Time, does not feel it. In her opinion, time is still the same slow, 100 million years is really very long!

She hibernated for several million years, and when she woke up, she found that it was still early, and her cultivation level had not improved much.

So she went to sleep again, this time for 8 million years.

After she woke up, and wanted to go to sleep again, she found that she couldn't sleep anymore.

"This day is really sad!" Xiaobi wandered helplessly in the empty Years Tower.

On this day, she unexpectedly encountered a jade card that Ding Hao was hiding here!

"This is a different pattern technique?"

The different pattern technique is a cultivation technique that is absolutely forbidden in the endless world. Ding Hao hid a copy originally because of curiosity and secondly he wanted to save it for an emergency.

But I didn't expect to be seen by Xiaobi here, and the bored Xiaobi began to watch and learn this exercise.

"I usually hate cultivating this kind of complicated things!" If the strange pattern technique is in other places, Xiaobi can't get in and understand.

But time is too long, it is too boring here.

Not only did Xiaobi see it in, but also began to cultivate, time flowed rapidly, year after year.

In a blink of an eye, a full eight months have passed outside the tower, and Xiaobi has also passed 70 million years in the tower, and most of the time Xiaobi has been practicing that exercise!

(End of this chapter)

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