Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2463: Heritage gem

Chapter 2463 Inheritance Gem

Chapter 2461 Inheritance Gem

The strong will help them break the rune lock, and it is not for nothing, of course, a certain price must be paid.

The general treasure amulet of the gods, the strong do not look up, all need sacred gems!

"What to do?" The people on the scene looked at each other.

In the end, everyone's eyes were on Ximen Zhuangzhi and Shuoyong. Here, they two are the masters.

Ximen Zhuangzhi and Shuoyong also looked at each other, and finally both nodded at the same time.

"It's worth it! Even if we take all the sacred gems we got this time to this strong man, it will be worth it to open the rune lock!" Ximen said with high ambition.

Shuoyong also nodded, "All the decorations in the corridor outside are made of sacred gems. I believe that in the warden's residence, the treasures inside are only more precious!"

Everyone immediately agreed to take out all the sacred gems they had just obtained and hand them over to one of the higher gods.

This high-level deity took out his sacred jingle and collected all the sacred gems in it.

Shenjing has the function of transaction transmission. This higher **** uses the function to give all this batch of sacred gems to the strong one.

The strong man was also refreshed. After receiving this batch of sacred gems, he immediately replied, "I can unlock it in an hour!"

After getting an answer, all the seven people present sat down cross-legged and waited at ease.

As Shuo Yong said, the treasures inside the warden's residence would only be more precious than the outside.

When Ding Hao walked into this room, a bright light flickered in front of him.

The walls of this room are covered with square pieces of sacred gems. In the ancient times, these sacred gems were originally used as wall tiles, and the purity of the gems was much higher than that in the corridor outside.

"Your uncle! Pry down all the gems on the walls in this room, and I will be rich!"

Ding Hao walked in dumbfounded, and did not see the warden's body.

This powerful **** should have escaped when the holy mountain collapsed.

"If the warden died here, it would be perfect, and all the sacred treasures he carried with him belong to me!"

Although some are not perfect, there are really many good things that the warden left here.

On the big table, there are a lot of ancient Chinese books, all of which are precious divine classics, and the ancient runes recorded in them, Ding Hao can't even read them.

Just send an image of a rune to Renzu, and Renzu got excited over there, "What kind of rune is this? Where did you get it? Too powerful and too valuable for research. These runes are better than those The sacred gems are too precious!"

Ding Hao directly took out his jingle, collected all the precious Scriptures in front of him, and then delivered all these Scriptures to Renzu through the function of transaction transmission.

When Renzu received these classics in his cave, his fingers trembled.

"Among these classics, there are at least three thousand runes that I still don't understand! If I can study these runes thoroughly, I am afraid I will be able to enter the level of the holy mountain god!"

Ding Hao was not a rune-type god, and he didn't pay much attention to these. He soon discovered that there was a small box in the corner.

When he opened the box, the treasure inside was dazzling, almost making Ding Hao unable to open his eyes.

When he took a calm look, he was stunned again.

In this small box, filled with sacred gems like coins.

These sacred gems are very special, the surface is exquisite, they are all standard silver, like a mirror.

Ding Hao picked up one casually in his hand, overflowing with terrifying divine power.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Ding Hao sent another coin-like sacred gem to Renzu.

Ren Zu knew this thing, and immediately replied Ding Hao, "This is a good thing. It is a heritage gem used by the ancient gods to record inheritance and strength! The powerful ancient **** king pressed the sacred power in his body into it and gave it to himself. The younger generations! The younger generations can quickly become stronger as long as they refine this inheritance gem!"

Ren Ancestor finished speaking and said, "Once there was a **** with a low cultivation base who entered the rift area and accidentally picked up such an inheritance gem. The cultivation base rose sharply and passed on as a good story."

Ding Hao almost fainted when he heard this sentence.

"In the legend, there is a person who got a inheritance gem, and his cultivation level soared, making everyone envy! Is this the inheritance gem in the legend?" Ding Hao has also heard of this legend a long time ago, but He did not expect that the gem in the legend was this thing.

Ren Zu smiled and said, "Congratulations! You have also got this kind of inheritance gem, good thing, get it back soon!"

While Ren Zu spoke, he sent this inheritance gem back to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao said awkwardly, "Teacher Renzu, this one is a commemoration for you."

Ren Zu immediately said with a straight face, "How can it be done? This thing is useless to me, it is of great use to you, and I don't need it. Wouldn't it be a waste of you to give it to me?"

Ding Hao smiled, "I have a whole box here!"

"What?" When Ren Zu received these words, he almost fell to the ground.

You know, once a person got a gem of this kind of inheritance, it has become a legend and chanted by thousands.

But Ding Hao got a box of hundreds of them!

It should have been someone who used this kind of thing to bribe this warden. This warden had a high level of cultivation and could not use this thing. After getting this thing, I threw it in a small box, and the more I threw it away, I saved a whole box!

Ren Zu immediately said, "Since you have got so much, then quickly refine it to gain the power of the **** king, so that you can become stronger quickly!"

Ding Hao nodded, this batch of inheritance gems came very timely.

Now, Ximen has aspirations and they should be blocked at the door, Ding Hao can't leave, if he can greatly improve his cultivation and strength here, he will have the opportunity to rush out!

Ding Hao immediately sat down cross-legged and took out a silver heritage gem according to the method taught him by Ren Zu, and dripped a drop of his own blood on the silver coin-like gem.

Just a drop of blood can completely melt this gem in an instant!

Ding Hao stretched out a hand and held the **** liquid with his palm. His eyes moved, and he said in shock, "Where is this a gem? This is the purest and most standard sacred power. The liquid of divine power!"

In the next second, these liquids collapsed instantly, falling into Ding Hao's palm, and the terrifying sacred power quickly transmitted to Ding Hao's entire body.

"My God! My God! My God!"

In Ding Hao's gaze, there was a lot of splendor, and he was already surprised that he didn't know what to say, this method of power improvement was too domineering!

(End of this chapter)

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