Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2624: Guhong Tower 2nd Floor

Chapter 2624 Guhong Tower Second Floor

Chapter 2622 Second Floor of Ancient Hong Tower

The battle of the super strong outside the ancient Hong Pagoda made Ding Hao and the group of newcomers who had just entered the ancient Hong ruins feel excited.

Especially those ancient gods, when they were in the sacred world, they thought that they had reached the limit of the sky, and it was difficult to break through.

However, the battle before them made them completely awake.

Their strength is in the world of Gu Hong, only ranked in the middle and lower, there are so many real powerhouses!

With today's encouragement, after participating in the exchange meeting, everyone began to study and study by themselves, and work hard to improve!

Ding Hao didn't take time for him to retreat and integrate the Mana Clan exercises he bought into his two-system exercises.

He continued to perfect the two systems of exercises, and his followers continued to contribute their own ideas to make this exercise more powerful.

Outside the Guhong Tower, the two super strong men fought for more than a year. One day later, one of the strong men decided to give up and leave!


In the ancient Hong Pagoda, there was a joyful color suddenly.

"What's the situation?" Someone from the Protoss went out to ask, and soon returned to report to Ding Hao, "Lord God, it turns out that the two strong men are fighting for the master of Guhongta! Now one of the super strong men has temporarily lost and gave up. , The remaining super powerhouse will become the master of this ancient Hong Pagoda!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao and others nodded.

The ancient emperor said, "Then shall we give some gifts to show respect?"

"This is not necessary." Ding Hao denied, "The power of this kind of power is earth-shattering, and the treasures we have seen are even more unimaginable! We gave this gift, which is nothing in his eyes! And the point is, These different life races have different tempers. Who knows what he thinks? Too close can cause trouble to the upper body!"

Under Ding Hao's suggestion, everyone decided to continue to wait and see.

This super strong man who controls Guhong Tower is named "Lie"!

After he became the master of Guhongta, he quickly issued an order to re-determine the ranking floors of the major races in Guhongta, which means that Ding Hao and the others have the opportunity to move their permanent residence to a higher place in Guhongta. !

"We must fight for this opportunity!"

Soon, Ding Hao and others gathered together again, Gu Huangdao, "I made friends with a few foreigners a while ago, and heard from them that if I were stationed on the second or third floor, the environment and cultivation conditions there would be better than ours. More! And more importantly, there is a chance to be qualified to watch the Guhong stele! It is the oldest pioneer in the ancient Hong world, and the exercise books left by the ancient Hong people are also the most precious good things in the world! "

"Gu Hong Stone Stele! The inheritance of the ancient Hong Clan's exercises!" The eyes of the people waiting were brightened.

Everyone comes here to learn the exercises of other foreign races. This is just a trail, and the speed of improvement is very slow;

But the exercise books left by the ancient Hong nationality are ancient and effective. Any life race here can become very strong after learning!

The master of the ancient Hong Pagoda, "Lie", has learned a lot of ancient Hong clan exercises to achieve his current strength!

"Yes, this group of us must have an impact!"

Shengyang Ancient God King asked again, "It's just this kind of floor re-ranking, how does it proceed?"

Everyone looked at a loss, no one knew how this so-called re-ranking was performed?

In fact, don't say that their Protoss don't know, even if they go out to inquire about the nearby life races, everyone doesn't know, after all, this kind of re-ranking will only happen once in a very long time!

Everyone waited for a few days, and suddenly the inside of Guhong Tower panicked from top to bottom.

The entire ancient Hong Pagoda trembled violently, and every brick and stone seemed to crack.

"What's the situation?" The life races living on all levels all walked out of their permanent residences, their faces panicked.

At this moment, the entire Guhong Pagoda heard the voice of "Lie", "All my people of all races, Guhong Pagoda must not be reshuffled now! I will release a large number of tower demons soon! A permanent resident is no exception. You must fight the tower monster to **** your new permanent resident! Of course, you can also escape, and when you come back, you will always live on the first floor!"

When this sentence was finished, the walls of the entire Guhong Pagoda burst open in all directions, and many demon lives that looked like monitor lizards rushed up quickly, biting people when they saw it, no matter what it was, even the hard metal clan. , Will be bitten into pieces by it!

"My God, this is the Tower Demon? It's terrible!"

Many life races turned their heads in fright and ran away. The gates of Guhong Tower were open, and all life races fled frantically.

However, under this circumstance, there are also some life races huddled together, facing the difficulties, taking advantage of this opportunity to attack upwards and rush into the second or third floor of Guhong Tower!

"Well, do we want to go?" The Protoss under Ding Hao were all eager to try.

Right now, although it is very dangerous, it is also an opportunity. If they don't take the opportunity to rush to the second and third floors, then they will stay on the first floor and never even think of getting the ancient Hong stone monument!

"We..." His eyes flashed, "Of course we have to!"

After speaking, Ding Hao ordered all the gods to withdraw from Guhong Pagoda, and he took all the ancient gods and contemporary gods, and killed them along the stairs!


Puff puff!

Ding Hao released eternal fire, wherever the sword light went, those weird and ugly beings fell on the spot, shed a lot of green blood.

While they were slowly advancing up the wide stairs, many life races were also doing the same thing as them. Everyone was struggling to move up, and the tower demon surging from above seemed like a tide, killing them. Can't kill it!

In the course of the battle, there are constant powerhouses of various life races, dragged into the group of monsters by these ugly tower monsters, and they are instantly torn to pieces!

The two contemporary **** kings under Ding Hao's movements were a step slow, they were torn to pieces and completely swallowed.

"Everyone, be careful!"

At this moment, another group of taller, faster tower monsters swarmed down like a gray tide!

"Kill! Kill to the second floor!"

Seeing that the phalanx of many other life races around was overwhelmed by such a huge number of tower demons, Ding Hao gritted his teeth secretly and cut out a huge sword light in his hand, "Kill!"

At this moment, on the top level of Guhong Pagoda, a powerful man with a huge body is looking down!

This strong man is just "Lie" who has just obtained control of Guhongta. He looked down, especially those strong men who fought bravely. He nodded secretly, "A few people are good. Can be cultivated to be my disciple!"

(End of this chapter)

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