Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2416: Reverse scale

Chapter 2416 Inverse Scale Form

Chapter 2415 Reverse Scale Form

The Longyang Sacred Knife is the dragon-horned knife in the hands of the ancestor of the thousand insects.

Ding Hao and the others had seen it when the founding God Sect was cutting the space, including Ding Hao, who looked greedy at the time.

But now the ancestor of a thousand insects really put this knife into Ding Hao's hands, but Ding Hao felt a heavy weight.

"Ancestor of the Thousand Insects, thank you for your trust! This knife was borrowed from you by Ding Hao. After it is used up, it will be returned!"

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects smiled slightly, "Those will be discussed later, the most important thing now is whether you can defeat the giant black hand! Come on! Now it's up to you!"

After that, the ancestor of the thousand insects flew far away, flying out of the battlefield.

At this moment, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou’s face was full of anger, “Damn! It’s terrible, I never thought that the old fellow Qianchong had not died until now! I said at the time, why didn’t I find that dragon from him? Corner knife! It turns out that he had hidden it a long time ago! This guy is too scheming!"

At the same time, even half of the face of the giant black hand showed greed.

"My God! Unexpectedly, the inverse scale sword of the holy monarch Longyang was also obtained by these ants?"

The black giant said in shock!

Jiuyou Saint Ancestor said strangely, "Great will, is this treasured sword called Longyang Sacred Sword or Nilin Sword?"

The black giant said, "This sword is a legend. Before its power was released, it was called the Longyang sword, because its owner was the famous Longyang Sage of the Holy World!" At this point, the black giant hand Looking down at the little head that was stepped on by himself, he said, "However, when the power of this sword is truly released by the Sage of Longyang, this sword will change its shape and become a very terrifying weapon. At that time, we all called it Nilin!"


Crazy greed shot into the eyes of the giant black hand, "This kind of good thing is also something that everyone is fighting for in the holy world! How do you ants deserve to have it? You don't even have the qualification to touch it! All of you You have to die, this knife belongs to me!"

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects who flew far away also heard this sentence, but it could only sigh and shook its head.

"No matter how good this weapon is, it is impossible to turn it into an inverse scale sword in my hands!"

"It is true that this treasure is not worthy of me!"

Speaking to himself, the ancestor of Thousand Insects suddenly turned his head and looked at Ding Hao expectantly, "Now the only hope is Ding Hao! He has been promoted to the real god, and I hope he can use this dragon sun sword Unleash all the power of, let it become an inverse scale, kill all the monsters, and take us to a higher sky!"

Ding Hao smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, holding the dragon horn knife in his hand, and smiled, "The black giant hand, thank you for telling me this! It turns out that this dragon sun saint sword has such a secret!"

The black giant laughed and said, "The reason why I told you in public and told you all the secrets is because with your strength and ability, it is impossible to change the shape of this sword! I just said that only Longyang Sheng You release the power of this knife to make it become Nijin! What are you? How can you turn this knife into Nijin? Even I can't do it! Unless I recover from the peak of the year Strength, otherwise it will not succeed!"

"It turned out to be like this!"

Only then did Ding Hao know why the giant black hand unscrupulously told this secret to the public. There was a huge reason behind it!

"You said I can't do it, I want to try it!"

Ding Hao let out a cold snort, and immediately sank his thoughts into the knife, letting him recognize the master.

"Longyang Knife!" Suddenly, a simple will came into Ding Hao's mind.

The original name of this sword was indeed Longyang Sword. Because of its sacred aura, it was called Longyang Sacred Sword in the endless world!

In this way, it is a simple recognition of the Lord.

In other words, the Longyang knife can be used by you, and it can also perform some simple functions, just like this knife is in the hands of the ancestor of a thousand insects.

But if you want to exert more of the power of this knife, you must truly recognize the master and truly surrender!

Ding Hao's current sacred power on his body is not strong enough, and the power that this knife can exert is not much worse than that of the ancestor of a thousand insects!

Ding Hao immediately shouted, "Small head, give me two sacred runes!"

He is confident that after receiving the blessing of the sacred rune, he has enough power to make this knife truly recognize him as the master!

But at this time, Ding Hao discovered that one foot of the giant black hand was stepping on Xiaotou's face, and the sole of the foot was deliberately stepping on the mouth of Xiaotou, so that Xiaotou could not spit out a rune at all!

"Little boy, you don't even know who the little head is, and I won't let you get the rune in his mouth again!"

After speaking, the giant black hand retracted one of his hands, and all of Ding Hao's relatives and friends floating in the air suddenly fell from the sky and fell back into the black abyss.

