Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2631: Map stele

Chapter 2631 Map Stele

Chapter 2629 Map Stone Tablet

The flying palaces dotted with dots are like large galaxies with different shapes, and you can't see the head at a glance.

At this moment, a huge bald figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

This huge figure turned around. It was a powerful life with a blue face and slightly pointed ears. He said, "I am about to retreat for a long time. This time the Guhong Stone Stele competition is not only a feast, but also a selection. Contest! In this competition and perception, the top few will be selected by me to become the management elder! During my retreat, I will have a certain amount of jurisdiction over the ancient Hong Palace!"

Ding Hao understood in their hearts that this powerful being should be the master of this ancient Hong palace!

He is very strong, and the time to retreat must be very long, so before he retreats, he must choose a group of people to manage this huge palace!

Ding Hao's heart was secretly moved. If he himself could become one of the managing elders, then he would have the right to investigate all the appearances and genes living in this palace. In that case, he would be able to find out the race of life from the earth world!

The huge bald figure said, "Next, the competition space is about to open, and you can enter directly after you pay the three stone tablets!"

With the sound of his words, a larger palace in front of him opened!

Every palace here is as huge as the starry sky. When opened, it seems to open a huge black hole in front of everyone!

The tens of thousands of flying palaces that had stopped there quietly are now all activated, rushing towards the huge black hole.

Ding Hao's friend said hello to Ding Hao, "I'm going in!"

After speaking, he saw that the flying palace he was driving turned into a stream of light and rushed into the huge black hole in front of him.

Ding Hao also controlled his flying palace to fly over. When he came nearby, he could feel the flying palace beginning to encounter resistance.

However, it doesn't matter, Ding Hao raised his hand and released three ancient Hong stone steles!

These three stone steles flew out of the flying palace immediately and disappeared into the vast darkness. At the same time, the resistance encountered by the flying palace disappeared instantly!

Whoosh! Ding Hao's flying palace rushed into the black hole in front of him.


"This is the competition area?"

Soon after, the Flying Palace could not move forward, and Ding Hao walked out of his flying palace.

In front of him, thousands of flying palaces converged into a long river, and they all stopped there at the moment, unable to move on.

And beside this long river, a large number of ancient Hong stone steles are looming.

These golden stone steles were contributed by every participant, and part of the palace masters took out among them. The different stone steles recorded different exercises!

"Quickly grab it!" The practitioners of different life races rushed out of their flying palaces and went down to **** the Guhong Stele frantically.

However, these steles are looming, and disappear completely when people approach.

Some cultivators will stay in place, waiting for the stone tablet to reappear; however, if there are too many monks, there will be several cultivators waiting for a stone tablet, so fighting will inevitably occur!

For a time, fighting was happening everywhere on both sides of this long river!

"Gu Hong's world is really cruel, in order to compete for treasure, there is no warmth at all!"

Ding Hao was also rude, and directly released the eternal fire, using his most powerful exercise mana, after urging him, he mercilessly slashed to those foreign races!


Knife light and sword shadow, flying everywhere!

Ding Hao defeated seven or eight opponents, and only then occupied a place and snatched an ancient Hong stele!

A foreign cultivator not far from him suggested, "It is better for us to occupy this area, and each of us will harvest the stele in his territory for a long time! No other cultivators are allowed to compete with us! Otherwise, , We will fight together!"

"Good!" Ding Hao nodded in agreement.

Soon, dozens of cultivators in this area formed a loose alliance, each occupying a small area, waiting for the ancient Hong stele!

As for the other people who came later, don't even think about squeezing into this alliance and rushing into this area!

Everyone waited for a while, and finally the second batch of Guhong steles appeared again!

Ding Hao once again harvested an ancient Hong stone stele. In this way, he has already got back two of the three capital he invested!

Moreover, the exercises recorded on these two pieces were something he hadn't learned before, so it wasn't a loss!

However, the appearance of the ancient Hong stone stele was not regular at all. In this area they controlled, no stone stele appeared again soon.

And importantly, the long river of flying palaces in front of them began to flow again.

So this loose alliance was disbanded immediately, everyone clasped their fists, then released the flying palace again and continued to fly forward!

While the flying palace was moving, Ding Hao sat cross-legged, took out the two stone tablets he had just obtained for practice, and learned the exercises above!

"That's it, these two steles have given me a lot of help!"

The flying palace suddenly stopped again. Ding Hao walked out of it and found that the long river had reached its end. There was a majestic mountain here. The first cultivators had all started to climb this mountain. Looking up, the mountain was densely packed with everything. A cultivator of different life races!

On both sides of this mountain road, there are occasionally one or two ancient Hong stone steles.

Every time after appearing, there will be fierce fighting. The fighting here is very crowded and easy to be attacked by others. Many strong cultivators have no time to escape and are killed on the mountain; some strong cultivators want to occupy a piece. Mountain road, but it was quickly attacked by other people!

"Walking on this mountain road is very dangerous. It is better not to fight with others!"

Ding Hao made up his mind, followed behind, squeezed into the crowd, and climbed the mountain step by step!

Just as he was moving forward, a sword light suddenly appeared in front of him, and a female cultivator fled hurriedly. Following him, a bald-headed strong man chased after him and cursed, "Dare to grab my map." Stele!"

This sword light happened to kill Ding Hao, Ding Hao's expression became angry, he was not prepared to fight here.

But others are about to beheaded to him, he is also rude, taking out the eternal fire in his hand, and hitting the bald-headed man with all his strength!

The sword lights of the two collided with each other, and there was a loud bang. The bald-headed man knew Ding Hao's power, looked at Ding Hao, gave a cold snort, turned his head and left.

The female cultivator was rescued by Ding Hao and immediately bowed to Ding Hao and wanted to leave.

However, Ding Hao still held the eternal fire in his hand and snorted coldly, "I am not trying to save you! I am interested in the map stele in your hand. You leave the map stele behind, and I will let you survive!"

The female cultivator had no choice but to release a golden stone stele. Ding Hao made a big move and looked at this stone stele, and her face was suddenly surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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