Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2592: Conquer the Black Moon Remnant

Chapter 2592 Recovering the Black Moon Remnant Slave


Huh! Huh!

After Ding Hao deliberately tossed back and forth hundreds of times, the strength of the Black Moon Remnant Slave decreased drastically.

In the end, he didn't have the strength to rush to the sky to chase Ding Hao. He could only lie on the ground and stare at the sky with a pair of dark eyes, Ding Hao, breathing heavily.

"Try his strength!" Ding Hao flew in the air and waved down.

I saw a sharp beam of light crashing down, but the Black Moon Residual Slave was also sensitive, dodged the moment the beam appeared.

Ding Hao knew it would be like this before, and when he pressed his palm down suddenly, the bright beam of light was like a stone pillar, shattered into countless segments, and after it fell, another violent explosion occurred!


In the midst of the explosion, the Black Moon Remnant Slave who was lying on the ground flickered from left to right, cleverly avoiding all the explosions.

"Sure enough, he is a strong man in the ancient times, amazing!" Ding Hao's eyes were filled with surprise.

These black moon remnants are indeed extraordinary, no wonder even the **** kings are unwilling to provoke these things; their combat power and combat experience, even the **** kings are ashamed, Ding Hao will launch any attack on them , The other party had already judged, not only was it able to dodge the attack, but it would also look for opportunities to counterattack Ding Hao!

In the midst of this black moon remnant slave flashing from left to right, he suddenly paused, turned his head back suddenly, opened his mouth and spit out a black mist into the air!

"Good guy, you still have the power to attack!" Ding Hao's face was cold, "It seems that this is the time for you to see some strength!"

Facing the sprayed black mist, Ding Hao's arm suddenly swung out, and an iron gray shield appeared in Ding Hao's hand.

Shield Slash appeared and immediately blocked Ding Hao behind. The black mist fell on the surface of Shield Slash. Only then did Ding Hao noticed that these were not mists at all. They were all small black bugs. These bugs twisted back and forth, disgusting!

Ding Hao thought, using his strength to urge the shield in his hand!

Just hearing a boom, all these tiny bugs were shaken to death in an instant!

At the same time, Ding Hao received a will in his mind, "Whether to activate the blessing power left by the Qianhong King!"

This shield slash is the first weapon that Ding Hao slashed the Dark Iron King. There is a symbol on it that is the blessing power left by the ancient **** Qianhong. If activated, the power of this shield slash Will double!

"No need!" Ding Hao's eyes shot a steadfast light, "I don't need to use the power of blessing to deal with this black moon slave who is already poor in his skills!"

Speaking of this, Ding Hao rushed down from the midair, and with the help of the shield cut, he kept approaching the Black Moon Remnant Slave!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" Heyue Remnant's mouth let out a non-human roar, and his eyes became crazy. It mobilized the remaining power in the body, rushed forward, and hit the shield in Ding Hao's hand madly. The Black Moon Remnant's fingers are sharp as a blade, and the surface of the shield is pulled out with a sour voice!

However, this shield was hard enough. Although it left a lot of scratches on its surface, the Black Moon Remnant Slave couldn't tear it apart at all!

"Retreat to me!" Ding Hao suddenly accelerated, pushing the Black Moon Residual Slave back quickly with the shield cut in his hand.

After running for a long time, only to hear a boom, Ding Hao used his shield to cut the black moon savage slave and slammed it against a wall of the Black Moon Palace!

Ding Hao's heart rested again, and the shield cut in his hand became transparent, his eyes were facing the black moon remnant slave.

Heiyue Cannu's eyes were pitch-black and had no pupils. Like its body, it was also flooded with some power, and there was no expression in his eyes.

After Ding Hao used Shield Slash to withstand the body of the Remnant Black Moon, he scribbled runes on the back of Shield Slash with his fingers.

When the rune took shape, Ding Hao's palm pushed forward, and the rune could penetrate directly from the surface of the shield and land on the black moon remnant slave!

However, when these harvesting runes fell on the Black Moon Remnant Slave, it could be clearly seen that a layer of black fine runes appeared on the surface of the Black Moon Remnant Slave's black skin. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of these runes!

"Ancient Rune!" Ding Hao's face changed in shock.

After these ancient runes appeared, they immediately blocked Ding Hao's containment runes, preventing them from falling on the body of the Remnant Black Moon.

"Roar!" The black moon remnant slave suddenly roared again, and his power burst out instantly, punching the shield cut in front of him with his fist!

Bang bang bang!

Ding Hao shook the shield in his hand, backed up repeatedly, and finally could only fly up and back into the air.

"Black Moon Remnant Slave, really strong!" Ding Hao's face was gloomy after flying into the air.

He felt that on the bodies of these black moon cruel slaves, the black ancient runes were probably from the first generation of dark saints! It was the limitations of these ancient runes that allowed these ancient powerhouses to become in this half-human, half-ghost state!

"How on earth can the black moon remnant slaves be captured?" Ding Hao had to send the question to the **** kings under him.

The kings of the gods have never taken down the black moon slaves. After all, if they were the black moon slaves in their heyday, even the **** king team would not be able to deal with it; the black moon slaves in front of him just happened to be seriously injured, and they were taken by Ding Hao. opportunity.

The ancient **** Wang Shengyang said, "I've heard of some ancient **** kings' methods to regain the wounded black moon remnant slaves! I have read the classics in this regard. It is impossible to use runes to control their thoughts! The only way is Hit it and beat it half to death! The mighty **** kings surrounded the wounded Black Moon slaves and beat them in turn. Don't leave your hands! Before it is dying, it may surrender!"

Ding Hao frowned and said, "If that's the case, will he be killed? After all, this kind of wounded black moon remnant slave is rare! If he is killed, it will be very difficult to find another one!"

"Therefore, it is luck to recover the remnant slaves of the Black Moon," the ancient **** king Shengyang said, "In the past, there were some powerful **** kings who took time and effort to suppress this stuff! But in the long run, it will be thankless. Many people die, but few people recover. In the end, I will suffer a loss! After I really recover them, they are completely disabled and can only be used to lead the way! This is the situation!"

"That's it."

Ding Hao was still thinking that the Black Moon Remnant Slave is so powerful, why didn't the powerful ancient **** king come to catch a few of them and use them as his own thugs? Now it seems that it is simply thankless, and if he is caught, he has been beaten to a complete waste!

"It seems that this is the only way, don't be polite!"

Ding Hao thought of this, lifted his wrist, took out a spear-shaped weapon prepared for him by Hanhai Immortal from the black flag, then rushed out suddenly, with the help of the shield in his hand to block the attack of the black moon slave; , Ding Hao suddenly pierced out the spear-shaped weapon in his hand, pierced into the body of the Black Moon Resident!

Ding Hao raised his hand and took out a second spear-shaped weapon, his eyes were cold, "You are welcome, if you don't surrender, you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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