Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2398: Growing up Xiaobi

Chapter 2398 The Growing Little Bi

Chapter 2397 the growth of Xiaobi


When Ding Hao waited for ten full months, 90 million years passed in the Tower of Time.

Suddenly, a cracking sound came from the surface of the Years Tower, and Ding Hao's face changed drastically as the owner of the Years Tower.

"What's going on, my Years Tower..." Ding Hao was dumbfounded. From the inside of the Years Tower, there was a kind of power that expanded outwards, trying to break the Years Tower.

Ding Hao used his mental power to perceive it again, and his face suddenly became even more shocked, "My God, there is a terrifying evil force here! It is this evil force that is at work, trying to break mine. Years Tower!"

Ding Hao now has many treasures in his hand, and he doesn't care much about whether the Time Tower is damaged. What he is more worried about is Xiao Bi who is practicing in the Time Tower.

He hurriedly used his mental power to shout loudly towards the Years Tower, "Xiaobi, are you here?"

Originally, he was also worried that this evil force might block his shouting.

But what he didn't expect was that this evil force immediately replied, "Dad, of course I am."

Ding Hao almost fainted to the ground when he heard this sound, "How is it possible! Xiaobi, how could you send out this evil force? My God, what have you been doing for 90 million years?"

When he learned that Xiaobi had been learning different patterns for most of the 90 million years, Ding Hao almost vomited blood again and died.

In the endless world, cultivating the different patterns technique is simply seeking destruction!

Ding Hao knew better than the others the determination of the fundamental will to eliminate the different patterns!

"I'm all to blame for this!" Ding Hao frowned suddenly, and Xiaobi didn't know the situation at all. He was too boring in the Tower of Time, so he practiced this exercise.

Moreover, this practice has been practiced for tens of millions of years. Xiaobi has become the big demon in the endless world. If he is known by the will of the endless world, I am afraid that he will not endure it for a minute. Will rush over and execute Xiaobi personally.

"Xiaobi, how is your current strength?" Ding Hao asked again.

Little Bi laughed and said, "Dad, I am not just a quasi-strongest now! I have become a real strongest now! I have not told you, just want to surprise you today!"

"Surprise!" Ding Hao almost spat out a mouthful of blood, "This surprise is too big!"

The stronger Xiaobi is, the more unbearable the fundamental will of Endless World is, and Ding Hao frowns now.

He quickly said, "Xiaobi, what I am telling you now is very important. You immediately stop and do what I say!"

Ding Hao explained the importance of the matter to Xiaobi, and at the same time told her not to use this evil power again, hide in the Tower of Time, and stay still!

However, even so, Ding Hao was very worried.

Those cultivators in the Kongkong Clan world have never left that world, and they can also be perceived by the fundamental will of the endless world!

Xiaobi is now much stronger in cultivation than those people, and the fundamental will of the endless world can be easily sensed!

But what Ding Hao didn't expect was that after Xiaobi heard about this, she thought for a while and said, "Maybe I can hide the past!"

Ding Hao looked surprised, "What can you do?"

Xiao Bi said, "I have practiced this exercise for tens of millions of years, and I have studied every content and every rune very thoroughly! I have also felt this exercise during my practice. The law and the law of the endless world are incompatible in certain parts! Therefore, I can spend a little time to eliminate the content that violates the law of the endless world! In that case, my practice will be more pure and not It will be so evil, the fundamental will of the endless world senses my strength, but there is nothing to say!"

"It can be like this?!" Ding Hao was stunned again.

In fact, even though Ding Hao had practiced the runes with different patterns for so many years, Xiaobi hadn't practiced thoroughly.

Xiaobi has been studying this for most of 90 million years. How does Ding Hao compare to her? Of course she knows more!

Xiaobi said again, "Dad, there is still some time before 100 million years, just let me finish this thing! When I leave the customs, everything will return to normal, and there will be no fundamental will in the endless world. opinion!"

Ding Hao nodded, another feeling in his heart.

In the past, Xiaobi really seemed to be a child who did not grow up. Everything was decided by Ding Hao. But this time, Ding Hao felt that Xiaobi had really grown up. After hundreds of millions of years of experience, Xiaobi’s mind and thoughts were completely complete. Mature!

In this matter, it was Xiaobi's decision entirely, and Ding Hao couldn't help him with any help!

"Well, well, since you have also become the real strongest, then I will help you get the position of the strongest!"

The original quota of 120 strongest people is just right, one for each!

