Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2629: Strong wish

Chapter 2629 Lie’s Wish

Chapter 2627 Lie's Wish

Ding Hao knew that Lie said that the ancient and noble aura on him must be the aura from ancient times.

But Ding Hao himself didn't know where this breath came from!

Lie said again, "Ding Hao, since you have become my disciple, I will tell you my rules! With me, even if you become my disciple, there is no free lunch! You must complete what I arranged. Only by task can I get the exercises taught by me and some cultivation opportunities I provided!"

"Yes, teacher!" Ding Hao nodded. There is no free lunch in this world.

Lie said again, "Now I will give you the first task! The ancient Hongta where my old adversary is located, the Tianluosha tribe sent to attack the people of your protoss! All you have to do is take this batch of Tianluo Kill the Sas! At that time, according to the completion of the task, I will give you the next training plan!"

"What?" Hearing this, Ding Hao realized that his people were being attacked by the Heavenly Rakshasa.

Even if Lie didn't arrange this task for him, he still had to save his people.

"Teacher, I'm going now!"

Ding Hao raised his hand and released the flying palace he had obtained on the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace. Then, he got into the flying palace and hurried to the altar leading to the sacred world.

But when Ding Hao came here, his eyes were suddenly cracked. In the void, many people from the God Realm had been beheaded, and **** fog was flying all over the sky.

The ancient emperor and other strong men are protecting the young protoss who have just entered the world of ancient Hong, and are constantly retreating, but those strong Rakshasa are pressing step by step, and the encirclement is shrinking and smaller; the ancient emperor takes his tribe to stand Looking at it from afar, the eyes are cold and bitter.

"These **** it!"

Ding Hao's figure rushed out from the flying palace, and the eternal fire in his hand was smashed to death!

When the ancient emperor was in the sacred world, he was called the first person in the dark world, but now who is growing in strength in Ding Hao, he is not Ding Hao's opponent at all!

He watched as Ding Hao slashed over with a single sword. He wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to escape. The Gu Hong power carried by this sword was simply incomprehensible to him!

"No, save me!"

Suddenly, the Rakshasa in those days did not have time to come and rescue him, so he watched the ancient emperor be beheaded by Ding Hao!

In the starry sky of Guhong World, under the sword light, the sacred power in the body of a strong man like Gu Di burst out like a fountain!

After the ancient emperor was beheaded, his power completely disappeared and his will disappeared!

As for the tribesmen left by the ancient emperor, Ding Hao was also unceremonious. He regarded them as rebellious from the gods and pressed them with a big hand to kill them all!

"Arrogant kid! It turns out that you are a disciple of Lie, so I happened to take you down and give it to the master of Guhong Pagoda!" The Tianluosha tribe has a very peculiar ability to sense, and they are all surrounded by Ding Hao's identity. Come up!

"It just happened to help me complete the task!"

On the other side, the ancient emperor **** king and others saw Ding Hao coming and cheered. Everyone had no worries about the future, and they also released their weapons, flanking the Rakshasa back and forth!

In the starry sky, battles were going on everywhere, and tall figures fell one after another!

In the starry sky farther away, three tall figures are watching here.

"The teacher asked us to follow to protect the fourth child, but I didn't expect this kid to have some ability, and it seems that we don't need to take action!"

Lie was worried that Ding Hao alone was not Raksha's opponent these days, so he asked the other three disciples to follow him and protect him secretly.

But now seeing Ding Hao so vigorous, the three of them didn't have to take action, standing in the distance calmly watching the battle.

Soon after, these celestial lords finally found out that they were not rivals, and began to flee to their own ancient Hong Pagoda.

On the way they were escaping, Lie's other three disciples blocked their way, fought Ding Hao back and forth, and killed all these celestial rakshas!

"Thanks to the three seniors! In Xia Ding Hao, I met three seniors!"

Although these three brothers had despised Ding Hao before, everyone is now Lie's disciple, and Ding Hao took the initiative to show his favor to these three.

"You are welcome, I am your big brother Hong Tai."

"I am the enemy!"

"I am Xing Luo!"

Ding Hao greeted these three people, and faintly felt that there was something special in the bodies of these three people.

"Three brothers, how do I feel that there is something in common in your body breath?" Ding Hao asked curiously when everyone returned.

"You are really sensitive!" Senior brother Hong Tai said hehe, "There is such a trace of Gu Hong's blood in the three of us! It should be a noble descendant of Gu Hong!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao suddenly realized, "No wonder the teacher wants to accept you."

Xingluo said, "The teacher also accepts you as a disciple, don't you also have a trace of Gu Hong's blood?"

"I don't have Gu Hong's blood." Ding Hao shook his head and said, "The teacher said that there is a strange blood in my body, but it has nothing to do with Gu Hong!"


The four returned all the way, and everyone was Lie's disciples, and they got along well.

It's just that Ding Hao secretly guessed in his heart that all the four disciples of Lieshou have peculiar bloodlines. What good is this?

In this batch, Ding Hao and the others brought hundreds of cultivating gods from the God Realm. Ding Hao brought them to the fifth level of Guhong Tower for cultivation. These people will stay here for at least 500 years!

When Ding Hao left the God Realm, he made an appointment with the fourth clone of the Dark Saint, and the Black Moon Palace was sealed off for 1,000 years!

In this case, Ding Hao can also practice for another 500 years. When the ancient Hong site opens next time, Ding Hao can return to the God Realm Black Moon Palace and retrieve his wife Leng Xiaoyu!

Bringing his tribe into the fifth floor, Ding Hao did not stop, and continued up the stairs until he reached the top of Guhong Pagoda.

"I have met the teacher, I have completed the task!"

"The task is completed well, the completion rate is 80%." Lie was very satisfied, raised his hand, and threw out two ancient Hong stone steles. "This is for your Protoss, especially those little guys who have just entered the ancient Hong world. The two stone tablets are of great help to them!"

"Thank you teacher." Ding Hao immediately clasped his fists to thank.

Lie nodded and said, "Gu Hong's world is huge and magical. Even at this point, I have only learned part of the content left by Gu Hong! And the more secrets of Gu Hong are the blood left behind in Gu Hong. on!"

"It's just three seniors, is their blood?" Ding Hao asked curiously.

Lie nodded and said, "I also have the blood of Gu Hong in my body. My dream is to reproduce the glory of Gu Hong in the world of Gu Hong! Connecting all worlds, all life races come to worship!"

Ding Hao was a little shocked, "Teacher, that day will definitely come!"

(End of this chapter)

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