Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2628: Teacher, Lie!

Chapter 2628 Teacher, Lie!

Chapter 2626 Teacher, Lie!

Just when the ancient emperor wanted to take action against the cultivating gods in the sacred world, the ancient emperor and others just arrived.

"The ancient emperor! In the past 500 years, have you ever thought you have become more and more asshole?" The ancient emperor gritted his teeth and cursed. "If you don’t say that you don’t know the so-called foreigners, you still have to deal with the descendants of the holy world. Shameless?"

The ancient emperor sneered, "Unexpectedly, you who were defeated in the past are still alive! What about Ding Hao's children? When he came to this world, should he wake up? Or is he still stubborn? Like his strength, he is not honest and pretends to be a grandson Sooner or later, they will be ransacked and annihilated!"

The ancient emperor laughed and said, "I let you down! Ding Hao is living well now. Not only has he been promoted to become the King of Hong, but he is also likely to become a disciple of the master of Gu Hong Pagoda! It's better than you, crawling in the sky. The base bones at the feet of Master Brake are too strong!"

"Asshole! You must be talking nonsense!" Ancient Emperor didn't believe it at all.

The Celestial Raksha tribe he admired was in an ancient Hongta, and it was just a powerful life race from the eighth level of the ancient Hongta. They didn't believe that Ding Hao and the others could become the disciples of the ancient Hongta master!

"Don't say anything, see the real chapter under your hand! Ancient Emperor, you traitor to the Protoss, go to death!"

The ancient emperor and the ancient emperor had always been in competition. In the Black Moon Holy Land, the ancient emperor had never been an opponent of the ancient emperor, so the ancient emperor was allowed to control the dark temple and the core of the dark hall! However, the ancient emperor has not been convinced in his heart. Now that he has come to the world of ancient Hong, the ancient emperor has been holding a sigh of breath in his heart, working hard to cultivate, just waiting for this moment!

"The defeated man, let me see what you have cultivated in the past 500 years?"

The ancient emperor was quite satisfied with his five hundred years of cultivation. He hummed and rushed forward and laughed loudly, "Meng Renjia Tianluosha tribe has great favor, let me watch three ancient Hong stone steles in their tribe. Gu Huang, do you have this kind of opportunity? You don't have any!"

While speaking, his palm was pressed from the void, he didn't even need to use a weapon.

In the vast void in front of him, the shadows of the palms were overwhelming, and every palm had the momentum to break everything. Around the body of the ancient emperor, there was a rumbling noise everywhere, as if he was in crisis!

"Okay!" The clansmen in the ancient emperor's house all shouted.

However, just in the midst of this danger, the ancient emperor laughed loudly, "Do you think I can't do this little trick? Ancient emperor, you crawled in front of others, as a cow and a dog. In the end, you only saw three pieces of ancient Hong Stele! And our group of people showed the Gu Hong Stele while standing! And we watched more than 20 Gu Hong Steles in 500 years! You can't even learn what we have learned in these 500 years. Imagine!"

When the ancient emperor said this, his hands slammed forward!


In the starry sky, there seemed to be a huge unnamed barrier, and the palm shadows released by the ancient emperor all hit the unnamed barrier.

Not only that, the ancient emperor smiled faintly on his face, and waved his hand forward magnificently.

This circle of nameless enchantments actually wrapped the ancient emperor and his people in it, trapping them all!

"What? How can you be so strong?" The ancient emperor was stunned and couldn't believe that the ancient emperor who was once a defeated general under his men, now casually hitting an unnamed barrier, could completely trap him to death!

"The ancient emperor, because of these 500 years, you have been seriously out of date!" The ancient emperor sneered and waved his hand again, "Come here! Take down the rebellion of the ancient emperor's sacred world and all his people immediately!"

However, at this moment, the starry sky trembled, as if some huge powerhouse was approaching quickly.

Sure enough, in the starry sky not far away, one after another, tall and powerful men appeared.

All these strong men have the upright figure and the very frightening aura.

Seeing these powerhouses coming, the ancient emperor burst out laughing, "Guhuang, do you know that you are afraid now? The Tianluosha tribe is the true friend of our **** race, they have sent the real strong! In front of the strong, you are nothing at all!"

While speaking, a strong man from the Tianluaksha tribe stood up like a knife and waved his hand to pat it. The nameless barrier formed by the ancient emperor could not withstand the palm of the strongman with Tianluaksha, and he was instantly beaten to dust. Disappear without a trace!

These days, the people of the Raksha tribe are tall and majestic. They besieged the ancient emperor and others, and they can take the lives of the gods at any time!

"The ancient emperor! The Sky Rakshas are very tolerant. If you are also willing to become servants of the Sky Rakshas, ​​you still have a chance to survive!"

The ancient emperor was furious, "Asshole! Our **** race is very noble. Although we are a step late in the world of Guhong, we believe that we will become stronger soon! How can we kneel in front of these evil aliens and become slaves? If that is the case , Our Protoss will never turn back!"

"Then don't blame us for being ruthless!" Ancient Emperor said to the Tianluosha tribe behind, in ancient Hong language, "These low-level tribesmen, they are stubborn, and they are more than guilty. You don't need to give them another chance to kill. !"

The Tianluosha tribe's face suddenly became cold, and they shot with all their strength, and the Protoss faced a catastrophe...

At the same time, Ding Hao had reached the highest point of the main hall on the top of the ancient Hong Pagoda.

When the last stone tablet in front of Ding Hao was also lit, he moved his eyes and finally stood up!

Just after cultivating the ten ancient Hong stone steles in front of him, Ding Hao had no sadness or joy on his face. He had a very deep understanding of this vast and long world!

The origin, birth, prosperity, and demise of Gu Hong, and the powerful techniques of various births, appeared in front of Ding Hao like a billowing river.

"Gu Hong is exactly the same as all the races in this world. All the worlds I have traveled, all the races I have seen, will always grow and live, and will continue to circulate! No change! Although I seem to live forever now, from the infinite development of history, one day, I will also be completely destroyed! This is the operation of the most fundamental law of heaven!"

"Congratulations, you have passed all the examinations and become my fourth disciple!" A deep voice came from the highest window of the highest level of Guhong Tower.

Ding Hao flew out from the window and came outside of the ancient Hong Pagoda, only to see the top of this extremely tall huge stone pagoda. Sitting on the top of this huge stone pagoda was a giant with a deep vision.

"I have seen the teacher!" Ding Hao clasped his fists and stood in front of Lie.

Lie lowered his head to look at Ding Hao, and then said, "According to your qualifications, you are not worthy to be my disciple, but I feel an ancient and noble aura from you, I hope I read it correctly!"

(End of this chapter)

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