Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2415: Longyang knife

Chapter 2415 Longyang Sword

Chapter 2414 Dragon Sword

The black giant knew that Ding Hao would never succumb without killing the small head first.

Therefore, this time he shot, the goal is small head.


The big hand grabbed it, the void burst, and the black palm suddenly grabbed the small head.

The little head can only act on its own instincts, and when it feels that the other party is very dangerous, it keeps backing away in fright.

"You idiot with no memory, you are not the strong man I am afraid of!" When the black giant hand felt this, he never kept any hands.

Boom boom boom!

The little head also used that single horn to release the light of the knife, but it could not cause any harm to the giant black hand.

"Haha! With this attack, you can't even display a fraction of your strength back then. How can you be my opponent?"

The **** hand grabbed the small head, raised it high, and then slammed it down!


This earth-shattering loud noise spread throughout the light tomorrow, and the dramatic changes in darkness and daylight, obviously the black giant hand's blow was very terrifying.

However, even with such a blow, the little head's head remained intact.

"It's so hard!" Ding Hao looked stunned.

At the beginning, Sudinan also suggested to break the head of the little head and find a way to find his memory inside.

But now it seems that this idea is simply whimsical, the small head's head is so hard, even if the black giant hand is so terrifying, it can't be broken!

Ding Hao immediately called out, "Little head, you listen to my orders and spray the following runes at him!"

Although the small head is a thoughtless stupid, but it will spray a lot of runes, these sacred runes have extraordinary power!

The several runes that Ding Hao made his head eject are all the most aggressive runes.

When these runes fell on the surface of the black giant hand, there was a continuous explosion sound, and during the explosion, many corrosive runes were released, causing damage to the black giant hand.

Regardless of the power of this giant black hand, but the corrosive rune can cause damage to him?

I saw the surface of the black giant hand, babbled constantly, and unpleasant smoke came out everywhere.

"Damn it!" The giant black hand drew back abruptly.

Ding Hao shouted again, "Small head, spray healing runes, heal yourself!"

The little head did what he said, spit out healing runes, and landed on his body, and the superficial scars on his head were immediately restored.

"Ding Hao, do you really think I can't do anything with you?"

The remaining half of the black giant hand's face appeared, and this time he was really angry, "In these years, supporting my broken body has cost me too much sacred power! However, to show the true I can still do the magic of the gods!"

"The magic of the true gods!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou quickly backed away, avoiding far away.

Seeing the surface of the black giant hand, the sacred power condensed again, the power accumulated more and more, and the energy was madly released from his five fingers.

In just a while, a golden electric field formed between his five fingers!

Before Ding Hao's hands could also carry golden sacred lightning, but the amount could not be compared with the golden electric field released by the black giant hand!

The black giant hand is already huge, and the huge golden electric field formed between his five fingers is astonishing!


When his five fingers moved, the hundreds of millions of golden electric currents made a terrifying discharge!

"Your uncle!"

Ding Hao was dumbfounded, the little sacred electric current in his hand could not be compared with the opponent!

"How can the glow of the firefly compete with Haoyue?" The giant black hand snorted coldly, and the big hand suddenly pressed down.

This giant hand is very large, covering a place, it is impossible for Ding Hao to escape.


With a chilling sound, Ding Hao and Xiaotou were all shrouded in this golden electric field!

"Do not!"

In this electric field, Ding Hao and Xiaotou were completely separated in two places, unable to communicate at all. Their bodies were completely wrapped in a golden electric field!

The sacred electric current passed through Ding Hao's body, and Ding Hao could not fight back.

The little head was even more immobile by electricity, completely stupid.

"Do not!"

At this moment, Ding Hao thought with his only remaining will, "Jiuyou Sacred Bell, come out for me!"

He has never used this treasure, because he has seen the Four Dragon Seals taken away by the giant black hand, so he is afraid to take it out and become the treasure of the giant black hand.

But now, Ding Hao couldn't take care of those, and immediately released the Jiuyou Sacred Bell to protect his body!

With a bang, a bell rang between heaven and earth.

Amid the sound of this bell, a huge black bell hovered in the air, and Ding Hao's body finally hid in the bell, lingering.

"This is Youhuang's Jiuyou Bell!" The black giant hand was so knowledgeable that he could see the origin of the Jiuyou Sacred Bell in Ding Hao's hands at a glance.

He snorted coldly, "Unexpectedly, you ants in the world have got a lot of good things. At the beginning of the battle of the gods, many of the treasures of the powerful gods were all scattered in the world. It seems that you have all obtained them!"

While the black giant hand was talking, it continued to release a golden electric current to Jiu Youzhong.

He wanted to use the golden electric current to wash away Ding Hao's will on Jiuyou Bell, take it into his own pocket, and put it in his pocket!