Now, there is an extra Xiaobi. Ding Hao has only two ways to get this position. The first is to dissuade one of them.

This method is obviously impossible to have any effect. Everyone is eagerly competing for the ultimate prize. Who wants to withdraw?

Then there is only the second way, kill one of the strongest, and naturally one more place!

Ding Hao thought about it in his mind, "Nine Youshen Ancestor and Baji Ancestor these people are too strong to kill so easily! And the impact of killing them is too great!"

At this moment, Ding Hao heard the voice of the true demon, "I have a suggestion, that is, the elder eclipse among the 120 truly strongest people!"

Ding Hao's expression moved, "This elder demon eclipse, I have met once, and I am not familiar with it, why are you killing him?"

This strongest person is not the elder who founded the cult, but a strong person from the small forces on the edge of the endless world. He usually rarely gets along with Ding Hao and is not familiar with him. I did not expect the true devil to mention this person.

The true demon king said bitterly in his eyes, "I was a royal noble in the true demon world at the beginning! But after being suppressed for a long time by my opponents, I finally had no choice but to escape from the true demon world. A series of things that you know happened at the end! To say that this elder eclipse is the biggest backstage for my opponents! If he is killed, it will really make me happy and avenge my revenge!"

Ding Hao was also moved by it and nodded and said, "It is precisely because of this person that the mortal world has suffered catastrophe, this person has died unjustly!"

Although the goal was determined, Ding Hao wanted to kill his opponent, I am afraid it is not so easy.

After all, this is the founding cult, Ding Hao cannot kill people indiscriminately, let alone kill the strongest!

If Ding Hao came to challenge directly, Elder Eclipse would definitely not challenge him, and would even invite a large number of the strongest to speak out, and then Ding Hao would be even more difficult to take action!

"Damn it! Can't sneak attack, can't challenge, then how should I kill him!" Ding Hao thought about it, and finally got a general idea, "The best way is to ask this person out of the founding church! Outside In the emptiness of the endless world, kill him! Unconsciously, this person is dead by then, and no one will come out to help him!"

After Ding Hao had an idea, the True Demon King also nodded in praise, "Then, in my name, make an appointment with him and ask him to come out and meet you!"

"Your suggestion is good, but you were just a junior in his eyes back then! Would he go out for you himself? Is it worth it? Also, would he suspect that someone deliberately trapped him?"

True Demon King said, "Send Mr. Xu over, he will naturally believe that you will definitely come out to see you in person!"

Mr. Xu is the predecessor of Xu. Ding Hao has dealt many times in the Demon Tomb. It is not a physical existence, but a piece of spiritual power.

Senior Xu said, "It's best to let the old one go. The old one is originally a mental energy, so it's just a matter of being broken up by him!"

"It's so good."

On this day, a firefly-like star flew into a certain temple in the founding religion.

In this temple, there is an unusually tall figure, he has a pair of huge blood red eyes, without pupils, the eyes are blood red.

This person is the super-powerful elder eclipse from the real world of demons. He is a real old man who has not left the customs for many years. This time it is the news that he has received the final prize, and he came to the founding church. , Want to get a place!

But at this moment, a little water blue star did fly into his temple.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and suddenly a blue light and shadow emerged. This was an old man.

"Void!" Although things have passed for many years, the elder eclipse still recognizes this old man at a glance?

When Xu was alive, he was considered to be a genius junior in the real world of demons. Because of this, he knew the eclipse. He asked with a cold face, "Xu, you are not going away! What are you doing here now? Your master, Isn't he dead yet?"

Senior Xu said, "The ancestor of the demon eclipse, my master should have been the royal king of the real demon world, and got the best training resources! But in order to cultivate the descendants of your line of genius, you ignore the strongest person's statement that the royal family will not interfere , Killed the alien race of my master, and let my master live in the endless world for hundreds of millions of years! You are too much!"

The eclipse laughed, "What does it mean to kill a few people for the strongest like us? The royal king of the world of gods and demons is like an ant in front of me! Now my strength is stronger, your waste master, he What can you do?"

Senior Xu said, "My master said, aren't you going to the holy world? When you leave, he will launch an army to attack the real world of demons and kill all your juniors! Take back what my master should have all!"

"Bastard, looking for death! I don't know how powerful the strongest is, you take me, and I will talk to him!"

Senior Xu said, "My master is very powerful now, I'm afraid you dare not go."

The eclipse laughed loudly, "An ant never knows what the real power is, I'll let him see and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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