Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2594: Imprisoned darkroom

Chapter 2594 Imprisoned Dark Room

Chapter 2592 imprisoned dark room

"This is the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace!"

Ding Hao stood in a metal channel, frowning.

Like the third floor in front of the Black Moon Palace, the fourth floor is also a passage corridor; but the difference is that the passages on the fourth floor are narrow and complicated, like a large number of train tracks, some extend straight forward, and some face different directions Turning, some twisted back and forth, without whereabouts.

"What a complicated passage!"

Ding Hao noticed that on the ground of these passages, there were also different rune signs.

Ding Hao didn't know any of these rune signs, and the people who came here to explore the treasure did not know the function of the rune signs.

Walking forward for a while, this rune mark will change again. However, according to the reminders from the ancient **** king of Shengyang, Ding Hao knew that he could remember these marks he didn't know.

In this way, the distance you have traveled is recorded, and when you want to go back, you can go back the same way according to these signs.

The little slave who walked in with Ding Hao was quite familiar with this place, Ding Hao said, "Show me the way to the entrance of the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace!"

The slave immediately obediently walked towards one of the passages. When entering the passage, the scene was very peculiar. You can clearly see the other adjacent passages, but you can't walk through it!

Ding Hao followed the little slave for a while, but the little slave stopped there suddenly.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao also stopped temporarily.

Just after he stopped, a dozen or so black moon slaves ran out from the next passage! These remnants of the Black Moon were still beating and attacking each other along the way. Ding Hao was shocked to see that the strength of each of these remnants of the Black Moon surpassed the average God King!

When these dozen or so black moon remnant slaves fought in chaos, the earth was shaken and the sacred power vented wildly, quite shocking!

Roar! Suddenly the dozen or so black moon slaves noticed Ding Hao in this passage. They immediately stopped and looked at Ding Hao with cold and ruthless eyes, as if they were about to rush over at any time to tear Ding Hao to pieces!

However, because of the different passages, these black moon slaves couldn't rush over at all.

In the next second, these black moon cannibal slaves suddenly rushed forward and disappeared; when these black moon cannibal slaves disappeared, the little slave's movements began to speed up, leading Ding Hao to advance quickly, and soon walked into another In a passage; when Ding Hao and the others had just left, the few black moon remnants had already arrived at Ding Hao's location, looking around, looking for Ding Hao.

Ding Hao placed a small monitoring rune underground in that place, within a certain range, it could transmit the scene to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao was shocked secretly when he saw the situation coming from there, these black moon remnants knew their way here!

No wonder others say that the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace is very dangerous and cannot be entered until the King of Gods. It seems to be the case now. Not only are the Black Moon Remnants here very powerful, but they all know the way. There is no escape, no one will die!

"Thanks to me for taking the little slave! Otherwise, I just met a dozen black moon slaves, even if I don't die, I won't have half my life!" Ding Hao secretly grew cold behind him, because his strength is already very strong, here is the return Such a danger, you really have to be careful.

Ding Hao walked behind the slave for a while, a little faster and a little slower, and met several batches of black moon slaves in the middle, and they all avoided him!

While walking, Ding Hao finally saw the second item in the passage for the first time, that was the door.

The doors here are all black light curtain doors, some open on the passage, some open at the intersection, and some open beside the passage.

"Look at what the people who have explored before?" Ding Hao took out a book, which recorded the scenes that the former **** king-level powerhouse saw when he explored the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace.

"There are many doors on the fourth floor! There are doors that must be passed through, there are doors that choose passages, there are random shuttle doors, and there are doors of treasures! Before entering each door, you must be prepared. I don’t know what this door is. What the **** is there!"

"So dangerous?" Ding Hao raised his brows, and said his heart was so dangerous, so why should I go in?

However, it is recorded in the back of the classics that “the small doors opened on the left and right sides of the passage are the rooms left by the first dark saints. Among them, the danger is relatively small. The treasures obtained by the treasure hunters are almost all from these rooms! All the treasures that can be obtained are the most precious top treasures in ancient times!"

"That's it."

When Ding Hao's expression moved, not far in front of him, there was a small door like this that opened on both sides of the passage.

"Since you are on the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace, you can't just enter a room without taking a look?" Thinking of this, Ding Hao said, "Little slave, is there any danger in this room?"

Xiao Nu looked blank, Ding Hao said, "Just go in and have a look."

Immediately, the two walked into the small door.

This small door is very peculiar. You can't see the inside of the door in the passage, but you can see the scene of the outer passage, even the several passages next door.

"If you are in danger, it is relatively safe to hide in these small doors." Ding Hao began to look at the situation in the room again.

As recorded in the ancient books, these rooms are left by the dark saints. The rooms are very dark and huge. There are small iron cages inside. Back then, they were all prisons. The first generation of darkness was imprisoned. The enemy of the saint!

"This room should have been explored before!"

Ding Hao walked and looked at it. All the decorative materials on the wall have been knocked off and taken away; the metal materials used to make the iron cage in the room have also been cut and taken away. The rest are all connected. Unremovable and worthless materials on the metal floor.


Ding Hao heard the sound and quickly walked a few steps, only to hear the loud booming sound coming from the front.

When I walked over and took a look, I saw a huge, pitch-black life in an intact iron cage, tumbling and twisting crazily. From its body, 10,000 densely packed black runes appeared. These black runes It is having a powerful suppressive effect, making this huge dark life miserable, but unable to break free!

"My God! There are still black moon slaves who have not been released!"

With the departure of the first generation of dark saints, many of the black moon slaves in the Black Moon Palace were released, and they wandered around on the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace; however, there are also some black moon slaves who have not been released so far. In the iron cage three times a day, regularly suffer the cruel torture of the black rune on the body!

"The first generation of dark saints is cruel enough! Such torture three times a day, tortured for hundreds of millions of years, even if I will become a black moon slave who has no mind and only hatred!"

(End of this chapter)

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