Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2590: Ancient mark

Chapter 2590 Ancient Marks

Chapter 2588 ancient mark

It may be that the first generation of dark saints deliberately set up and smashed the statue of the black moon, and they would get some rewards.

And like the King of Dark Iron that Ding Hao smashed this time, it was set by the first generation of dark saints with a certain probability, and a lot of items would be dropped!

Ding Hao was also lucky, and when he smashed the first king of black iron, he encountered a big explosion and dropped dozens of treasures.

"This kind of black moon stone, I have never seen it before!"

Hanhai Immortal was holding a huge Black Moon Stone, stunned, he had lived for so many years, and he had never seen such a large Black Moon Stone!

"Big, really big! This is the best Black Moonstone, and I have only seen it a few times!" Sihe Shenjun exclaimed, "Get rich, Lord God, you are really rich this time!"

Ding Hao didn't have much interest in this kind of black moon stone. His eyes were on the items in the treasure box.

"Sure enough, it is an ancient-level god's pill!" He raised his hand and picked up a treasure box. After opening it, he saw the radiant light in it, and a fragrant aura containing a very terrifying sacred power poured out!

"What kind of pill is this?" Ding Hao's face was shocked.

He watched the treasure box carefully, and he could see that a rune was engraved with ancient characters on it.

"The Seal God King understands these things better, I will send him this rune to see!"

Ding Hao immediately took out his black flag and sent the words of this rune to the Sealing God King.

The Seal God King glanced at it and replied, "This rune means three words, magic pill! I read the legend of this pill from the records in ancient classical books. It is said that after taking it, regardless of any god, the power will increase by three. Times, time is an hour! It's specially used to fight against the strong who are far more powerful than you! Lord God, you are lucky!"

Ding Hao laughed, "That's it, it's a good medicine, you can help me see this rune!"

Ding Hao picked up another box and sent the rune on it to the Sealing God King; the Sealing God King soon came back with a message, "This is the ancient mood pill, if you want to feel something? You can take one before the retreat. It's time to realize that it will do more with less!"

"Good, good, good! They are all good things!" Ding Hao's purpose this time is to hit the realm of the gods, and all the medicines he got are effective for him!

Ding Hao put away the pill in these treasure boxes, he took a look at it carefully, if he could get the detoxification pill, he would be able to help Ye Wen return to normal.

Unfortunately, in this batch of treasure boxes, there is no pill for detoxification.

Ding Hao again began to collect the weapons exposed this time. This time he exploded the King of Dark Iron and exploded three weapons in total.

The first one is an iron black shield cut!

This is something that looks like a shield, but the edges are very sharp, which can be used to resist opponents, and can also be used to kill enemies!

And on this peculiar shield cut, there is a red peculiar mark.

Ding Hao didn't understand what this meant, and they didn't understand the immortality of the sea. They had never seen a weapon of this level.

"The ancient **** of Shengyang, what do you mean by this logo for me?" Ding Hao immediately sent the shape of the logo to the ancient **** of Shengyang.

Shengyang was chatting with several other **** kings. When he received the news, he shouted in excitement, "Lord God, where did you get the sign?"

Ding Hao said, "I killed a Dark Iron King on the third floor of the Black Moon Palace, and a lot of objects were exploded in it! This is a sign on a shield-shaped weapon!"

"Lord God, your luck is really good!" Shengyang Ancient God King laughed loudly, "This logo is a unique symbol of the ancient **** Qianhong Qianhong. This weapon is also the exclusive weapon of the ancient **** Qianhong! It was made by him himself and used for a long time , And got his love even more, otherwise he wouldn't have inlaid a blessing mark on this weapon!"

"Blessing the mark!" Ding Hao's face moved and asked, "That is to say, this mark contains power?"

"You are right!" said the ancient **** king of Shengyang, "this mark contains part of the power of the ancient **** king Qianhong! When you use this weapon, you can release this part of the power, and your This weapon has become super powerful in a short time! Of course, the mark has restrictions on its use. Every time it is used, the mark will dim! When the mark disappears completely, the blessings of the ancient gods will also disappear!"

"That's it!" Ding Hao's eyes were delighted.

This shield cut is not only a weapon that the ancient gods love to use, but also contains the power blessed by the ancient gods!

"Well, well, I'm worried about not having any weapons to take advantage of!"

The second weapon is an exaggerated long knife. The color of this long knife is green. If you look closely, you can see the green waves on the upper side. When Ding Hao waved it out, the waves on the blade were also emitted. !

Suddenly, a huge turquoise sword light rips the current space apart!

When the knife light falls on the ground floor, the metal floor is also cut and split!

"My God! Can the metal of the floor be cut?" The faces of the Sihe Shenjun and Hanhai Immortal were both unbelievable!

In their cognition, the metal floor of the Black Moon Palace cannot be cut through by any weapon!

But obviously this is not the case. This long knife is so sharp, and the sharp power contained in it is even more shocking!

It can cut through the metal floor of the Black Moon Palace. This kind of weapon, without even thinking about it, is very powerful!

Although the floor of the Black Moon Palace was cut open, this kind of metal was very peculiar, as if the wound was slowly closing up, and finally returned to invisible!

"What kind of knife is this?" Ding Hao took a closer look, and from the back of the knife, he saw a sign with a complicated rune.

He also sent this rune to the ancient **** of rising sun, the ancient **** of rising sun, "This rune is not only the blessing mark left by the owner of this weapon, but also a way to evolve the weapon! Just this rune The text is too complicated and it takes a long time to crack! After cracking, the Lord God, you will know the original owner of this weapon and the method of its evolution!"

"This weapon can still evolve?" Ding Hao was overjoyed, and quickly sent this rune to the Sealed God King, "Seal God King, you have time to help me crack this rune, it is an evolutionary technique for weapons! After cracking, send me the exercises immediately!"

"Okay Lord God! I will start to crack this exercise now." After receiving the notice, the Seal God King immediately began to study.

Ding Hao picked up the third weapon exposed this time.

This piece is actually not a weapon, but a silver luminous metal plate. There is no information or any mark on this metal plate. It is heavy in the hand and cannot be activated by the sacred power!

"What the **** is it?" Ding Hao frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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