However, he soon discovered that he could not do it.

The reason why he was able to win the Four Dragon Seal from the Baji Ancestor at the beginning was because the Baji Ancestor was only a person in the world, and he couldn't let the Four Dragon Seal completely recognize the master!

So when the Silongyin met the real black giant hand of the gods, the Silongyin rebelled.

But the situation is different now.

Ding Hao has broken through and entered the vacuum true god, becoming a true god, Jiu Youzhong has been completely subdued by Ding Hao, and he completely recognizes the Lord!

Therefore, Jiuyouzhong has completely become a treasure controlled by Ding Hao. Unless Ding Hao is killed, Jiuyouzhong will not betray!

Clang clang!

No matter how the black giant hand attacked, Jiuyou Bell was as solid as a rock, hovering in the void, motionless.

"Damn! Damn!" The giant black hand was already so angry, he didn't expect a little Ding Hao to be so difficult to deal with.

Ding Hao, who was hiding in Jiuyou Bell, finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time. It seemed that he was a very wise step to release Jiuyou Bell!

This treasure seems to be a very powerful treasure in the sacred world, and the black giant cannot break it!

"Damn it! If my strength back then was in hand, it wouldn't be impossible to break this Jiuyou Bell!"

Although the black giant said so, but he also knew that the current he and the high spirited him at the beginning are completely different from the same day!

No matter how he attacked, he couldn't break Jiuyou Bell.

Of course, Ding Hao was hiding in the clock and couldn't get out!

As a result, the battle between the two had reached a stalemate, but the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor was very vicious.

He stood in the distance and saw Ding Hao release Jiuyou Zhong, and his heart resented Ding Hao even more.

This Jiuyou Bell, originally his treasure, was finally taken away by Ding Hao!

If this thing is a piece of rubbish, then Saint Ancestor Jiuyou is fine, but now it seems that this is a super good thing, how can Saint Ancestor Jiuyou not hate it?

"Little beast, you took my treasure back then, now you have to endure my revenge!"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou immediately flew out and offered a plan, "Great sacred will! I want you to forget a little! Although Ding Hao is difficult to deal with, don't forget that he still has a lot of people and friends, they are all below. The place of the burial of the gods! Although Ding Hao is annoying in all aspects, he values ​​his love and righteousness, and threatening him with these people is the best choice!"

The black giant laughed suddenly, "Yes, not bad! Like our gods, there are all kinds of affection between the ants! Ding Hao, if you hide in Jiuyouzhong and can't come out, I will grab your friends and relatives and torture them! Kill them! How long can you hide?"

Ding Hao hid in Jiuyou Bell, extremely anxious, but helpless, gritted his teeth in his heart, hating the ancestor of Jiuyou.

The black giant hand was afraid that the little head would connect with Ding Hao again. He grabbed the little head and stepped on his feet.

Then, he let Ding Hao go, and reached into the cracks in the ground with his giant black hand to catch Ding Hao's relatives and friends.

"No!" Ding Hao hurriedly flew out of Jiu Youzhong, shouting loudly, "Black giant hand, you keep claiming that you are the sacred will, I think you also have a noble honor! How can you do such a thing? Let the noble and sacred battle between us fall to this point?"

The black giant was not moved at all, and laughed, "Stupid thing, do you think I am a nobleman among the gods? What honor do you tell me? I have fallen into this way. Don't say anything that is illusory. Now, if you want to save your relatives and friends, give up your physical body and let me destroy your will!"

"How is it possible!" Ding Hao roared.

"Then let them bear it!" The giant black hand reached into the dark crack, and the golden electric current suddenly released again.

Just listening to the sound of the sand, the golden electric current flows crazily in the land of the burial of the gods, wherever they go, all the cultivators and earth beasts are penetrated by this electric current.


The more than 100 cultivators and earth beasts remaining in the land of the gods, all shivering, while being pulled by the current to fly, flying out of the black canyon, floating in the air, including Ding Hao’s Taoist and his family, It's all in it too!

"No!" Ding Hao's eyes were splitting, he didn't expect the black giant hand to be so vicious.

At this moment, a bug flew from far away.

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou shouted in surprise, "Ancestor of Thousand Insects, it turns out that you haven't completely died!"

Although the ancestor of the thousand insects was killed by them, the ancestor of the thousand insects was a very cautious person. He had always secretly left a bug to hide in the dark, so when the ancestor of the thousand insects was killed, the worm escaped.

"Ancestor of Thousand Insects, fortunately, you have left a life!"

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects flew to Ding Hao and said, "It's useless, I only have this insect, whose strength is fundamentally weak to the limit! I will come out this time to send you this Longyang Sacred Sword! Help me!"

Two changes today, one chapter first.

(End of this chapter)

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