Then, the black giant hand painted one after another in the void, and several strange golden runes turned out to be like a large net, forming an independent space in the sky.

The black giant hand kicked again, kicking the head of the small head into the air, just falling into the golden giant net.

In it, no matter how the little head collided and struggled, he couldn't leave, spit out any runes and unleashed attacks, and he couldn't break out of this golden giant net.

"Ding Hao, you really have nowhere to go! You contribute your physical body! With your physical body, and these treasures in your hands, when I return to the holy world, I believe I can mix with a middle-level god, hahaha !" The black giant laughed loudly.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth, all his hope in front of him was this dragon horn knife.

"I don't believe it, this knife can't recognize the Lord without the help of a small head!"

Ding Hao stretched out his finger and pressed it to the center of his eyebrows. His third eye was suddenly opened, and the eye of the **** looked at the dragon horn knife in front of him.

Although Ding Hao’s own eyes are also the eyes of the gods, he does not know anything about the sacred world, and this eye of the gods contains very rich memories. In this eye, many things that can be seen are even similar to the black giant hand. The eyes are similar!

When the eye of the **** looked at the Longyang Sword, he suddenly saw a large amount of golden brilliance emerge from the surface of the Longyang Sword. In this golden brilliance, an astonishing number of sacred words appeared.

Ding Hao used his own understanding of the sacred characters to look at it roughly, and he was probably able to understand that this is a simple exercise of Longyang Sword.

"Thanks to the time I spent studying the sacred characters roughly!"

Ding Hao can't know these sacred words, but he spent a lot of time and can basically understand the meaning of each word.

He can use the words in the world to translate according to his own understanding. After translation, he can straighten out the unsatisfactory places according to his own imagination, and the last knife technique appears in front of Ding Hao!

"Hahaha! I've already told me the skill of the Longyang sword, how can this sword not be used with me?"

Looking at this scene from a distance, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou is of course jealous and hateful. He hates to vomit blood. Why does Hate Ding Hao get such a good opportunity every time? But he was mixed until the end with nothing, becoming a mass of flesh and blood.

And the other thousand insect ancestor who was watching the battle from a distance, in his eyes, there was a glow of excitement.

"Ding Hao, you are really extraordinary! This knife has been in my hands for at least hundreds of millions of years, but I haven't been able to get any knife skills? And in your hands, you can get the knife skills in a blink of an eye. I believe you will be able to open this knife. The inverse scale mode! Cut through this nasty black giant hand Ding Hao!"


When Ding Hao stretched out a hand and held the knife again, the Longyang Sword had already changed from a Longhorn knife to a giant knife!


When Ding Hao waved the knife casually, wherever the light of the knife went, the space was completely torn apart, day and night appeared in different spaces on both sides at the same time, the scene was very strange and spectacular!

"This is the power of this knife!" The expressions of everyone present were shocked.

"Black giant hand, you're done this time!" Ding Hao's eyes flashed as he swept across.

What shocked Ding Hao was that when his divine eye looked at the little head in the golden grid again, he made another discovery.

But at this moment, the black giant is not too worried. He sneered, "Although the sword has been recognized as the master, the normal sword technique of this sword can be realized! But if you want to turn on the reverse scale mode, it is still three. A word, impossible! And if you can't turn on the inverse scale mode, you can't beat me at all!"

Having said that, the giant black hand was writing wildly in the sky, writing countless golden runes.

Large swaths of golden runes formed a huge light curtain that pierced the sky and the earth, glittering with gold, with countless fragments of golden raindrops falling.

He even used sacred power to isolate the space, forming a light curtain Ding Hao couldn't come over.

"Ding Hao, now I am going to execute your family and subordinates!"

The giant black hand once again released sacred power to the deep cliff, and soon saw the golden electric current hit, more than 100 cultivators and earth beasts floated out one by one.

The giant black hand said, "Jiuyou, come and recognize people! Who are Ding Hao's relatives and friends? Which ones have nothing to do with him?"

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou immediately accompanied and flew over with a smile, "The great divine will, those three women are his Taoists, the closest people to him! And the little blond-haired girl is his daughter! That tall and thin girl Guy, the ninth mountain lord is Ding Hao's teacher! And Su Dinan is Ding Hao's friend! And there..."

The black giant immediately arranged all these people into a formation, the farther the distance, the farther the relationship with Ding Hao.

"Ding Hao, I will begin to squeeze forward from your irrelevant person right now! Keep squeezing to the last one. If you want to save them, you can stop at any time!" The black giant laughed, just as he laughed. A soil beast that had nothing to do with Ding Hao had been crushed to a pulp and bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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