Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2612: Preach the world

Chapter 2612 Preach the World

Chapter 2610 preaching the world

Year after year, another three years passed in an instant.

With the last two years left before the opening of the ancient Hong site, everyone's nerves are already tense.

"Everyone has waited for nearly 100 years for the moment when the ancient Hong site opened. If you can't rush into the site to open the site's gate this time, then the ancient Hong site will never open!"

All the gods and kings of Ding Hao gathered together again to make the final discussion and arrangement on this matter.

The Blood Demon King said, "What's the situation with the Lord God now? There are two years left and he won't come out. Doesn't he have to come out until the last moment?"

Ding Hao's main deity has not collapsed, nor has his priesthood been occupied by others. He should be still alive. Everyone is not worried about Ding Hao's safety.

However, some **** king said, "I once heard that the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace is very dangerous! There is also a very powerful strong man who will make the person who breaks through the barrier into an immortal toy! Even if this person does not die, he will never die. No freedom!"

"What?" When the **** king and king who were present heard this sentence, their expressions were shocked, "If you say this, the main **** is probably in danger!"

The ancient **** of Shengyang signaled everyone to stop the discussion and said, "I believe the Lord God will come back on time and lead us into the ancient Hong site! You only need to do your own thing well, and don’t stop the unfounded rumors. Discuss indiscriminately so as not to shake the morale of the military!"

"How can it be said that it is an unfounded rumor?" Suddenly, a cold snort came from outside the palace.

Then, an old man with a high crown and white hair like snow, who looked very majestic walked in from the outside; following this old man, all of them were powerful people at the level of ancient gods, and the crowd came fiercely. After entering the main hall, the majestic old man sat directly at the top of the palace!

"The ancient emperor!" God King Shengyang's face darkened, and he said, "That is the position of our lord Ding Hao!"

"He has been trapped in the third clone of the Dark Saintess on the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace. It is impossible to get out. Do you want to leave this position for someone who doesn't need it?" The ancient emperor looked majestic and slapped the chair suddenly. , Scolded angrily, "It is only two short years before the opening of the ancient Hong Ruins, but your place is in chaos, and there is no leader! Ding Hao, this kid will not come out of the Black Moon Palace again, I have taken over this place!"

"What?" All the gods and kings present were loyal believers of Ding Hao, and they all stood up immediately, "Ancient emperor and god, do you want to be shameless? We discovered the ancient Hong site. We have been here for 100 years. Work hard! Now two years before the door opens, you are running to grab the victory, and your abacus is too good!"

"Asshole! How dare you resist me?" The ancient emperor was furious, waved his hand and said, "Do you want to die? All of your family members in Black Moon Holy Land want to die?"

When he said this, the other ancient **** kings had all their power, standing in this palace, all the **** kings and kings present felt tremendous pressure!

"From now on, I will take over this place! Including the dark temple and the dark temple, I will take over all!"

However, just under the command of the ancient emperor, the ancient **** of Shengyang sneered, "Old emperor, don’t forget that the control of this plan is with us! If you dare to move anyone here, I just need to release One rune can make the ancient Hong site prepared for a hundred years, and it will be destroyed instantly! At that time, no one will even want to enter!"

"You!" The ancient emperor **** king was furious, although he wanted to kill Shengyang.

However, Shengyang is also an ancient **** king. After practicing Ding Hao's two-line technique, his strength is also very strong; the ancient emperor **** king is not sure to kill him before Shengyang releases the rune!

"What the **** are you going to do?" The ancient emperor and **** king furiously shouted, "Ding Hao himself has been in the quagmire, shouldn't the ancient Hong ruins also be missed because of this? Our group of people came today, mainly thinking Working with you, I did not expect your attitude!"

The ancient emperor God King’s tone has softened, and the Shengyang God King also nodded and said, "Cooperation is okay, but you must ensure the safety of all of us!"

"This is acceptable."

Although the ancient emperor promised, he was already extremely angry and thought to himself: As long as I enter the ancient Hong site, these Ding Hao and other men, I will kill them all! Moreover, I will kill all the relatives and friends of Ding Hao who stayed in the Black Moon Holy Land!

Even though he thought so, he didn't show any expression on the surface, and laughed, "Then let's plan together now. Two years later, when the giants open the gate of the ruins, our response plan!"

"it is good!"

Although Shengyang God King also had a smile on his face, he was also a little anxious.

"Lord God, when will you come out? Even I'm a little anxious. If you don't come out by then, even if the ancient Hong Ruins are opened, we and your relatives and friends, I am afraid that all of us and your relatives and friends will be killed by the ancient emperor! "


It has been 18 years since Ding Hao retreats and hits the realm of the gods!

In this large gray-white metal square, he was the only figure sitting cross-legged.

The treasures of heaven and earth and the ancient medicine in front of him have also been consumed by him for nine out of ten, but his face is completely blank!

"Damn it, as the main **** of the two systems of cultivation techniques, I want to upgrade to the realm of gods, and it is even more difficult than others!"

Others merged the five elements, and after reaching a critical point, they entered the realm of gods; for Ding Hao, this fusion was much more difficult, because his techniques were more complicated and dark than others. The Department also has the Bright Department, and there is a set of contradictions out of thin air!

"The only way now is to work hard to integrate "Yan Shen Lu"!"

"Yan Shenlu" is the reward he got after defeating the first clone of the Dark Saint.

This is not only a exercise method, but also a very complicated exercise method. Although Ding Hao got it, he just watched it briefly, and did not study it in depth! Because it takes too much time to study this ancient exercise in depth, Ding Hao is going to find a long time to learn in the future!

But now, he is stuck on the bottleneck, he must first learn this "Yan Shenlu"!

"But there are still two years left for me now. Two years later, when the ancient Hong site opens, it is impossible for me to fully integrate this "Shen Yanlu" within two years!"

Ding Hao frowned when he thought of this, and he couldn't think of any solution!

But he thought about it, and finally got some ideas. His face was stern and he said, "It seems that the only way is to preach the world and let all the gods in the world help me learn this ancient exercise together!"

(End of this chapter)

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