Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2464: Simon

Chapter 2464 The Angry Simon

Chapter 2462 Annoyed Simon

"Fan, hello, are you there?"

Just as Renzu was reading the classical books that Ding Hao had sent him, one of his friends at the level of the holy mountain gods sent an inquiry.

"I'm here! Senior, what's the matter with you?"

The holy mountain **** sent a message, "I received a business, as long as I crack this rune lock, I can get a batch of sacred gems! I was planning to start cracking immediately, but I have something temporarily here. I want you to help me crack it. As for the sacred gems they gave me, I will also give you all!"

It's also a coincidence that the holy mountain **** whom Ximen determined and they were looking for, after accepting the task, happened to encounter something urgent.

This holy mountain **** monarch immediately thought of Human Ancestor, who is famous for making ancient runes in the Holy Mountain.

Therefore, he immediately contacted Renzu and prepared to transfer this task to Renzu. As for the cracking fee that Ximen Zhuangzhi paid by them, this holy mountain **** also decided not to take any money, and gave it all to Renzu.

"No, I'm a little busy here too!" Renzu was watching the ancient Chinese book he just got, and he had no time to worry about cracking the rune lock.

The holy mountain **** monarch embarrassedly pleaded, "Fan, please help me anyway! I always speak fortune, and I have promised to others. If I can’t do it, don’t you lose my face? If you have time, help me crack it."

Ren Zu was helpless, although he didn't want to do this, but the sacred mountain **** was a senior after all.

He had no choice but to say, "Senior, you send me the rune to see, let me see if I can crack it?"

After a while, the sacred mountain **** sent over the rune image, and when Ren Zu saw this image, he almost fainted.

"My God, isn't this the rune lock that Ding Hao asked me to crack just now?"

The ancient rune locks are very complicated. Generally speaking, there will not be two exactly the same rune codes.

Therefore, Ren Zu can immediately determine that the rune lock in front of him is the lock on the gate of the warden residence where Ding Hao is located!

"Ding Hao, are you here?" Renzu immediately sent a message to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao was so happy that he was about to go to heaven, and replied to Ren Zu, "It's so comfortable, I feel like my strength is invincible!"

Ren Zu said, "Is there someone guarding your gate outside? I am now receiving a task, saying that I will crack the ancient rune lock within an hour, exactly the same as the one you gave me!"

Ding Hao suddenly laughed, "It's really a coincidence, Ximen is determined to break the rune lock and come in, but unexpectedly they begged your door!"

"It seems this is really the case." Renzu understood this and nodded and said, "I'll take this business!"

Ding Hao immediately asked in amazement, "Teacher Renzu, this business can't be accepted, aren't you going to hurt me next?"

Ren Zu laughed and said, "If I don't pick up, they will also find someone else! On the sacred mountain, I am not the only one who understands ancient runes! I simply follow, and then delay the time with them! Delay until, you I can leave safely! By the way, I can earn them a fortune! Hahaha!"

Ding Hao couldn't help but laugh. He didn't think that the teacher and ancestors were so cunning.

"Senior, I can crack this rune, I took this single task!"

When the human ancestor was confirmed, the holy mountain **** monarch immediately transferred all the sacred gems to the human ancestor, and then said, "Then I will be busy! If you have solved it, contact me directly!"


After Ren Zu received the sacred gem, he told Ding Hao about the situation.

Ding Hao suddenly laughed again, "Teacher, these sacred gems should be the sacred gems inlaid in the corridor outside my room! Ximen has aspirations and they finally got some gems, but in the end they all sent them to you."

Ren Zu smiled and said, "That is the best, I just want them to lose their money! Delay time, you don't have to worry, I can completely delay time! And these sacred gems are in my hands, I believe they have not enough If you have financial resources, please ask others to help them crack!"

As time passed, Ding Hao merged the sacred power from the inherited gems into his body piece by piece.

His cultivation level is constantly improving again and again.

"Breakthrough! Promote to the advanced and lower gods!"

"Break through again! This time directly into the medium god!"

Although Ding Hao made a breakthrough in this quiet room, before each breakthrough, he would attract the sacred power in the nearby space.

Ximen, who sat cross-legged outside the warden’s residence, had aspirations and they could also clearly feel the direction of the convergence of sacred power.

"My God, what did Ding Hao find in it? His cultivation is constantly improving?" A high-ranking **** said dumbfounded.

Shuo Yong expressed his doubts, "Impossible! Could it be that some precious treasure appeared in the room that attracted a lot of sacred power?"

"It should be that his cultivation level has been improved." Ximen Zangzhi said, shaking his head, "If there are precious treasures, the gathering of sacred power will only appear once! And now, it has appeared several times, indicating that Ding Hao has gained the ancient heritage! Did you forget that? legend?"

There was once a **** with a low cultivation base who obtained an ancient inheritance gem, and his cultivation base broke through a lot. Many people knew about this.

"What? Ding Hao actually got this kind of inheritance gem?" The high spirits present were shocked.

However, Ximen Zhuangzhi's expression became more and more cold, "Even if he gets a piece of inheritance spar, how much can he improve his cultivation base? At most he can reach the middle-level gods! It can even reach the low-level middle-level gods! For us, It's nothing at all! As long as we can open this door now, we can rush in and kill him to get the treasure!"

"Yes, kill him to get the treasure!" A **** glow flashed in Shuo Yong's eyes.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Ximen Zhuangzhi opened his mouth and urged, "It's the Holy Mountain God Monarch you contacted. Please contact him. Time is up."

The high-level **** immediately contacted the holy mountain god, "Senior, the time is up, I wonder if you have successfully cracked it?"

The holy mountain **** monarch was busy and immediately replied, "Don't worry, if you have solved it, I will naturally call you!"

When Ximen Zhuangzhi and others received the news, they were helpless. After all, they are the holy mountain gods, so what dare they say!

Only continue to wait, and another half hour passed in a blink of an eye.

This high-level **** contacted the holy mountain **** again, and he still said, "What's the hurry? Does it take time to crack?"

Another hour has passed, and Ximen is already about to vomit blood, and scolds his mother, "I xxx, this is too much! If you don't bring this, let him hand over the sacred gem!"

The high-level **** smiled bitterly, "I am a holy mountain god, I don't even dare to say a word! How about you contact him!"

(End of this chapter)

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