Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2449: Found the first one

Chapter 2449 found the first one

Chapter 2447 the first one

Ding Hao didn't leave the bottom of the sacred mountain until the fat insect successfully broke through.

Back on the first floor of the sacred mountain, Ding Hao's first thing to do is to cultivate the three exercises that Renzu gave him.

The distribution of sacred power on the first floor of the sacred mountain is relatively even, and there is no need to grab the ground like at the bottom of the sacred mountain. Ding Hao randomly found an unmanned area, inserted his divine Jing, released his cave, and then entered the cultivation. .

Shen Jing has many functions and can be upgraded, and the built-in cave can also be upgraded.

At present, Ding Hao's Dongfu is still relatively rudimentary.

Ding Hao sat down in the quiet room, meditated cross-legged, and began to learn the three exercises given to him by Renzu.

The first exercise is the most complicated, it is about the basic knowledge of sacred runes.

Ding Hao spent a long time studying by himself among the large number of runes spit out by his small head, and he had an understanding of the meaning and various changes within these runes.

However, he did not go through systematic learning after all.

Now that he had this book, he fully understood the meaning of the sacred rune.

And more importantly, he is now also learning to write sacred runes!

"Interesting, no wonder I couldn't write sacred runes before!"

The sacred rune is not the word of the world in the same world!

The words of the world in the world generally do not carry power, or they carry relatively weak power.

Like Ding Hao in the Mortal Realm, the words written out only record information, without any power contained in it. Of course, this kind of powerless writing can be written by everyone;

But when it comes to the immortal text of the immortal world, it has power. These forces can form an array forbidden, and can also act as a seal;

But later in the endless world, I found more and more powerful words with extraordinary power.

Just like the ancestors in the world of alien patterns, they can even become lives. Together, they can become as powerful as the king of ancestors!

Now that Ding Hao has entered the world of the holy, the role of words is even greater.

Sacred characters are sacred runes. It can be said that in this sacred world, all aspects are inseparable from sacred characters!

And this kind of text with powerful power and function, not everyone can write!

"It turns out that the stronger the god, the stronger the rune can be written! And I was too weak before, and I didn't have the qualifications to write words!" Ding Hao couldn't help but sigh.

In the mortal world, everyone can write words;

In the sacred world, writing becomes out of reach!

"Now, let me start learning to write!"

Ding Hao was watching and learning while writing words. As time went by, he knew more and more golden runes, and he could successfully write dozens of sacred words. .

While Ding Hao was studying, the Three Lives Wolf Warriors successfully passed the assessment one by one, and they also became true practitioners on the first floor of the Sacred Mountain.

After arriving on the first floor of the holy mountain, they also worshiped their ancestors as their teachers!

The ancestor of the Three Lives War Wolf, Sirius, turned out to be a powerful sacred mountain god, which made the Three Lives War Wolf overjoyed!

Heavenly Wolf God Lord is even more hot-tempered. When he learned that the Three Lives War Wolf was deliberately set up by Ximen Zhuangzhi after entering the holy mountain, the Heavenly Wolf God Lord directly went to the cave of the goddess to whom Ximen Zhuangzhi was attached. , Yelling at the other party, what are you doing?

As a result, Simon's ambition was very passive, and finally he had to come out and apologize to God Lord Sirius and offer tea, which calmed things down.

As a result, Ximen Zhuangzhi hated Ding Hao even more, but he was even more afraid to retaliate against Ding Hao!

Luo and Li Tuo also have their own ancestors who are senior experts on the holy mountain, and they have also been apprentices.

However, what made them feel embarrassed was that Luo's ancestors and Li Tuo's ancestors were not following the same **** king, and both sides had conflicts! Lituo's ancestors even faintly expressed the idea of ​​letting Lituo choose a Taoist priest on the holy mountain.

With Lito's strong opposition, the matter was put aside for the time being.

Luo felt the pressure and began to practice hard, sprinting with all his strength!

As for the fat insect, he did not have any ancestors in the holy mountain, but her insect body was favored by a **** king!

In other words, the five of Ding Hao and the others, the best mixed one turned out to be Fat Chong, and Fat Chong himself did not expect it!

The **** king pays more attention to fat insects. After confirming the relationship between the master and apprentice, he directly sends the fat insects into his god's realm and cultivates them separately. The future achievements are limitless!

Before the fat insects set off, another piece of good news came from the holy mountain, that is, among the more than twenty people who came to the holy world from Guangming Tomorrow, they finally found the first one!

Unexpectedly, the first person found was the ancestor of a thousand insects!

The ancestor of the thousand insects had only one worm left in their body, which was extremely weak, and it was difficult to survive in the sacred world.

However, he was lucky and fell in a small village in the sacred world controlled by the gods of the Light Element.

The lower gods in this small village all believed in the gods of the light system. One day, when these lower gods were praying, the ancestor of the thousand insects just fell in front of them.

In this way, all the lower gods in the small village regarded the ancestor of the thousand insects as angels sent by the King of Light!

Since then, the ancestor of the thousand insects has been in this small village, eating and drinking, and mixing his cultivation to the realm of vacuum true god.

Qian Chong also wants to go to the holy mountain, but the journey is far away, and his strength is weak, others don't believe that he came from within the world.

At this moment, the holy mountain was looking for more than two dozen people and issued an order.

It was easy to find Qian Chong, and no one would disbelieve what he said and immediately brought Qian Chong to the bottom of the sacred mountain.

"The ancestor of a thousand insects has been found!"

The fat insect in Ding Hao Dong Mansion jumped up in surprise, and he quickly said, "Everyone, before I went to God's Domain, I received such good news! Don't forget, the ancestor of the thousand insects was once my teacher! Go to the bottom of the holy mountain to meet him!"

Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf who were present also stood up, "Let's go too."

Qian Chong had just arrived at the bottom of the sacred mountain and was arranged to enter the sacred academy.

When he first came here, he was not yet familiar with it, and he didn't expect Fat Insect and Ding Hao to come to them.

At the moment, everyone was very excited when they met. The old man who had lived for so many years when the ancestor of a thousand insects lived in a foreign country was so excited that his eyes were red and couldn't help crying.

Fat insect smiled and said, "Teacher, it's good to come to the holy mountain! If you pass the first-level assessment and become a true holy mountain cultivator, you can practice with peace of mind and hit the gods!"

Qian Chong said, "I was your teacher at the beginning, but I didn't expect you to be ahead of me again! Don't worry, I will work hard to cultivate, and I can't be left behind by you too much, otherwise I am a teacher, wouldn't it be embarrassing? ?"

Everyone laughed, Ding Hao said again, "Thousand insects, that Longyang knife, when you have enough power, I will return it to you!"

Qian Chong said, "Don't worry about this, I still practice with peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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