Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2611: Gudi's plan

Chapter 2611 The Ancient Emperor's Plan

Chapter 2609 Ancient Emperor's Plan

The third clone of the Dark Saint, leaving two items as rewards for clearance.

The first item is impressive, a way to open the rune seal!

"The open rune seal..."

Ding Hao's eyes flickered, and the rune displayed above was the ancient mark on the hilt of the Eternal Fire!

"As long as this ancient mark can be opened, the power of the dark saint on the eternal fire can be invoked, and this super powerful weapon can be further improved!"

Ding Hao was of course very excited with this discovery!

"My strength has improved a bit!"

Ding Hao's current combat effectiveness has reached a peak, it is difficult to improve it! So every little improvement requires huge effort!

The second item left by the Dark Saint was an ancient-level sacred palace! It is a rare flying palace treasure in the sacred world!

"Although this sacred palace is extremely precious and luxurious, it does not help me in terms of combat effectiveness!"

At this moment, Ding Hao is constantly facing challenges. What he urgently needs is a variety of weapons and runes that can enhance his combat effectiveness.

He originally thought that the reward for this level should be given to him a powerful attack rune, who knew that he was given this flashy thing!

"It's a little troublesome now!"

With his strength, just now challenging the third clone of the Dark Saint had already appeared stretched.

If it hadn't been for those two ancient **** kings desperately helping each other, Ding Hao might not even think about passing the third level!

"I'm going to challenge the fourth level now, it's no different from dying!"

Ding Hao sat cross-legged, sitting in this huge and lonely space, making a calculation, "It is less than 20 years before the opening of the ancient Hong Ruins. I am not strong enough to challenge the fourth level. It would be better to spend some time. Time is here to hit the realm of the gods!"

Ding Hao entered the depths of the Black Moon Palace this time to explore, the first goal was to be able to impact the realm of the gods!

Later, because I was not careful, I saw Leng Xiaoyu, which changed the final goal!

"It seems that it is not realistic to control the entire Black Moon Palace at once. I still have to be down-to-earth and be able to break through and enter the realm of gods before the opening of the ancient Hong Ruins!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, raised his hand and suddenly appeared in front of him many treasures of heaven and earth, as well as ancient medicine!

These heavenly materials and earthly treasures and ancient medicines were all preserved during his previous explorations, and they were specially prepared to be used when he broke through!

"Rather than be sure to hit the fourth level, it is better to break through here with peace of mind! Only by upgrading my cultivation to the realm of gods can I have enough strength to challenge the fourth level!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao raised his hand and took out a wooden box in front of him. After opening it, there was a gleaming ancient **** pill inside!

"Ancient mood pill!"

Ding Hao took this pill and immediately began to meditate cross-legged, attacking the realm of the gods!

The realm of God Sovereign, in the sacred world is already a relatively high-end god, above it, it is already a God King!

So this state is very crucial!

The biggest difference between the realm of the gods and the realm of the immortal gods lies in the quantitative change to the qualitative change. The five elements of divine power, divine fire, divine nature, divine status, and priesthood have all been greatly improved. Then, in this promotion, these five great The elements merge with each other!

At this point, like a monarch among the gods, he can control the destiny of himself and others, so he is called a god!

"With my strength, all the five elements have reached the peak. What we need to do now is to integrate these five with each other!"

Ding Hao's own strength is already very powerful, and the amount of the five elements has all reached the peak, so he is ready to use the last 20 years to rush into the realm of the gods!

If it is for anyone else to break through this realm in 20 years, it is simply a fantasy!

"Immortal gods attacking the realm of the gods are extraordinary. Even my strength and these ancient elixirs of heaven, material and earth, can't be said to be stable! 20 years, it is too nervous, hurry!"


When Ding Hao tried to attack his cultivation, many people outside were already a little anxious.

"Seeing that there are still 20 years, the ancient Hong site will be opened, why hasn't the main **** come out?" Many of Ding Hao's gods and kings began to worry.

They had arranged all the outside of the ancient Hong ruins in accordance with Ding Hao's instructions and waited to open the door.

But now Ding Hao has no figure, and everyone feels that the dragons have no leader.

"Don't worry, everyone, since the Lord God has promised everyone, he will definitely appear at that time!" When everyone finally asked the ancient **** King Shengyang, he smiled slightly, making everyone wait at ease.

But everyone waited and waited, ten years later, Ding Hao still has no news!

Already some **** kings and **** princes could not help but send out some urging and inquiring messages by paying tribute to Ding Hao; but after these messages were sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any reply at all!

In the anxious wait, another five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and only five short years are left before the opening of the ancient Hong site!

"Hahaha!" In a dark area, several old ancient **** kings burst out laughing.

"In five years, I heard that Ding Hao's child is missing? Is there such a thing?" Gu Di asked excitedly.

"We have all got inside information, it is true!" The other ancient **** kings on the scene replied gleefully.

"I said, he doesn't even want to rush through the third clone of the dark saint! There are still five years before the miracle will happen, he should be finished!" Ancient Emperor God King said.

However, there are also **** kings who are more worried, "Old Emperor, if Ding Hao has been killed by the clone of the dark saint, then his idol should collapse, and the priesthood of the two main gods should also change! But none of this happened, it should He is still alive!"

"What about living?" Another ancient **** king came out and said, "Everyone who has attacked the third clone knows that the perverted dark saint likes to make living people into toys! Ding Hao is not dead now, but very It may have been made into a puppet toy, life is better than death!"

"Not bad." The ancient emperor **** king's face was full of joy, and he said, "If Ding Hao breaks through the third level, he will definitely come out at this time! There are still five years left, he doesn't want to come out and arrange the last ones. Arrangements? He must have something wrong, so he can’t come out! We will wait for another three years. If he doesn’t make any move by then, we will directly take over his subordinates! For those who are willing to cooperate, we will continue to accept our subordinates. ; And for those who are unwilling to cooperate, all will be put to death!"

"It's so good!" All the ancient gods present nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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