Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2623: There is a day outside

Chapter 2623

Chapter 2621

The Guhong Pagoda is very huge, six sides and hexagonal, with a big bottom and a small one.

Ding Hao and the others walked in through the side gate under the tower. There were nearly 300 people, and they did not appear to be crowded.

"These are foreigners!" the giant elite whispered.

It seems that these giants' elites also lived in the Guhong ruins and swallowed their voices carefully.

Ding Hao and the others looked up, and there were so many foreigners in front of them!

In the sacred world, even if different races have different appearances, they still have at least a little human form; and the people of these foreign races in front of you are all weird, some are like metal iron blocks, some can be deformed wantonly, some are very tall, some Can be broken down into countless parts!

When these foreigners saw Ding Hao and the 300 people coming in, they all became vigilant. Some released their weapons and stared at them with piercing eyes!

"Everyone, be careful! Be prepared! If someone dares to attack, they will do their best to kill them with one blow!" Ding Hao immediately gave orders to all the gods.

The competition between different races is very cruel, especially if they are newcomers, if they can't stand up in a fight, they will be bullied to the end in the future!

boom! The ancient emperor, these powerful men, all released their sacred aura!

Those foreign beings present, after sensing this momentum, knew that Ding Hao and the others were not easy to provoke.

Soon after, Ding Hao and the others came to the bottom of Guhong Pagoda, a cave entrance, and the giant elite said, "God Lord, this is our permanent residence!"

"This is too simple!" Ding Hao frowned.

The so-called resident in front of me is just a simple room in Guhong Pagoda. From the outside, it looks like an earthen cave dwelling, too far away from my own imagination!

"Go in and have a look."

But after everyone entered, they found that the area inside was quite large, and each of 300 people could find at least one quiet room for cultivation.

"Everyone will live here first, and when it develops in the future, we will look for a new place! At least everyone will have their own independent Dongfu!"

Ding Hao said so, and many other strong men nodded one after another.

At this time, someone shouted, "There are many traces of predecessors on this wall, and I don't know what cultivation method is!"

Ding Hao said, "The ancient Hong site has its own independent language. I will sort it out these few days and send the language to you. This way, everyone can walk around! Take a look at the local customs here!"

Ding Hao didn't dare to act rashly and took everyone to stay temporarily.

For this group of new neighbors, there are a large number of them, and they don't look easy to provoke, and the other life races in Guhongta dare not provoke them easily.

In this way, time passed quickly, and everyone gradually became clear about the world of Gu Hong.

"This is a plane whose level is equal to that of the sacred world. The main feature of Guhong's world is that it provides connectivity; from the plane of the same level, different cultivators live and practice here; I think it’s just coming here. To communicate and learn!"

Ding Hao felt that if he practiced behind closed doors at the Guhong site, he might as well go back to the sacred world to practice, and the effect would be similar;

The reason why I came here is to learn and integrate the techniques of foreign races, and to buy and exchange various treasures unique to foreign races;

In this way, you can improve your skills, increase your treasures, and make yourself stronger!

Over time, Ding Hao and some other foreign neighbors on the first floor of Guhongta also established simple contacts.

"Recently, we are going to hold an item exchange meeting on the first floor of Guhong Pagoda. Are you interested in participating in the Protoss?" A cultivator of the metal race asked.

"Of course I am interested! We have a lot of precious items from the Protoss here, which can be exchanged!"

"That's great."

Ding Hao sent the news here, and the Protoss and others were all very excited. After coming to this world, they could finally see the techniques and treasures of foreign races!

The goods exchange meeting is not held in any of the premises, but in the open space on the first floor of Guhong Tower.

It's very simple. Anyone can sit cross-legged on the spot and release what they want to sell.

If someone likes it, you can ask, and if the two parties agree on the terms of sale, they will exchange on the spot.

In the world of Guhong, there is no currency of its own, and everyone mainly exchanges items by bartering.

At the beginning of the exchange meeting, the gods on the side of the Protoss took out their natural treasures, practice techniques, and the products of various Protoss, which immediately attracted the attention of other foreign races! Because the items taken out by the Protoss are rarely seen before!

Moreover, these foreign races are also very interested in the cultivation techniques of the Protoss, and they want to exchange and buy them.

The Protoss side still doesn't have much experience, and many gods pay a great price in exchange for some useless things of foreign races.

For example, metal pets from the metal family are kept by their side. They are very obedient, deformed and act like a baby. The King of Colorful Goddess bought several! But these things are not useful for cultivation at all. On the contrary, they are a waste of time and mood!

Ding Hao is not in a hurry to buy foreign items, he does not know the characteristics of those items, and it is useless to buy them back;

He made a small shot and used a few huge black moonstones to exchange two copies of the Mana Clan's exercises.

The Mona tribe is a very peculiar life race, in which various forces can flow freely and will not conflict with each other, so it is very difficult to kill this foreign life with force.

After Ding Hao obtained his exercises, he simply studied it, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"This exercise, if I can integrate part of the useful content into my two systems of exercises, and my two exercises will work together, it will be even more tacit! The world of Guhong is indeed a variety of life. Race, all kinds of wisdom, where the exchanges collide!"

Just when Ding Hao and his party's item exchange meeting was on the third day, suddenly there was a loud rumbling noise from outside the ancient Hongta tower.

Everyone saw that in the outer space, two huge bodies standing upright in the sky were blasting wildly!

"My God! What level of battle?" The ancient **** kings around Ding Hao were all surprised.

The strength of these ancient gods in the sacred world has reached the top level, and now coming here to see the two giant figures fighting outside, they are simply incomparable, and their eyes are full of shock!

"These two powerhouses are the top cultivators of our Guhong Tower!" A foreigner of the Golden Eye tribe said enviously, "When can I have such strength?"

Ding Hao saw the battle outside, his eyes were shocked, "There are really people outside the world, there are people outside the sky, if I have this strength, the entire sacred world will be unified by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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