Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2589: The King of Dark Iron Burst

Chapter 2589 The King of Dark Iron Explosion

Chapter 2587 the King of Dark Iron Explosion

"Lord God, everything is here."

Hanhai Immortal collected all the trophies and found dozens of spear-like sharp spears and sent them to Ding Hao.

"These are ancient god-level weapons, and they are very powerful!" Ding Hao refined all these dozen spears, and then put them in the black flag for use at any time.

After defeating the Dark Iron Moon, the passage in front of him became much safer.

This **** who led Ding Hao, named Sihe Shenjun, saw Ding Hao's strength so strong, he became more obedient.

"Lord God." The Sihe Shenjun also learned to call Ding Hao in the immortal tone of the vast sea, and he said, "Keep moving forward and you will encounter the King of the Black Moon Statue. These are among the Black Moon Statues, especially powerful! "

"There is also a king in the Black Moon statue?" Ding Hao frowned and asked, "How is the strength?"

"Lord God, your strength should not be difficult!"

They continued to move forward. Sure enough, after walking for a while, they found that the group of Dark Iron Moon, who had been beaten back by Ding Hao, blocked another passage.

Behind this group of black iron covenants, stood an extremely tall black moon statue.

"That is the King of the Black Moon Statue!" The Quadruple God Jun said, "This thing has a very good strength. After it is broken, you will have the opportunity to obtain many precious items! Not only are there black moon stones and weapons, but there may even be many ancient-level ones. God's panacea!"

"An ancient god's pill!" Ding Hao's eyes lit up.

There are also elixirs in the sacred world, but the gods don’t use them a lot; it’s not because the alchemy skills of the gods are getting worse and worse, but mainly because the pattern of the sacred world has changed. Many ancient heaven, material and earth treasures have long been extinct. Alchemy recipes don’t have all the materials used, so slowly, everyone rarely refines alchemy.

But the magical medicine in ancient times was different.

At that time, the ancient gods had first-class alchemy techniques and comprehensive alchemy, and the elixir that they refined was far beyond modern!

Ding Hao looked at the huge Dark Iron King and walked over step by step. Those Dark Iron Moons who were beaten back by Ding Hao, even knew that they were afraid, stepped back, and finally gave up a very huge field for Ding Hao and Hei The King of Iron!

This unusually huge black moon statue began to twist and deform, and finally turned into a huge spider with hundreds of arms!


Suddenly, the shadow of the sword and the sword completely enveloped the entire space. Each arm of this giant spider was a sharp blade. When all of its hundreds of arms were swung, there would be no dead ends in the entire space, which was extremely dangerous!

"My God, this kind of attack..." Hanhai Immortal was stunned. If he were in this kind of attack, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to support it for two seconds!

There was a complicated expression in the eyes of the Sihe God standing next to him. He secretly expected that Ding Hao would be beheaded by the king of black iron, then he could kill the immortality of the sea and the news of the wounded black moon slave. Keep it for your own use in the future.

However, deep in his heart, there is a little hope that Ding Hao can win!


After facing such a powerful attack, Ding Hao immediately released the blood-red wings behind him and lifted into the air, avoiding this mortal blow!

However, this giant spider is also very powerful. Its hundreds of claws slammed on the ground, bounced up, and jumped into the air. With its sharp arms like a blade, it slashed at Ding Hao again!

"The King of Dark Iron, really deserves a reputation!"

Ding Hao did not step back this time. Before the giant spider jumped over, he suddenly stretched out his arms and shouted loudly, "Blessing, all the power of faith! My believers, the faith you provide to me, I will use it to cut through all!"

Following Ding Hao's violent shout, a huge white beam of light appeared out of thin air in the sky, shining on Ding Hao's body.

"My God, what a powerful belief power this is!" Sihe Shenjun looked completely dumbfounded.

Ding Hao’s believers now traverse the dark world and the light world. The number of believers is in the hundreds of millions, and the amount of faith power provided to him is huge! Ding Hao did not usually bless this part of his body, but stored it all on his thousands of idols!

When he needs to use it, he can mobilize the power of thousands of idols, gather them together, and send out the blow that strikes the ground today!

I saw a huge beam of light entwined in gold and black, bursting out of Ding Hao’s hands. This beam of light hit the Black Iron King’s body, and immediately knocked the terrifying guy out of mid-air and landed on it. On the ground, rolling back and forth!

Sihe Shenjun looked at the King of Dark Iron again, and saw that his hundreds of arms had been smashed by Ding Hao's blow just now!

"My goodness, I'm afraid that most contemporary gods with this kind of strength are not his opponents!" The Sihe Shenjun originally expected Ding Hao to fail, but now it seems impossible. He also completely died of this heart. .

Hanhai Immortal shouted loudly, "Long live the main god, long live the main god!"

The wings behind Ding Hao flapped, floating in the air, his hands continued to hit the beam of light of the two series of exercises, hitting the body of the king of black iron, and this guy had been hitting nothing!

The King of Dark Iron, who was arrogant just now, is now curled up on the ground, becoming a pile of scrap iron!

But Ding Hao didn't want to forgive it. Ding Hao's hands began to depict in front of him, using gold and black runes to write a very complicated sacred text!

Although Sihe Shenjun is already a god, he hasn’t seen such a complicated sacred text for a long time. This sacred text contains a powerful light force and a powerful dark force. This is a rune he has never seen before. !

After Ding Hao finished writing this rune, his hand suddenly pressed down, and this rune with terrifying power fell from the sky and landed on the King of Dark Iron!

When the two touched the moment, only heard a loud bang, the earth shook the mountains!

The surrounding Dark Iron Moon was frightened and fleeing madly. In the sound of this earth-shattering explosion, the Dark Iron King lying on the ground was blown apart into hundreds of pieces!

In the center of these hundreds of fragments, as many as dozens of different treasure boxes gleamed, lying quietly on the metal floor.

"This is... the King of Dark Iron has exploded! Lord God, your luck is so good!" The Sihe God suddenly jumped up with excitement and shouted, "Break the black moon statue king, there is a chance to encounter a big explosion A lot of precious and good things will be exploded at once! Lord God, congratulations!"

Ding Hao's expression was also joyful. He had been in Black Moon Palace for so many years, and the number of Black Moon statues that had been broken was astonishing.

But it is usually the smashing of a black moon statue and dropping an item; and like today, it was the first time that dozens of pieces were exploded at once.

"Let's see what's there!" Ding Hao immediately motioned to Hanhai Immortal to clean up the spoils.

(End of this chapter)

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