Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2399: Xiaobi advances

Chapter 2399 Xiaobi advances

Chapter 2398 Xiaobi Advances

The elder eclipse did not put the true devil in his eyes. In front of a strong man like him, even if the true devil used any conspiracy and tricks, he would be completely crushed by him.

"I want to see this kid, what methods can I use over the years?" Elder Demon Eclipse may have underestimated the True Demon King, so he was quite careless and left the temple directly by pinching Senior Xu with his hands.

Soon, they left the founding religion and came to an ancient ruin not far from the founding religion.

This is a primitive ruin with a low level. When the eclipse comes outside the ruins, he is alert.

"The real demon king, don't you set up an ambush in the ruins!"

Senior Xu sneered, "Ancestor Eclipse, if you are afraid, don't go in."

"Play with me." Eclipse snorted coldly, but this did not frighten him, "My strength, among the 120 strongest, I can also rank in the upper position of comparison! I don't believe it. The real demon king can know the strongest in the endless world, and I don’t believe that there is the strongest in the endless world who will stand up for him! Moreover, even if there is such a strongest, as long as it is not the ancestor level, he can What about me?"

Elder Eclipse is indeed very powerful, the so-called art master is bold.

He also guessed what ambush the True Demon King would set, but he was not afraid, no matter what conspiracy and tricks were, as long as he had enough strength, he could completely crush it.

"Well, I helped my children and grandchildren to end this scourge completely before competing for the ultimate prize!"

Thinking of this, Elder Eclipse strode into the primitive ruins in front of him.

Ding Hao entered the ruins one step earlier and cleaned up everything here. He and the true demon king were here waiting for the elder eclipse to come.

"What?" Elder Eclipse walked into the ruins and saw Ding Hao at first sight.

"How is it possible! First ancestor Ding Hao, you and I have no grievances, why do you want to help him out?"

When Elder Eclipse saw Ding Hao, he almost fainted. The reason why he dared to come in was because he thought it was impossible for the Demon King to invite a strong person to help out.

But who knows, the elder Demon Eclipse suddenly regretted having invited a great **** like Ding Hao.

If it is the strongest of others, he still has the power to fight, but the ancestor Ding Hao is the strongest other than the ancestor of the thousand insects, he can't beat it at all!

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I really don't have any reason to help the real devil get ahead! But now, I need a place! I have a friend who is about to be promoted to the strongest, and now I need a place! I want to go, only I killed you, so I'm sorry!"

The elder eclipse suddenly realized that the true demon king is not qualified to invite Ding Hao, but now Ding Hao just needs a spot, then put his idea on his head!

"Escape! Escape!" The elder eclipse turned pale suddenly, turned his head and fled, trying to escape from the ruins and return to the founding sect.

As long as I return to the founding sect, I will find the ancestor of a thousand insects and let him judge. What can I do if I look at Ding Hao?

But before he reached the exit of the ruins, he saw another tall figure emerge from the exit of the ruins.

"So powerful, and one of the strongest!"

What puzzled Elder Eclipse was that he had never seen the strongest person who walked in!

This person is very tall, wearing a layer of strange scale armor, it seems that Sharon is reborn.

"Who the **** is it? Does this person need my place?" Only then did Elder Demon Eclipse know the danger of this trip, and then there was a strongest person who flanked him.

"This newly-emerged strongest person has never seen him before. The strength should not be as good as Ding Hao. It is better to attack him with all his strength and open a breakthrough!"

Elder Eclipse thought that the strength of the Zuwen King was weak, and he immediately shot with all his strength.

But when he took a shot, he discovered that the strength of this newly-emerged strongest was not inferior to Ding Hao!

"Do not!"

Amidst the desperate roar, the three strongest men formed a ball, and the elder eclipse had no chance to escape the primitive ruins, and could only fight to the death with Ding Hao.

The true devil was already scared and quickly fled the primitive ruins, waiting outside, waiting for a long time.

Ding Hao walked out of the ruins alone.

Ding Hao and Zuwen King shot at the same time, it was only a matter of time before the elder eclipse was killed, there was no suspense at all.

After the kill, Ding Hao put the Zuwen King into the space between his brows, and then walked out and put away the true devil.

He easily killed one of the strongest, and the people within the founding cult still knew nothing at the moment.

During this year, Ding Hao's three Taoists all defeated 20 opponents, and they all obtained valuable qualifications.

On this day Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen Anliu returned from Sky City, ready to tell Ding Hao the good news.

When they flew to Ding Hao's territory, they felt that the world was surging, and auspicious auspiciousness emerged, as if someone was promoted to the strongest!

"Someone has been promoted to the strongest at this time, it's fun to see!" Many cultivators couldn't help laughing.

