Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2498: Dark city

Chapter 2498 Dark City

Chapter 2496 Dark City

When this dark **** was captured alive, the fog giant he had condensed collapsed instantly and disappeared.

Ding Hao turned around, carrying the Meruo hood like a birdcage in one hand, and lightly fanning the divine beast king fan in the other hand towards the blackened giant rat.

Suddenly I saw that a large number of mythical beasts rushed into the crazy blackened giant rat group.

After these giant rats are blackened, although they are ferocious, they are far from the real beasts!

The tall and ferocious beasts were all considered dirty by the black giant rats, and they didn't even use their teeth to bite them. Instead, they used their feet and hands to tear them. Soon a large number of black giant rats were wiped out. The treasure hunters trapped in them Five of the team members are still alive!

These five people are already covered in blood and scarred!

After a while, the blackened giant rat was wiped out by the beasts, and the fan of the beast king in Ding Hao's hand once again swept all these beasts.

In a blink of an eye, the entire rubble city ruins restored tranquility.

"Senior Ding Hao, thank you for your help!" Feng Jiu and a few treasure hunters walked up, clasping their fists to express their gratitude.

The goddess Ling Xiaoyan, who has always looked down upon Ding Hao, had to lower her head and said, "Senior Ding Hao, you have offended you before. I don't know if the circumstances offend you, please forgive me more!"

Several other treasure hunters also saluted Ding Hao and expressed their gratitude.

If it weren't for Ding Hao, they would be dead this time!

Ding Hao nodded to them, and said, "Actually, Nuo Ao is the one you should apologize most! Although he will use some dark spells, he was once a traitor! But he did not frame you, even at the most In a critical moment, there will be someone to cover your escape! But you all add up to you, even if he is injured, no one will help him!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, these treasure hunters all looked embarrassed.

Xiaoyan whispered, "Who told him he didn't make it clear at the beginning, and it is our fault that we misunderstood him. If we told us earlier, then we would not be like this."

Ding Hao's face was cold, and he didn't want to say anything to these people.

Nuo Ao also recovered a lot, stood up and saluted and said, "Senior Ding Hao, you must be a senior from the Holy Mountain, otherwise it is impossible to be so much stronger than your cultivation base!"

Ding Hao did not deny it, but Xiaoyan and the others were ashamed. When Ding Hao told them they were from the Holy Mountain, they didn't believe it at all.

Nuo Ao said again, "Senior Ding Hao, we found a bunch of sacred gems in the ruins ahead! Senior, you saved us! How about this, we change the distribution method in the light contract to redistribute this Lot of sacred gems!"

As the strongest, Ding Hao saved everyone's lives. No one would object to changing the distribution ratio.

But Ding Hao waved his hand and said, “I don’t want those sacred gems that are not high in purity! You can allocate them, and I will leave the treasure hunting team! As for Nuo Ao, I will give you a chance. You are willing to continue to bring Are they exploring treasures? Or follow me?"

Nuo Ao had been a slave to the dark gods, and he should know a lot about the dark world, so Ding Hao wanted to take Nuo Ao action.

Hearing what Ding Hao said, Nuo Ao immediately nodded and said, "Senior, I am willing to follow you! No matter where I go? It was Senior who saved my life. Most importantly, Senior gave me my trust!"

Nuo Ao knew very well in his heart that Ding Hao was the first to discover that he was capable of dark spells, but Ding Hao never doubted him or shot him, obviously trusting him very much!

Hearing that Nuo Ao was leaving with Ding Hao, the other four treasure hunters turned pale.

Xiaoyan said in a panic, "Captain, you can't do this! This is a world controlled by the Dark Element. If you also leave, then we won't even be able to find the way back!"

Ding Hao sneered, "Didn't you just accuse others of taking you to death, now that you are not taken, you are in a hurry again!"

Xiaoyan and the few gods present wanted to cry without tears, and pleaded, "Wrong! We were wrong! We knew it was wrong! Take us away! If there is no Captain Nuo, we don't even know which way to go out. ! Then we are dead!"

Feng Jiu also saluted and said, "Senior Ding Hao, Captain Nuo, after all, everyone is the **** of the Light Element! Or you will take us with us, or show us a clear way!"

Ding Hao still has his own affairs, of course he will not bring these people.

At the moment, Nuo Ao taught Feng Jiu the magic to find dark runes on the ground, so that Feng Jiu can find his way back along the dark runes laid down by the predecessors on the ground!

After finishing all this, Ding Hao took Nuo Ao to another direction.

Fengjiu and the others didn't give up, they didn't rush to leave, they still wanted to buy some treasures in the gravel city.

Ding Hao ignored their lives and took Nuo Ao to the outside of Gravel City.

"Nuo'ao." Ding Hao asked as he walked, "If a person who has just arrived in the sacred world is directly teleported to Gravel City, his cultivation level is not even a junior elementary god! Where will he go?"

"So..." Nuo Ao had never thought about this issue before, and he said in a daze, "If this person is really not a junior elementary **** at his cultivation base! That would be easy! As long as he can escape the attack of the holy monster, Will survive!"

"Really?" Ding Hao's face suddenly smiled, this is the most encouraging words he has ever heard.

Nuoao said, "The reason why the dark world is cruel is that we are all gods of the light element! And the elementary gods you mentioned are not available, then this person must have not established a belief! So he just needs to follow others to believe in the dark element The gods of God will survive!"

"That's it!" Ding Hao nodded slightly, "makes sense."

If Xiaoyu and the others are teleported to the ruins of Gravel City, they should move around. If they can meet the gods who believe in the dark system, they will also follow the gods who believe in the dark system, so there should be no problem in surviving!

However, Ding Hao is a little worried, if they all become devout believers of the dark gods, they will become their own enemies in the future!

This became a new trouble in Ding Hao's heart.

"It seems that I want to find them as soon as possible! They stay in the dark world for too long, and they will end up in the darkness forever and cannot extricate themselves!"

Ding Hao thought of this and asked again, "Then if this person survives, where will he be the most?"

Nuoao said, "Of course in the cities of the dark gods, in these dark cities, they are the same as our bright cities! There is a big dark city near here!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed, "Then let's go and see!"

Three shifts today, there will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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