Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2627: Ancient Emperor Robber

Chapter 2627

Chapter 2625 Ancient Emperor Robbing People

"What? Lie wants to see the Lord God!"

In the entire permanent resident, the joyous crowd, all quieted down.

As the highest power in the ancient Hongta, how could Lie pay attention to the group of Gods!

Is it good or bad for Lie to see Ding Hao? Everyone's heart is uneasy!

"Why? Is this scared?" The three tall figures were full of mockery on their faces.

However, at this moment, a young man wearing a bone armor walked out frankly, "Three seniors, please lead the way! Next is Ding Hao, thank you very much!"

When these three tall figures saw Ding Hao coming out, they snorted coldly, "Finally, you have the courage, come with us!"

Ding Hao followed these three people to the higher place of Guhong Tower.

It is also possible to fight in the Guhong Pagoda. Except for the permanent residences of each family, there are no other safe areas, so the weak usually dare not ascend to a higher level at all, otherwise they will be killed by someone without a reason!

Therefore, Ding Hao has never reached a higher level before.

Ding Hao believed that these three people would never dare to preach the imperial decree, and also believed that Lie would not kill him, the little ant for no reason, so he had the courage to walk upward.

Walking to the sixth floor, seventh floor, and eighth floor of Guhong Pagoda, Ding Hao can see the strong who live and live in these places. The strength is indeed very strong, and it is not comparable to the current Ding Hao!

Ding Hao followed these three people and was listening to them chatting.

"Does Teacher Lie want to accept the fourth disciple?"

"I don't know! But even if you want to accept disciples, there are too many strong 789 floors, there is no need to go to the fifth floor, right?"

"Who knows, I know when I get to the teacher."

Ding Hao listened to their discussion, feeling apprehensive, surprised and delighted.

Lie is the strongest of Gu Hongta. If he can worship this strong as his teacher, it would be a great good thing for Ding Hao, but why did this good thing fall on him?

Soon after, Ding Hao was taken to the tenth floor of Guhong Pagoda.

There is no permanent residence one after another here, only a super huge hall, very simple, earthy-yellow internal walls, like a stone tower built for hundreds of years without cleaning, there is nothing inside.

"Teacher, we have brought people here, let's retreat first." The three tall figures retreated under the steps.

Ding Hao was standing on the tenth floor of the tower alone, looking around at Ding Hao. When he felt puzzled, ten golden stone steles suddenly fell from the sky above him, all of which were hanging in the air. , But the location is higher than the other, like ten stairs, leading to the window at the highest point of Guhong Pagoda!

From the window, there was a majestic voice, "Ding Hao, I know you want to be my disciple. All the cultivators in the entire Guhong Pagoda want to be my disciple! But according to my observations , You are the most suitable. Now you have watched and studied all these ten steles! If you can light them up, you will pass the final assessment! Become my fourth disciple!"

The years Lie has lived cannot be counted in years. His understanding and thoroughness of human nature, no matter which life race he comes from, he knows clearly.

That's why he doesn't like roundabouts at all. To be honest, he also likes others like that.

Ding Hao didn't write any ink, and clasped his fists to express his gratitude, "Lie, thank you for giving me the opportunity and hope I can succeed."

Then, Ding Hao began to practice the first stone tablet in front of him. The exercise content on this stone tablet is relatively simple for Ding Hao, and should come from the sacred world!

Ding Hao himself is a person in the sacred world, and it is easy to cultivate his own world's techniques.

Moreover, the exercises Lie released were not very difficult. Ding Hao didn't spend a long time before completing his cultivation.

After he finished his cultivation, a brilliant golden light was released from this stone tablet, Ding Hao continued to walk upward, and soon came to the second stone tablet.

The second stone stele is not so easy, not from the sacred world, but the content is not difficult, it should come from a world near the sacred world.

In this way, time passed day by day, 500 years have passed since the world of Guhong!

Ding Hao has never returned since he left his permanent residence, but the ancient **** kings of the Protoss are still practicing here. Everyone is secretly guessing when Ding Hao will return?

"Everyone, the main **** hasn't come back yet! Seeing that 500 years are about to arrive, the Guhong Altar can be opened again!" said the ancient emperor, "We have practiced many foreign exercises in the past 500 years, and our cultivation has greatly increased! We should open the ancient Hong site and put in a group of our tribesmen to come in and practice!"

"That's great!" Shengyang Shenwang and others all agreed.

Back then, everyone said that they would come first, and after 500 years, they would open the ancient Hong site and let another group of people come in for cultivation.

"Then let's set off these few days!"

Everyone prepares slightly. Under the leadership of the ancient emperor, some people were left to guard the permanent station. Most of them flew out of the ancient hong tower and rushed to the ancient hong altar that controlled the gods!

At the same time, in the sacred world, cultivators are also excited.

Xiaobi and her few children are not low in cultivation now, and after screening, they have the opportunity to enter the ancient Hong world to practice.

Therefore, a large number of people have been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for the ruins to open!

Boom boom boom!

The huge white runes in the sky began to rotate, the code locks circled back and forth, and the ancient Hong ruins would be opened at any time.

Xiaobi, friends, and the patron saints who have been waiting for 500 years, the ancient Hong ruins are reopened in anticipation.

But when the huge white beam of light fell, what came out of the beam of light was an old man with white hair and white beard and a high crown. Behind the old man stood several strangely shaped life forms with huge heads.


The cultivating gods present were all dumbfounded. Everyone thought they would wait for Ding Hao, but who knew it was the ancient emperor who was waiting!

"Why, am I not happy to take you to the ancient Hong site?" The ancient emperor laughed loudly, "Ding Hao and his group have been wiped out by the powerful lives of the ancient Hong world after they entered the ancient Hong world! And I Now I am surrendered to the Celestial Rakshas! As long as you are like me and are willing to become the citizens of the Celestial Rakshas, ​​I can bring you into the ancient Hong world!"

"What?" The cultivating gods were dumbfounded, and they didn't expect that this was the case.

On the contrary, all the descendants of the ancient emperor came, "Ancestor, we are willing to follow!"

"Then it's best, you all come out." Ancient Emperor took out his descendants, his eyes shot cruelty, "As for you are not willing to follow me, just want to follow Ding Hao that damn! Okay! , Then I will perfect you and try the foreign exercises I just learned on you!"


Changfeng's work "The Throne of Soldiers" is worth seeing, and those who are short on books can go and see!

(End of this chapter)

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