Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2593: Black Moon Palace fourth floor

Chapter 2593, the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace

Chapter 2591 the fourth floor of Black Moon Palace


With another sound, another spear in Ding Hao's hand was inserted into the body of the Black Moon Remnant!

The current Ding Hao is merciless, regardless of the life and death of the Black Moon Remnant, just to make this guy without IQ completely feel fear!


It's another spear!

With his hands, legs, and body, in a blink of an eye, this Remnant Black Moon slave had a dozen spears inserted into his body. From a distance, it looked like a hedgehog, quite miserable!

After being pierced in the body of the Black Moon Remnant Slave, dirty black blood flowed out.

These black blood is dirty and smelly, but there is a strong sacred power in it!

However, these sacred powers will evaporate quickly within a short time; in the end, only a pool of black smelly blood will remain on the metal floor!

And from the crack pierced by the spear, there is also an astonishing amount of sacred power madly flowing outwards. When this power disappears into the void and is restored to the world, the body of the black moon slave becomes more and more. weak!

"Useless things, do you resist any more?" Ding Hao's face was cold, and he came to the Black Moon Remnant Slave.

The current black moon remnant slave has no resistance at all, it is almost exhausted, and may die at any time!

But even in this situation, this black moon remnant slave was still unwilling to surrender to Ding Hao. His eyes looked at Ding Hao coldly and ruthlessly, which was annoying!

Ding Hao was annoyed, "Well, give you a chance, you don't want it! Then don't blame me, you're welcome!"

Ding Hao's dozen spears were all used up, and when he raised his hand, he took out the aquamarine long knife that was a bit exaggerated.

"Since you are going to die, then I will let you die clean!" Ding Hao brandished a long knife in his hand and cut it down suddenly!

The knife light rolled away from the ground, and wherever it passed, the metal floor was also cut!

I saw this huge aquamarine sword light, getting closer and closer to the black moon remnant slave lying on the ground!

At this moment, a look of fear finally flashed in the eyes of this black moon slave slave, and a wailing sound of wailing in his mouth!

"You are still afraid." Ding Hao's mouth showed some triumphant smiles. In fact, he seemed cold, but he was already prepared.

When the black moon cannibal slave made a begging sound, Ding Hao's other palm moved upwards, and suddenly there was a force that suddenly lifted the black moon cannibal slave, avoiding this terrifying aquamarine sword light!

"Are you willing to surrender?" Ding Hao walked over and asked.

Regardless of the dozen or so spears stuck in his body, the black moon remnant slave knelt in front of Ding Hao and knelt in agreement.

After the Black Moon Remnant recognized the master, he didn't need to put any runes on his body, just pluck out more than a dozen long hairs, and he would follow Ding Hao obediently. However, after this battle, the combat effectiveness of this black moon remnant slave has dropped to a shameful level, and even the immortal sea can easily kill it!

"Become a waste, only to know to surrender." Ding Hao snorted coldly.

Although the Black Moon Remnant has become a waste, it is definitely not a waste. It is said that on the fourth floor, there must be a Black Moon Remnant to take Ding Hao to a safe place!

"Lord God, is the harvest successful? Do you want me to wait for help?" Shengyang Ancient God King sent a message to Ding Hao.

"No, I have already subdued it!" Ding Hao asked again, "From the third floor of the Black Moon Palace to the fourth floor, there is no problem, right?"

"No." Shengyang Ancient God said, "You only need to follow the map and walk to the end of the third floor of the Black Moon Palace to enter the fourth floor! However, after entering the fourth floor, we can't help you! There is no map there. , I can’t send out messages! Even if you want to give up exploring and return to the original way, you must remember the way!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I have the Black Moon Remnant Slaves leading the way this time. It shouldn't be a problem! I will try to reach the end of the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace and see if I can enter the core fifth floor!"

"Lord God, I don't mind if you enter the fifth floor of the core!" said the ancient **** king Shengyang, "it was too dangerous! I was fortunate enough to reach the end of the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace, where there are already an astonishing number of Black Moon Remnants. Slave the road! You can't go around that section of the road, and you won't be able to pass! So I walked there back then!"

"Don't worry, I will deal with it according to the situation then."

After Ding Hao had contacted the ancient **** king of Shengyang, he put away the black flag and said to the surrendered black moon slave, "From now on, you will be my slave honestly, and I will give you a name. Right!"

The Black Moon Remnant had no will or expression, but he could understand people's words and knew that he was called a small slave.

"Then let's set off." Ding Hao led a Black Moon Remnant, and continued to move forward, heading straight to the end of the third floor of Black Moon Palace.

Ding Hao saw a lot of statues of the Black Moon on the way, and even the King of the Black Moon, all of which were smashed by Ding Hao; however, his good luck did not continue, and there was no big explosion again. It's just some common materials.

When he was about to reach the end of the third floor of the Black Moon Palace, Ding Hao also encountered a few gods who did not have eyes!

These gods are the same as the previous Sihe gods. Seeing Ding Hao with good things, a regained black moon slave wanted to come over and sell it!

There was a disagreement, and even shot Ding Hao, wanting to grab this black moon remnant slave.

Ding Hao was rude to these people who knew nothing about life and death, and made another move to kill all these gods!

After killing these gods, Ding Hao simply cleaned up the spoils. The items that these people placed in the black flag collapsed with the breaking of the black flag. There were not many spoils, but Ding Hao got them from them. A silver shiny metal plate!

"What the **** is this?" Ding Hao had killed the king of black iron before, and after the explosion, he obtained such a metal plate.

And now, after killing these people, I get a second piece.

Ding Hao used the black flag again to contact his subordinates, and found that no one knew the usefulness of this silver luminous metal plate.

"What the **** is this?" Ding Hao frowned.

Although he hasn't figured out the function of this silver luminous metal plate until now, he faintly feels that the function of this metal plate, if discovered, must have an extraordinary effect!

"Keep it away first!"

Ding Hao put away the metal plate, took the little slave and moved on, and after another two months of walking, in front of them, finally appeared a brilliant and tall huge palace door, which was still a black light curtain!

But unlike the previous palace doors, there are several ancient runes on the light curtain in front of you.

Ding Hao asked. Everyone knew these ancient runes, and he wrote, "No entry below the King of God!"

Ding Hao snorted coldly, "Little slave, come in with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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