Because the qualifications of the 120 strongest participants in the final competition have been determined, if someone is promoted to the strongest at this time, then he will not be qualified!

"Look at which unlucky ghost?"

Many people rushed towards the direction of auspicious auspiciousness, and even many of the strongest people walked out of their temples to see who was so unlucky. At this time, they were promoted to the strongest!

Leng Xiaoyu and the others were also very curious, but what shocked them even more was that the direction of Ji Zhaoxiangrui's emergence turned out to be Ding Hao's temple location!

"What's the situation? Who was promoted to become the strongest in Ding Hao's temple?" Leng Xiaoyu and the others fainted.

"Impossible!" Ye Wen said, "I heard Ding Hao say last time that Xiaobi is the only one practicing in the temple, is there anyone else?"

An Liu was also very puzzled, speeding up and saying, "Let's go back and take a look."

But when everyone came to Ding Hao's territory, they discovered that the door of Ding Hao's temple was open, and a little girl with blond hair was standing in the door with her arms folded.

"My God!" Leng Xiaoyu and the others, seeing this scene, suddenly felt that there was something wrong with their eyes?

Little Bi was still in distress a year ago and couldn't be promoted to be the strongest; but only one year later, Xiao Bi has been directly promoted to be the real strongest!

"How is it possible! How can it be so fast?"

The three of them all walked back to the temple and asked, "Xiaobi, you have been promoted to become the strongest, really unexpected! Ding Hao!"

Xiaobi smiled happily, "So we can join the competition for the ultimate prize together!"

Hearing Xiaobi saying this, some of the strongest people who came to congratulate me laughed, "Little girl, you are a bit late to advance! Now that all 120 places have been determined, you are not eligible to participate in the final competition!"

The ancestor of the Baji also watched the excitement and couldn't help but smile, "Even if Ding Hao has the ability, he won't be able to help you get this place!"

"The Baji ancestor is right!" A cultivator walked out and talked freely, "Xiaobi was too late to advance and was excluded from the 120 places! And she has surpassed the quasi strongest. , She can’t compete with that level of cultivator! So she is not qualified to participate in the final competition!"

"Not bad, not bad!" Those who watched the excitement all agreed.

"Who said that?" At this moment, there was a cold snort from outside the temple, and a fairy in white came in.

Seeing Ding Hao come back, the faces of these people suddenly became gloomy, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense.

However, the ancestor of the Baji was not afraid of Ding Hao. He smiled slightly, "Ancestor Ding Hao, we are not wrong! Although Xiaobi has also been promoted to become the strongest, but now the 120 places have been fixed, do you want to let the places go? Give it to her?"

The people around suddenly laughed, feeling that Ding Hao was run over by the ancestor of the Octopus and had nothing to say.

However, Ding Hao ignored them at all, waved his big hand, took Xiaobi's arm, and walked out of his temple, "I will take you to your temple!"

The two flew into the air and ran directly to the side of the sky.

"I don't believe him, what can Ding Hao do?!" The Baji ancestor snorted coldly, and followed the crowd with a lot of watching the lively crowd, to see what Ding Hao could do?

Ding Hao flew in the air and asked, "You actually succeeded? Even the fundamental will of the endless world has sent you good luck! It shows that you have successfully concealed the fundamental will!"

Xiaobi giggled and said, "Dad, I'm grown up now! I know more about the different pattern technique than any cultivator! I hide some of the fearful parts of the endless world. Get up, I will only send it out when needed!"

"What?" Ding Hao almost fainted again.

He originally thought that Xiao Bi would cut this part of the content and completely eliminate it, and there was nothing to say about the fundamental will of the endless world.

But Xiaobi didn't.

Xiaobi actually kept this part of the most dangerous content!

"You are playing with fire! If discovered by the fundamental will of Endless World, you will immediately become a rebellion that must be eliminated!" Ding Hao reminded.

"Dad, don’t worry! I have been learning this for most of the hundred million years, and this part of the content is the most essential part of the alien pattern technique! I can guarantee that if I take this part The content of is punched out with strength, even the ancestor of a thousand insects can hardly stop me from this blow!"

"So powerful!" Ding Hao was shocked, but he said again, "You still don't want to fight. When you hit it, even if it can destroy the world, then you will also be exposed! The fundamental will of the endless world will be desperate. Kill you!"

Xiao Bi said, "I won't let it go until the critical moment, Dad, don't worry."

The two of them came to the temple of the elder eclipse.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Xiaobi, this is your temple from now on, you automatically get one of the 120 places!"

Two updates today, and I will make time for these two chapters next week!

(End of this chapter)

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