Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2625: Ancient Hong Stele

Chapter 2625 Gu Hong Stele

Chapter 2623 Gu Hong Stele


This time, Gu Hongta's reshuffle is a great thing for Ding Hao and the others!

Originally, they could not enjoy any benefits at all on the first floor of Guhong Pagoda. However, some of the life races who have lived on the second floor for a long time have clearly declined, and they still depend on their permanent residences!

Now, countless tower monsters seem to be floods, scouring all the life races that are unable to continue fighting Guhongta!

Ding Hao and the others soon came to the second floor of Guhong Tower.

After reaching the second floor, the ancient emperor pointed his finger, "There is a permanent station over there, let's rush in and take a look!"

When they rushed into the permanent residence on the second floor, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, "Gu Hong Stele!"

This is a kind of inscription floating in the void. It is very precious. The original life race in this permanent residence did not even take away such precious things and escaped from Guhong Pagoda!

Ding Hao moved his eyes and said, "It seems that there are still many races that have left the Guhong Stele. We will immediately go to other permanent locations to find the Guhong Stele!"

At the moment, Ding Hao put away the stone stele in front of him. On this floor, he slaughtered the tower monster while looking for the Guhong stone stele.

They had a huge harvest this time, and they found as many as five ancient Hong stone steles!

"Great!" This kind of ancient Hong stone monument is what they urgently need, a treasure for cultivation!

Shengyang Shen Wang said, "We have gained a great deal this time, otherwise we will find a permanent resident to temporarily settle down!"

Ding Hao slowly shook his head and said, "This kind of card shuffling opportunity is unlikely to happen once in billions of years! Our current strength is not bad, I think we can go up again and go!"

The ancient emperor and the other ancient gods present also agreed, "Just walk up!"

Everyone rushed to the third floor of Guhong Pagoda. The tower monster here exudes golden light spots, which is very powerful!

"Quickly, find a permanent resident!"

Soon, they found an abandoned permanent resident, and after they entered, the resident was also full of tower monsters!

Everyone spent a lot of time to clean up all these tower monsters, and in this permanent residence, they found an even larger ancient Hong stone monument!

"The third floor of Guhong Tower!"

Everyone cleaned up here, and the tower monsters were all killed, but everyone felt that they still owed something.

"Lord God..."

Ding Hao looked at everyone's expectant eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "If you live on the third floor, you will have limited future prospects! It's better to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity and charge up!"

"Good!" Almost all the Protoss powerhouses were all excited.

The powerhouses of the Protoss do not feel that they are worse than the other life races here, just because they are late; since they are late, they must work harder. The third layer is not everyone's ultimate desire!

Therefore, Ding Hao and the others still decided to give up and move on!

They rushed until they were about to reach the fifth floor of Guhong Tower!

When I got here, I was already struggling. The tower monster in front of me was covered with dense golden light spots. The power was very strong and the movements were very quick. At least eight contemporary **** kings under Ding Hao were torn to pieces on the spot!

What’s more dangerous is that the number of permanent residences on the fifth floor is limited, and other life races also want to kill them, so there is a competition with the Protoss; these races often use a lot of insidious tricks to suppress the Protoss and not let them. Protoss forward!

"Lord God, what should I do? It seems that the fifth floor can't be killed!" Looking at the burial demon mouths of the contemporary **** kings, the ancient **** kings are all red eyes, but it is still difficult to move forward!

"We can't kill because of the other side!" Ding Hao's face was cold, and he looked not far away, that was a group of life clansmen wearing blue skin.

This group of life clan members are very cunning, they will send a younger generation with the weakest strength in a while, attracting a large number of tower monsters to the gods!

"If we want to kill them, we have to destroy them first!"

"However, they are still some distance from us, and they are above us again!"

Ding Hao sneered at the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, look at me! Wouldn't they lead us to blame? We will lead him some too!"

After saying this, Ding Hao immediately waved his hand, releasing as many as hundreds of Black Moon slaves!

These black moon remnants came out of the black moon palace and were taken into the bag by Ding Hao using methods, and they never had the opportunity to use them.

Today, it happens to be the time to use these cannon fodder!

Hundreds of black moon remnant slaves attracted an astonishing number of powerful tower monsters, and the tide rushed to the blue skin tribe. Suddenly, there was a catastrophe on the other side. The blue skin tribe was already small in number and was instantly flooded by the tide!

"Let's go!"

The eternal fire in Ding Hao's hands was fully unleashed, releasing a fan-shaped sword light, everything in front of him was broken!

Under Ding Hao's leadership, walking on an astonishing number of tower monster corpses, Ding Hao and the others finally stood on the fifth floor of Guhong Tower!

At this level, they know their strength and can no longer move on, the best way is to quickly find a permanent resident!

"Someone here! Get out of here!"

"Someone! Go!"

Ding Hao and the others searched for a while, but they didn't find a permanent resident, all of them were already occupied!

"It's over!" Ding Hao and the **** kings all felt desperate, surrounded by tower monsters flooding like tides, but the permanent residence on this floor was already full!

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise from a distance, all the walls cracked again, and an astonishing number of tower monsters were used!

Some of the life races that had rushed to the fifth floor and had completely slackened, were completely unprepared, and immediately suffered heavy casualties and escaped!

Ding Hao's eyes lit up, "We have no way to go, we can only get in! Let's get in when they come out!"

The Protoss paid a heavy price in order to gain a foothold here, but it was still worth it!

When the "Purge of Tower Demon" in the Guhong Tower finally ended, the internal forces of the Guhong Tower were reshuffled. The ten-story Guhong Tower, Ding Hao and the others went up to the fifth floor. The Protoss went from an unknown life race to Become a medium-life race in Guhongta!

In this desperate battle, Ding Hao and the others got a total of 19 large and small ancient Hong stone steles!

For them, this is a very precious, precious wealth!

And Ding Hao didn't know that it was his bravery and quick wit in this battle that made some super powerhouse at the highest level of Guhongta notice this young man from the Protoss!

"From today, everyone will take turns to watch and learn the ancient Hong stele!" After Ding Hao occupied the permanent station, he immediately took out the ancient Hong stele for everyone to practice and study!

(End of this chapter)

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