Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2450: Exercises on the wall

Chapter 2450 The method on the wall

Chapter 2448 the technique on the wall

After seeing Qian Chong came back, Ding Hao began to practice again.

What he is now practicing is the second exercise given to him by Renzu, and this exercise is a sacred exercise.

The sacred practice method mainly cultivates sacred aura, sacred power and the use of sacred weapons, and so on combat skills!

Ding Hao could faintly feel that the Holy World has three professions.

The rune-type gods are mainly responsible for some clerical work, managing runes, sorting and inheriting, and enjoy a high honor in the holy mountain;

The sacred gods are mainly the work of military commanders, responsible for combat and power, including refining and using weapons to defend the sacred mountain;

As for the last kind of control gods, they are some functional gods. They control the various sources of power in this world, and they control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

Ding Hao himself has not yet determined his cultivation direction. He must practice all the three exercises that Renzu gave him before he can find the type that suits him.

"This exercise is very good!"

During the practice, Ding Hao faintly discovered that different types of exercises also promoted each other.

Although he had practiced the second exercise, he was also of great help to the first exercise.

When he practices the second exercise to make the sacred breath and power in his body stronger, he will practice the runes in the first exercise again, and he will discover it.

There are many sacred words that he could not write, but now he can write them easily.

"That's it! It turns out that the so-called different types are relative! It's not that I don't care about the other types when I practice this type; instead, I have to proceed step by step. No matter which type I choose, I have to deal with the other two types. By analogy, in this way can we cultivate better!"

Ding Hao gradually understood the profound meaning of Teacher Renzu.

Renzu not only asked him to choose three directions carefully, but also reminded him that no matter which type he chooses, he must eventually develop in an all-round way so that he can improve better.

After a while, Ding Hao took out the third exercise.

This is the control method, the control element provided to Ding Hao by the ancestor is light.

Every **** of the Light Department must learn to control this element. For all cultivators of the Holy Mountain, this is a compulsory course!

"Control the light!" Ding Hao continued to practice with great concentration.

The reason why he cultivates so hard is to make himself cultivate faster, go higher, stronger, and more powerful!

That way, he could find Leng Xiaoyu and the others faster!

Day by day, Ding Hao finally opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

"Three exercises, I have already practiced them all!"

After a long period of cultivation, Ding Hao has completely cultivated through these three exercises, and at the end of his cultivation, he has already made his own final decision.

He raised his hand, took out the jingle, and contacted Teacher Renzu through the golden rune above.

"Teacher, I have completed the three exercises."

Ren Zu nodded and replied, "Have you made your final decision?"

Ding Hao said, "I have made a decision. According to my practice of these three exercises, I am most interested in the sacred type! Like my original decision, it seems that I am suitable for this kind of god!"

Ren Zu did not force him, and said, "If this is the case, then I will help you to worship another teacher! Because I am a rune-shaped god, in your initial stage, I can still help! In the future you will be sacred Going farther and farther down this road of type, there is nothing I can do! So I will help you find a teacher!"

Ding Hao said in amazement, "It turns out that this is the case, so what about Senior Xing Wushuang!"

Ren Zu said, "The Wushuang God Lord controls the power of revenge, and you are not the same type!"

"So, it turns out that Xing Wushuang is the goddess of vengeance! He is a master goddess, and I am not the same type!"

Ren Zu smiled and said, "Don't worry about this! I said to help you worship a teacher, the strength may not be the strongest in the holy mountain, but it must be the best teacher in the holy mountain!"

Ding Hao said, "Then there will be Teacher Lao Ren Zu."

Ren Zu said again, "Cultivation is gradual, controlling the divine power and using divine power is the basic activity of every god! No matter which type you choose, divine power is necessary! In your current cultivation level, Cultivating sacred power and impacting the higher sacred mountain level is what you should do!"

"Impact at a higher level of the sacred mountain?" Ding Hao's expression moved, and he asked again, "It's just that what basic technique do I want to practice now?"

He has not yet determined his basic skills at all.

Ren Zu laughed and said, "It is a good thing to determine the basic exercises later. After all, once the basic exercises are determined, it will be difficult to change them! You can now simply practice sacred power and combat ability, and find the appropriate basic exercises in the future before making decisions. !"

"Okay!" Since the ancestor said this, Ding Hao stopped insisting, but asked, "Then where should I go for purely cultivating sacred power and combat abilities? Is there any realm of God that allows me to practice? "

Ren Zu laughed, "Do you think that everyone has God's Domain? That is the realm of God King! And your current strength to enter the God's Domain is basically a sledgehammer! You only need to walk along the first floor of the Holy Mountain. Walk, watch and learn the runes on the first floor of the holy mountain! There are everything you need on it!"

"No wonder so many people circle around the holy mountain all day."

Ding Hao suddenly realized that after he came to the platform on the first floor of the holy mountain, he could find a large number of practitioners on the first floor every time, studying and pondering the golden runes on the wall.

"Of course." Renzu smiled. "The golden runes on these walls are all left behind by ancient gods! These are the oldest and most powerful techniques! There must be something you want. As long as you look for it with your heart! The 360 ​​layers of the holy mountain, each layer has such golden runes! The runes of each layer are stronger than the runes of the next layer! So so many practitioners , Just want to constantly break through the assessment, and continue to move to a higher level! Then they can learn, a stronger ancient heritage!"

"Teacher, I understand, I will go out to watch the golden runes now!"

Ding Hao walked out of his cave, took Shen Jing into his bag, and watched while walking along the platform on the first floor of the Holy Mountain.

As Renzu said, what remains here are the oldest and most powerful exercises. The ancient gods recorded their cultivation and insights here.

Along the way, Ding Hao also encountered many other such gods, some of which were the same as his interest in cultivation, and everyone would come together to discuss them.

When the practice of one exercise is finished, everyone will separate again and look for other exercises of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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